12/11/2008 2:00:08 AM |
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Palmer, AK
36, joined Aug. 2008
This Group needs more interaction. We alaskans are very quite. Create new threads and make conversation, so wonder we don't meet each other.....
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/11/2008 5:29:10 PM |
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Wasilla, AK
58, joined May. 2008
i'll say hello to you .i can't email you because i'm not in your age bracket but i am friendly.just recently returned after 5yrs gone . so glad to be back , there's no place like home !i bet i could show you around some if you'd like a new friend
12/11/2008 11:50:35 PM |
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Palmer, AK
36, joined Aug. 2008
Glad you said Hi. THanks for the invite to "show me around" but I've lived here 14r years kinda know my way and that did sound a little creepy if you meant it to or not. Anyway I'm just trying to get the people from Alaska to actually talk to each other on here.
12/12/2008 11:42:13 AM |
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Wasilla, AK
58, joined May. 2008
gothca , i'm not creepy at all . i just misunderstood you .
12/12/2008 12:54:36 PM |
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Palmer, AK
36, joined Aug. 2008
no problem tom, I wasn't triing to insult you. Let's get these people talking on here.
12/15/2008 6:29:26 PM |
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Wasilla, AK
58, joined May. 2008
well doll , just like you misunderstood me ,or thought my ' hello ' was creepy , i think many poeple are afraid of what you 1st thoght of me . maybe
12/15/2008 6:43:27 PM |
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Palmer, AK
36, joined Aug. 2008
maybe that's true, but i have talked to a few Alaskan via e-mail on here and even met two of them. They seem to want to get to know people or find someone to date but this is a chat room and I quess we just don't want to talk to each other. The thread that got the biggest responce was about your favorite thing about your spot of alaska. We are so used to being isolated that here is a chat room and nobody wants to actually chat????
12/15/2008 7:14:28 PM |
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Sardis, MS
84, joined Aug. 2008
well doll , just like you misunderstood me ,or thought my ' hello ' was creepy , i think many poeple are afraid of what you 1st thoght of me . maybe
Not sure about the "doll" label. Like a Barbie doll? A Cabbage Patch doll? What sort of doll? Which leads to the question, "If you were a doll, what sort of doll would you be?" For myself, I might be a "Tickle Me Elmo" doll...
[Edited 12/15/2008 7:17:04 PM ]
12/15/2008 9:37:50 PM |
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Palmer, AK
36, joined Aug. 2008
I would be the "chatty Kathy doll" I think
12/18/2008 10:26:11 PM |
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Wasilla, AK
58, joined May. 2008
anybody remember that stretch armstrong doll ? that's how i feel most of the time .funny topic
1/3/2009 10:25:40 PM |
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Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008

2/17/2009 9:00:12 AM |
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Manley Hot Springs, AK
61, joined Sep. 2008
The trouble is when I'm home at my Alaska place there's no time for this chat stuff.Most people don't even have electricity much less internet access.It seems mostly city types on here.Up where I live I don't know of any single men.There's so many women up there we don't really need to be on these. I'll get a dish put in when I get home to get internet mostly for bussiness though.Been outside 3 long years now & can't wait to get back in June.My son is back on his first leave from Iraq now & goes back in the morning. I sold my investment place in Mo a few months ago & got a big camper for my truck & campin out checkin out places till the ferry runs again. Allways meet alot of single women on the ferry goin up too.We call it the Alaska love boat,lol. Most are commin up to find that guy who lives in the bush & off the land. & that's me,lol. That's why there's not many single guys in the bush. Unless there's something wrong with them.
5/8/2009 12:25:04 AM |
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Arlington, TX
59, joined Dec. 2008
Hello all, from one pisces to another, sometimes it hard to find anything to say, especially when people like to judge you, before they get to know you" thats why i enjoy reading what some of these chat people say, It seems that unless your a successful person nobody wants to meet you,date, or chat for that matter" for instance,I spoke with several people on line, and the min they found out i was liveing at my daughters for now, and was out of work, but serching, and recently doing on line schooling, they just blew me off, thats ok tho" i keep serching, but dont expect miracles you know" I do how ever say hello once in a while, and im a great person with lots of problems in my life but i dont ask people to deal with them , Im a big girl i can handle my owne,but people out there< please dont judge a person before you really know them" you may just miss out on the best person you may ever know. Thanks for listening. Robin grandmother of five beautiful kids.
5/29/2009 12:33:22 AM |
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Fairbanks, AK
41, joined Apr. 2008
Well after 8 years of being gone I am back in the 49Th
7/27/2009 7:06:36 AM |
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McComb, MS
48, joined Jul. 2009
good morning 
8/27/2009 1:38:42 AM |
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Anchorage, AK
47, joined Jun. 2009
I opened my door at 5:15 am on my way to the gym. I was not paying attention...just running out the door and practically ran into an a** of a moose that was eating from my flower bed. She turned around and looked at me...I stepped back inside. It took a few minutes of me making noise to get her to move so I could leave for my workout!
What a way to wake up in the morning~!! 
8/28/2009 6:43:47 AM |
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Tok, AK
50, joined Aug. 2009
More talking would be nice. Can anyone tell me how to post pictures on here? In the chat box? Also looking for musicians of any talent prefrebly a washtub bassist, fiddler and guitarist. Going to pass time this winter putting togather a cd and doing some shows. Just for fun. It will be a semi serious/comedy act involing many genres of music. Honestly I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket but I love to play and have fun. So anyone wanting to play and have fun this winter and mayhaps make a few bucks selling earplugs. Yes earplugs they sell like hotcakes at my shows! Drop me a line.
9/2/2009 11:25:13 AM |
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Tok, AK
50, joined Aug. 2009
UUMMM We going to have more talking?

