10/14/2007 5:42:04 AM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Flint, MI
age: 55
You're one of the GOOD GUYS ....
I read you found someone.. wishing you all the best!!
Hoping it turns into a lifetime of true love!
10/14/2007 5:54:53 AM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
Thank you Shepherd. We are just in the dating stage right now, but my feelings are growing more each time we are together. She is everything I have been wanting.
10/15/2007 8:14:29 PM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Orem, UT
age: 63
Is anyone out there who really wants to meet somebody and have a lasting RELATIONSHIP??
10/15/2007 8:33:59 PM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Kingston, TN
age: 65
hey way to go, love your comment. so true. one nite stands are not only crazy but dangerous. making love is so much more rewarding than sex.
10/15/2007 10:56:22 PM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
AMEN to that way!!
10/16/2007 12:46:09 AM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Akron, IN
age: 59 online now!
I think most people will hit a time in their life when they realize that a relationship is much more important then just sex. When that time comes will be different for most everyone. Some will not realize it until they are on their death bed and alone, but it will come to them.
I think most mature men want a relationship, not just a one night stand. But maturity does not come at a certain age. It is a state of mind that some men may never reach. But most will not reach it until they have been around for a majority of their life.
Then you have women that talk about how they are not interested in older worn out men. They want someone that still has a fire in the burner. Well, is the man has a lot of fire in the oven, then most likely he still enjoys baking a lot. Maybe, if you want more then a one night stand, you might want to look at men that are only set on pilot light or are more a warming oven. In a relationship a warm evening is a lot better then a hot ten minutes.
With the internet, people can do and say a lot of things. Sometimes we paint ourselves in a corner with some of the things we might brag about to people on here. We want to win that pretty lady that said she wanted all these qualities in a man. We might get away with the charade for one or two dates, but then we know we will be found out. The only saving face that is possible is to bail out before that person finds out we playing a role. You might be asking for a lot more then is humanly possible for a man to be.
Then the lady might not be the lady she paints herself out to be. Just as men will believe they still have it at 50 plus, a number of ladies do as well. When we meet up with them, it turns out to be just as much a charade as we displayed if not more. So we just disappear in the woods, never to be hear of again. You might want to revisit the qualities you are claiming to possess.
I would say if you are meeting a lot of men with only one thing on their mind, you might want to think about the kind of men you are dating. Do you look for younger men because men in your age group can not keep up with you? I see a lot of ladies profiles that have a upper age limit only a year of two above theirs but twenty years below. Sometimes they aren't even interested in someone their own age. Do you date men because they promise you cruises and tropical vacations? Lots of ladies claim in their profile they are ready to party and enjoy the life they missed raising their kids. Most mature men are pass the party side of life and want a woman that enjoys a good homelife. They want the warm night, not the hot ten minutes.
So before you put the whole gender down for being one minded, think about why you are attracting these kind of men. The problem might be closer to home then you think.
Of course, just my opinion.
10/16/2007 1:50:59 AM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Middletown, OH
age: 54
Chucky_t, your reply is so accurate. Everyone matures at different times in their lives and some, not until it's too late. An expression I heard a few years ago that makes alot of sense is the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. That can be applied to every area of our lives.
10/16/2007 5:15:16 AM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Clarksville, TN
age: 42
NOT all of us are just looking for a one night stand! You would be surprised in the women that I have ran into, who are looking for the same thing or someone to fill the void while hubby is over in Iraq.
Me myself if I can't meet one who is in it for the long haul,then she can keep on moving!!!
10/16/2007 9:34:41 AM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Duncan, OK
age: 67
When I made the statement about" buying the bull" .....I was not talking about a one night stand but refering to a "long term relationship" . No, I dont do one night stands and being in the health care field , I am very much aware of STDS and about protection, probably more than most.
10/16/2007 10:25:02 AM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Now I've read every body's comments here and I'm confused as to how you say it's what you are looking for when you get those one-night stand guys. I really don't believe that. If you say you're looking for a long term relationship, then that's what you're looking for, not just 10 minutes of excitement or a one night and thank you. My first marriage was the pits and a waste of thirty years but my second one was everything that my first one wasn't in every aspect. He was twelve years older than me and still twice the man as my ex was and though there were more warm moments than hot he definitely knew me. We took care of each other and built the relationship. I feel at this stage of my life I don't make excuses for wanting a one-woman/one-man kind of relationship; at least while we are dating. Everybody is looking for different things and you have to be honest enough to say to yourself is that what I want too. In other words don't be judgemental. I've fallen for some guys that I thought wanted what I wanted only to find out they didn't and had to end relationships because of it.
10/16/2007 2:12:55 PM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
I think most of the women on here ( at our age) are pretty smart and can figure these guys out quickly. I know that I can. But.. every once in awhile, ya gonna get one who is smooth enough to pull a fast one
10/16/2007 2:55:18 PM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
One night stands or for one legged fools.
Not being a women. The first thing that popped in to my head was.. Maybe I need to look inside myself, why I was a one night stand...
That the biggest problem I have found with long distance relationship, things get rushed!!!!
You don't really get to know someone, but you want them to come back.
Later, Blu
10/16/2007 4:29:35 PM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
BINGO Blu I think you just hit on something there.  
10/16/2007 4:33:35 PM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
You can find local relationships can get rushed just as easily
10/16/2007 4:37:17 PM |
The one nite stand guy's on here.. |

Flint, MI
age: 55
The thing that shocks me, is reading
that some people pack up and move across
the country, to move in with someone they just
know on-line. How dangerous is that? 