10/15/2007 7:05:12 PM |
aches and pains. |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
well ive had lower back pain since my first back injury back in 83,now ive been havin chest pains that come and go,dr made me take a stress test (treadmill and pics of heart) so now he tells me i have some kind of damage to the lower part of my heart,going to see a heart speacilist in a few days,and im only 50.had a mild heart attack back when i was 37 after driving truck 39 hrs straight,so maybe this is related to that. aint gettin old fun! it aint fer sissy's,i can tell you that.
10/15/2007 7:17:08 PM |
aches and pains. |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
I have tight muscles in my lower back which is a pain in da butt lol
Right knee aches when the weather gets cold. A horse fell on me and popped it out of place
Right shoulder aches when the weather gets cold. Broke it when I went over the head of a horse when he bucked lol
10/15/2007 10:38:58 PM |
aches and pains. |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
Don't even get me started on this subject. I feel like I could write a book.
I am so mad right now an X girl friend stole my pain meds last night and I am in awful pain and my dr is a pain specialist will not refill even with police report until I see him and can't till Nov 1st. So it is going to get ugly around me the rest of month.
I wish the butcher that did my kneee surgery had this thing under his ass! 
10/16/2007 12:32:46 AM |
aches and pains. |

Flint, MI
age: 55
We're here for you "Lost".
You're so right though..getting older can
be very scrary at times (especially when it
comes to the heart). Try to stay positive, ok.
I also was forced to take a Stess Test 5 years ago.
I had chest pains. So far they have only found
the start of heart disease. (More than likely caused
by having high blood pressure for years, and not knowing it).
Let us know how you're doing ok?
10/16/2007 12:37:24 AM |
aches and pains. |

Flint, MI
age: 55
Oh Pk. how awful.. wish I could help somehow.
She wasn't much of a friend was she.. 
10/16/2007 12:38:20 AM |
aches and pains. |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
thanks shep,was put on BP meds at age 23 and quit drinkin and doin hard drugs then too. been dealin with my BP along time.thanks agin.
10/16/2007 12:44:56 AM |
aches and pains. |

Flint, MI
age: 55
Oh wow.. that's a long time.
Have you been watching it all these years?
I tend to forget to check mine, and when I finally
do.. it always seems to be high.
Have you been on the same kind of pills all this time?
10/16/2007 12:55:25 AM |
aches and pains. |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
longest med ive taken is procardia xl.most quit working after a few months and they have to change em over and over to find one that works.had both numbers in the triple digits a few times. got the high bp from my dad,docs said its heredatery from my dads side.(native american) i forget to take mine some times. im on three differnt bp meds now.3 in the am and one at night.
[Edited 10/16/2007 12:56:00 AM]
10/16/2007 1:01:20 AM |
aches and pains. |

Flint, MI
age: 55
Same with me ... the pills just don't work after a few months.
I have a feeling you might have a little
heart damage because of it.
Nothing to worry about though..
Just have to do what the Doctors say, to keep
it from getting worse. Try not to worry.. only makes it worse.
When I went in for my Stress Test.. my BP was 186/110 ..lol
they were in shock. gave me some pills and told me to go home.
Had to go back at a later date.
10/16/2007 1:19:26 AM |
aches and pains. |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
it all just gets a lil agravating,3 bp meds one pain med one muscle relaxer and now i gotta carry nitro pills and dr said im goin diabetic so no more suger.some days i feel like tossin them all in the crapper and hikein up to a cave and just waitin for the end.lol
10/16/2007 1:26:54 AM |
aches and pains. |

Flint, MI
age: 55
Now you stop talking like that!!!
We have to remember that millions and millions
of other people, have it so much worse.
Stay strong ... I don't want to have to come
out there and kick your butt...lol
I have a brother in Colorado.. I'll just have him
do it.
10/16/2007 1:30:36 AM |
aches and pains. |

Flint, MI
age: 55
Actually I guess my brother won't be any help.
He'd probably sit in that cave with you.
He wants to go out... being ate by a bear.
10/16/2007 1:40:25 AM |
aches and pains. |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
was just a thought,have been thankin about the herbal route tho,ive got some of my dads herbal books and have gotten a few of my own too but my Dr advises me aginst it.
10/18/2007 7:15:33 AM |
aches and pains. |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
My body may wear out but I will never allow my spirit to wane. When the pain comes I reach for the Motrin and try to keep going. It's when we give up that we get where we can't do any more. Keep smiling.
10/18/2007 7:48:47 AM |
aches and pains. |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 69
I did not run across this thread until I had posted a thread on "Being under 50 again". I am not goint to retype what I wrote, but was interested in the Smiley icons were used, same as I selected. I had a very healthy life style, with little more than a headache now and then. It seems that the last 6 months, that everything is going to pot from my neck down to my toes, can't hardly walk any more. Doctor said, something about bone degeneration. That is common among 70 year olds, so what is your beef?. Why do you want pain pills?. My explanation was that it seemed like it has occured overnight, and went from one extreme to another at a rats race, not gradual. I can empathise with you folks and how you feel, my wife had a brain tumor for years, my parents had cancer, and they suffered a long time.
Maybe we should start a thread on Euthanasia, and make it legal. I know, I will end up in Hell, if I take my own life. Some days, I think it can't be any worse physically. I have a lot of time lately and spend it watching TBN, and listen to various ministers of different denominations. John Hagee, Robert Schuller, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Rob Parsley to name a few men. There are ladies also. Joyce Meyer, Paula White. After listening to them for a few weeks and comparing what I have done in my life, and the way I am living now. I am going to HELL anyway, so what the heck.