Sherrill, NY
53, joined Apr. 2007
i never thought these sites actually worked but i have met a really terrific man on here (shyguy62) we met 4 months ago and it has been the most amazing time of my life. I have recently been done with a 21 year relationship and never thought i would find love again after all i have been through and i decided for a last resort i was gonna try one of these sites and i am so glad i did. Bob means everything to me and have helped me through so much I beleive he is my soulmate.
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

Appleton, WI
62, joined Oct. 2007
Well congratulations..Im so happy for you..

Toledo, OH
61, joined Jun. 2007
I only went on site to make friends, couriosity, write another paper, continue books, and do research. Little did I know that God would answer a prayer. I am and ever shall be happy with this man I was blessed with. Thank God. Thank The Great Spirit. Hey, let's just thank 'The Great Pumpkin' too, being as I am in the seasonal spirit. I have moved over 1100 miles to be with him after hundreds of hours on phone, e-mail, site and all. This is a success story. My only love before was killed by a drunk driver. That car wreck happened over 25 years ago just one week before we were to be married. Thought that was it for me. Not. This is true and I loved my fiance' then, still to this day, and I love this man that has graced my being, now and forever, whom for some, know around here. Yes this is my life be continued...

[Edited 10/24/2007 3:43:56 PM ]
Sherrill, NY
53, joined Apr. 2007
i am sorry about your loss but am happy that you have met that special someone on here to