5/19/2007 7:59:32 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Augusta, ME
age: 24
i dont call my self a religious person but i have a personal relationship with My GOd and the son Jesus christ who set me free from hell on earth that i was facing with! i had no hope with in my self to live and religion didnt save me or no man saved me it was Jesus christ that saved me when i called on him and his power set me free and gave me hope! and peace that passes all understanding in my mind! i believe in hell and heaven cause my God is a god of love but he is also a God of justice and i dont no about u but i dont want to serve a GOd that has no justice and punishment to people who make kids have sex in child pornography and sell them kill them and all the hellish evil things people do on this earth!! they all derserve some kind of punishment!! and i do to cause i am a sinner to but not so sick and evil like thoughs people i discribed! we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of GOd and we need to be saved and made righteous anuff to go to heaven and jesus paid are fine for sin for us! so we wouldnt have to go to hell!! for GODS LOVE ENDURES FOREVER!!! THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS OUR SAVIOR!!
5/19/2007 10:37:19 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Temecula, CA
age: 21
I am very religious. I believe in God and thank him for sending his one and only son to die on the cross for not just my sins, but for everyones sins! And that on the third day Jesus rose from his grave and is alive forever more!! Amen!!! God is so wonderful and awesome!!! I will praise him till the end of days! Jesus is always there and he loves everyone! All you have to do is acknowledge that he died on the cross and rose again, believe that he is alive and that he is Lord of all, and confess your sins to him and you shall be saved and have everlasting life!!! Thank you Lord for everything!!! May God be with you and bless you and your family!
5/29/2007 9:43:43 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Memphis, TN
age: 23
I'm religious but my beliefs can't be define by one type of faith. I was born and raised Catholic, but lately I have discovered that Catholicism is too conservative for me (at least as it is practiced in the United States. Catholicism in South America and Africa is much more liberal). I minored in religious studies and college and found Hinduism and Jainism to be very interesting. While I would most likely never become Hindu I feel their approach towards other religions is what Jesus was trying to convey in the New Testament. This is supported by scholars who believe Jesus may have spent much of his younger years (ya know that whole time period between 12 and 30 haha) in India studying in the Himalayas after visiting the Gangetic valley. If you study Christianity and Hinduism in depth you'll notice the vast similarities. I feel that while I'm Christian in the aspect that I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, my beliefs differ from maintstream Christianity in that I am tolerant and accepting of other religions as a path to salvation. There is more than one path to heaven/nirvana/moksha/whatever you want to call it.
5/29/2007 10:50:36 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Palisade, CO
age: 40
you know what you get when you cross a dyslexic, an agnostic, and an insomniac?........... someone who lays awake wondering if there really is a dog.. sorry, it was just so HEAVY in here!
5/31/2007 11:26:51 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Augusta, ME
age: 24
I am a christian and a real christ follower not a christ talker, but i believe Jesus is the only way to heaven! people say thier are other ways to get to heaven by other beliefs but they are wrong because it is not biblical. i used to belief that to but until i studied it my self and read more of the bible. Jesus said i am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me (John 14:6. ) Jesus also said the evil one is here to steal,kill and destroy but i have come so u may have life and have life more abundantly! he didnt say i have come so u my have religion, he said life! jesus literally saved my life from depression drugs and daily suicide attempts! i was living in misery but jesus set me free when i called on him! and he set my friends free that were oppressed and hooked on bad drugs! Jesus is the only one that can forgive sins he shedded his blood for us! and rose again the the third day! he had no sin! and buddha admitted that he was a sinner and mohamed did to and Jesus is the only one out of all the religions to claim that he was without sin and that he was righteous! and he was victories death and the grave by ressurrecting on the third day! witch no man did besides Jesus! He that had no sin became sin for us so we can be forgiven by his love and grace, witch is his Holy blood! and that makes him the Messiah the son of GOD! who i love and will love forever! study it for your selfs peeps its not that hard!!!! i love all of u and we all no Jesus does! peace out yall!
5/31/2007 3:44:25 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
6/1/2007 8:30:42 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Palisade, CO
age: 40
honest to cosmic muffin, organized religion is just a way to profit off conscience. that's what truth is we ALL have a little god and a little devil in us.... the best analogy i can come up with is the 2 lil guys sittin on yer shoulder whispering in your ear, theres right and theres wrong, and human beings(excluding the occasional sociopath, or TV evangelist) instinctively know right from wrong. DO NOT BUILD TEMPLES IN MY NAME! so sayeth the muffin. raised southern baptist so let the debate begin, i can hold my own in ANY theological discourse.