Come Alaskans talk!!! 
9/7/2009 3:31:22 PM |
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Fairbanks, AK
26, joined Sep. 2009
Yes this group totally needs more talking..haha Im moving to fairbanks in 2 weeks..never been there before..
Whats it like? Whats there?

9/7/2009 6:58:12 PM |
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Manley Hot Springs, AK
61, joined Sep. 2008
Fairbanks is the place to be if you need the city. The weather is much nicer than down south.There's everything in Fairbanks now. Home Depot, Sam's Club, Walmart, Fred Myers, Lowes, etc etc. Everything ya need is there now. I'm 150 miles NW of Fairbanks & that's where I come down to to get supplies etc.It's not as crowded up & big city like Anchorage is. Alot more laid back like the rest of the interior. People are better too. I'm in Arizona now gettin a trailer load of stuff. Headed out to the ferry in the mornin. Can't wait to get back. Even a short visit seems too long to be outside,lol.
[Edited 9/7/2009 7:04:02 PM ]
9/9/2009 10:33:56 PM |
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Fairbanks, AK
26, joined Sep. 2009
Thats good all those places are there now. Im not much of a city girl. I LOVE the country. Im going to be living in a cabin 20 miles out in the middle of nowhere..no running water and no electricty.. Im pretty excited actually! Except for the bears..lol
9/10/2009 7:28:07 AM |
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Vernal, UT
61, joined Jan. 2008
Hey kid,you better bring a very warm blanket.while Fairbanks gets in the 80s and 90s during the summer,it stays at 30 to 50 below all winter and with no electricity or running water you make sure ya got plenty of firewood,,,GOOD LUCK
9/13/2009 10:06:51 PM |
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Fairbanks, AK
26, joined Sep. 2009
haha Yeah, So I've heard. I'll be fine. I am def going to be a wood cutting FOOL for awhile! 
9/18/2009 6:13:12 AM |
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Aliso Viejo, CA
65, joined Sep. 2009
dont remember that many trees arround fairbanks
9/20/2009 7:06:31 AM |
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Tok, AK
50, joined Aug. 2009
haha Yeah, So I've heard. I'll be fine. I am def going to be a wood cutting FOOL for awhile! 
Buy firewood and hire a kid to stack it...its so much easier!!! 
10/12/2009 11:45:59 PM |
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Hubbardston, MA
53, joined May. 2009
wow.. definetly need more talking here.. need any imported chatters?
Equal opportunity chatter here..
HEy MANdo..
10/12/2009 11:53:02 PM |
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Vernal, UT
61, joined Jan. 2008
anytime you wanna talk call me.....
10/12/2009 11:57:12 PM |
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Hubbardston, MA
53, joined May. 2009
oh i would be so reversing those charges lol
hey there.. that would be one long distance phone call..
holy crap!! FAll River mass? I LIve like an hour away from there.. truly a small world.
[Edited 10/12/2009 11:59:01 PM ]
10/12/2009 11:59:17 PM |
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Tok, AK
50, joined Aug. 2009
I will call ya jj I am getting eyesores from typing!
10/13/2009 12:00:55 AM |
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Tok, AK
50, joined Aug. 2009
oh i would be so reversing those charges lol
hey there.. that would be one long distance phone call..
holy crap!! FAll River mass? I LIve like an hour away from there.. truly a small world.
I was borned in Lynn mass! So what happens now the saying is lynnlynn city of sin never come out the way you went in....what happens to ya when your borned there
10/13/2009 12:00:57 AM |
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Hubbardston, MA
53, joined May. 2009
roflmao... mando darling.. its time for me to slam the pillows.. remember im 4 hours ahead of you.. will be talking to ya tomorrow..   
10/13/2009 12:01:25 AM |
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Tok, AK
50, joined Aug. 2009
Night sweetheart

10/13/2009 12:04:03 AM |
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Hubbardston, MA
53, joined May. 2009
night hon.. have a great night and be safe..
10/13/2009 1:00:41 AM |
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Vernal, UT
61, joined Jan. 2008
ever heard of Fall River ?
10/13/2009 2:54:38 PM |
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Hubbardston, MA
53, joined May. 2009
yes i have.. responded in the other threat.. I live about an hrs from there.. small world.