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6/6/2006 8:43:47 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Astoria, NY
age: 65
Nor do I. My family believed in Nature, we are blended together. Respect all living creatures, they might not be able to talk like us but they do understand.
7/24/2006 2:36:52 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Ogden, UT
age: 43
I don't worship any dieties. But If I did, I would select the Old Ones. Particularly Yog SoThoth, and Cthulhu. Now that would be cool if they existed!
7/24/2006 6:16:08 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Hemet, CA
age: 57
I believe in a Superior Being, I think all religions are on the right road, perhaps just taking different paths. I am not a Bible thumper, but believe if I stick to the Ten Commandments, I can't go wrong!
8/16/2006 7:03:32 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Provo, UT
age: 33
I am very Relligious and would half to totally agree with you?
I think relligon is very emportant and found that my relligon is my life?
8/24/2006 6:16:43 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Springfield, IL
age: 43
i swear there aint no heaven, and i pray there aint no hell
8/27/2006 10:17:40 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Tampa, FL
age: 58
A direct answer: No, I am not religious.
The explanation: **Religion is what a person conceives who God(supreme being) is.
**Because Religion is a human perception of deity, therefore, you
may have as many Religions as there may be humans!....
**Religion, in general is the effort of a human being to reach to
an entity that he/she thinks is the ultimate first, most powerful,
**There could only be one truth to every entity, but there could be
many lies. All Religions may be false, but more than one cannot be
true. Truth is absolute, and if you absolutely say that there is no
such thing as an absolute truth, than how would you convince us to
absolutely trust, that what you say is true?
**An Etheist, by the way, have a belif system. He/she believes to be
this being called god. Why? An Etheist absolutely declares that there
is NO GOD, therefore declaring self to have the power to determine
this not considering any other factors such as scientific, historical,
archeological, medical, or astronomical.
**A real Christian, however, which is what the fuss is all about.....
is one that recognizes that there was a begginning, and there shall be
an end. God always existed, and will always exist, therefore, life as
we are presently experiencing, and as was experienced for thousands
of years before us according to History, Astronomy, and Archeology;
is the creation of this GOD. He also holds life together that it runs
according to a system (design). Watch the seasons, rain, huricanes,
the plants, tiny seeds that produce big trees of the same kind, and
provide more seeds to make more of the same....consider the DNA, and
the human formula, and how each human being is unique. The story is
explained in the Bible,which starts by the phrase "In the begginning,
GOD CREATED the heaven and the earth...".
**This generation has tougher time about everything. I agree....what do
you expect? there are no parameters, relativism makes all people right
about the same thing, even though they have opposing views, right is
wrong, and wrong is right even with politicians, or religious leaders.
looks are deceiving: you could be a kid, but look like an adult.
You could be a man, but look like a woman, say you are a
Christian but act like the devil, You say you like truth, but seem
to be excitted about what is not factual, or proven error......
But, be cheerful, if you want the Truth, persue it, take note of
opposing views, and be truthful at least by yourself, and for yourself
**A little secret: God placed Consiouce in each human being. He also
provided Nature to tell us about Him, and History including fulfilled
prophecies to declare truth. Ignoring, mocking, joking, pressuring...
may work to silence these voices that can help answer your question
along time, but will not change the truth of the matter, nor would
they stop that search. For our desire is to find our origin, and there
to rest in fellowship, therefore, we can't get peace until we know.
9/28/2006 3:01:41 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Hilo, HI
age: 47
Jesus said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. in Matthew 22:39 and called it a commandment in v:40
Jesus warned about false religion; Mark 7:6-8 ....This people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, Howbeit in vain do they worship me, TEACHING for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of GOD, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD IS LOVE.
Beloved let us love one another, for love is of GOD and everyone that loveth is born of GOD and knoweth GOD. He that loveth not, knoweth not GOD; for GOD is love. 1 John 4:7,8 THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD IS LOVE.
You can be considered a religious person without love; by people that will die. But the judge commanded love.
[Edited 9/28/2006 3:02:53 PM]
9/28/2006 10:02:11 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Antioch, CA
age: 44
Ok now ya done it im addressing religion.
Has anyone noticed that more and more churches being built come fully equiped with a gift shop? Come on people wake up. Religion is a way for some people to have a career so they can control others that need to be told what to do!
The first thing every religion takes away from us is the one thing that is so special that God gave us. Freedom of choice! nolonger do you listen to the spirit of God inside you instead you have to fit in with what someone else tells you you are suppose to do and you now have given away that which was most special.
$800 a day body guards for a preacher and he has 4 ya the Junilee crowd folks but all of em enter into it as a career, they were suppose to spread the word by example not as a living?
God Spirits the balance between posetive and negative energies cannot be denied to exsist.
I agree with the religion is for those afraid of hell and spirituality is for those that have been there. control of the masses through fear, the biggest bullys and yet because they dont directly assault anyone its left unnoticed.
Those that have been through hell and have made it through by the grace of God and tenacity nolonger fear and cannot be controlled. They are eye witnessed to the hypocracy of religious people that stood by or worse when really they could have used some of that religious humanity often spoken of yet seldom witnessed.
11/17/2006 1:27:44 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Fresno, CA
age: 38
I grew up in former Soviet Union. We were taught that religion is an opium for people's brains. It was a forbidden fruit to learn about it. Because it was forbidden, of course, I had to look into I guess, I looked too much into everything that has to do with religion, compared several of them and concluded it doesnt meet my standards and demands. I have never been a happier person until after I quit my connection with religion. There is an old Jewish story that concludes: If you dont know how good your life is right now, then buy a goat and bring it inside the house where you
11/17/2006 5:36:13 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
Finally, someone that understands goats! 
11/17/2006 6:27:18 AM |
Are you Religious? |

Whittier, CA
age: 55
Sell her one! You know the one that pees all over?
[Edited 11/17/2006 6:27:46 AM]
11/17/2006 12:49:16 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Hemet, CA
age: 57
The PERFECT match...ROFL 
11/17/2006 3:09:41 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Washington, DC
age: 46
I'm afraid she's got my goat.
11/17/2006 7:49:18 PM |
Are you Religious? |

Reading, MI
age: 42
All you have to do is read john 3:16 and it will tell you the greastest gift ever given to man.
11/20/2006 3:25:04 PM |
Are you Religious? |

United Kingdom
age: 28
Well i am a pagan.
I beleive in the goddess and god, but the goddess being the greater and more powerful of the two.
but most of all, i beleive the power to change things in my life is within myself so there for i worship myself. i also worship Nature and the elements. i beleive that with out the four elements we won't be able to survive.
there's a bit more to it than that but i have tried to put it simply.