6/2/2007 2:13:13 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Lompoc, CA
age: 43
I am not a religious person. I was raised in a atheist home. I do believe in the creator. To me the creator is not in a church or in a bible or collection dish the creator is in your heart. I feel everyone has the right to believe in whatever religion they practice I just respect what people believe in but I dont have to agree with what they believe in!
6/3/2007 2:10:44 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
I am as I was created to be. I can be no more....I can be no less.....in time, I will be no more. I am superior to none. I am beholden to none. I appreciate the life and loves that I have been priviledged with. I am a part of the world like it or not. Just because I refuse to bow is no reason to cast judgement. Some people are sheep (GREAT ANALOGY) I am not. I refuse the idea of being indicted because I refused to join the herd. I am not a sheep.............I am Krupa.......good enough for me....let your gods decide how best to deal with my unrepentant ass. I am sure god will figure it out. Until then, Not exactly sure why we.....mankind.... cannot be friends.
6/3/2007 2:46:22 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Conyers, GA
age: 19
That's the comical aspect to religion..when people convince themselves theirs is the right one and all the others are mistaken. "Well the bible says.." I stop listening when I hear that used to justify claims that certain religions are incorrect. The bible is a damn book. Whether there is a god or not is irrelevant in the discussion of the bible and religion. Just supposing that the bible is truly the word of god, would it not have had to have been translated from another language into the english version that so many read? You're getting your beliefs on life from a book that is supposedly the word of god translated?
There may be a god. There may not be. None of us know, especially those who claim they do. They're the most confused of us all.
To the original question, no I am not religious. I personally feel it is a waste of time and unnecessary. You can believe in a higher power without conforming to a set of rules that someone tells you that you need to believe. The way I see it, if there is a god and an afterlife, he doesn't care at all about religion. Those who would reach the desirable afterlife would be good people..with chosen faiths not factored in at all. What kind of god would discriminate based on religion?
6/3/2007 3:51:05 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Speak it RUIN!!!!!!!
6/3/2007 8:43:03 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 43
Ruin, you have a point. Most folks just go by the king james version of the Bible.
I have explored this at depth. the most intelligent, true translations, that are taken from original text and explained in the english language can be found at the following web site : www.worldwideuniveristynetwork.com
Dr. Scott and his wife are very good at translation of text, without the twists and turns so many organized religions take.
I was raised baptist. I changed faiths when I left home. Then I met a friend that introduced me to the Scott's. They also have a tv program and a radio show.
If you really seek the truth of the text then check that out.
6/5/2007 10:17:59 AM |
Are you Religious? |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
Remember, Satan was once an angel in heaven too. We certainly won't be seeing him in heaven. Read the Left Behind series. It's fiction but Biblically based. When i read the books I went back and checked out the scripture references.
6/6/2007 8:14:45 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 43
Sunshine, You are very correct about Satan being the fallen angel. Good suggestion to read the Left Behind series. It would get just about anyone to thinking. Very good. thanks.
6/6/2007 12:52:48 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Conway, AR
age: 43
This will most likely be an unpopular view,but I am going to say it anyway.
First let me say yes I believe in GOD.
Do I believe in the modern church? NO
To me they are all 2 faced. This is what I mean by that. Most modern christians go to church and claim "I believe in GOD" but Then go out climb into their 20 or 30 thousand dollar car and go out to eat. Then go home to their $90,000 dollar + house and sit in their A/C with a cold beer and watch some guys beat the crap out of each other on their bigscreen TV. There are people who do not have food to eat,much less an expensive car to drive or someone to cook their food. I mean someone who truly believes in even such a GOD as described in their "translated bible" should drive the most economical car as they possibly can and live in as small of a house as they can and give the rest to a reputable charity to those here in our own country as well as those abroad who don't have the money to buy a bag of rice. Some soothe their concience by giving a few dollars for a local charity or maybe a food bank at their church,but it amounts to little compared to what they keep. Yet they call themselves children of GOD and think they will go to heaven.
Don't get me wrong here,I'm not perfect. Far from it. But if I see someone in need you can bet your ass I will do what I can to help. Even if it means that I can't get that new car I want, or a bigger house. I also believe in the saying " if you give a man a fish you feed him for a day,if you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime" I don't believe in handouts to someone who spends all their money on drugs then can't feed their children. But I believe in feeding the children.
It's difficult path and it is easy to end up on a false one. There are so many flase ones. But if you have someone point out the correct one to you and you stay on the path you are on, well then you have truly sinned.
I look forward to hearing some of the replies to this one lol.