4/21/2009 6:53:14 AM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
Sorry I haven't been on all that much lately. My Mother is quite sick, in fact this may be it. On Feb 1st she had a stroke which incapacitated her completely, right down to not being able to eat or drink (if she has any nourishment, it has to be puried and the water thickened so it doesn't go into her lungs). Her meds were taken away on Feb 25th (her request, living will) and on Sunday last, she had a heart attack. Her heart stopped but she was given oxygen and she rallied once again.
So, I am just waiting to hear the word. And when I do I will be gone from here for about a week I guess.
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4/21/2009 8:34:38 AM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Grande Prairie, AB
63, joined Dec. 2008
That is sad to hear about your mom. It's not even remotely comforting to hear that we all have to go some time. When it is a loved one we want to have them around forever.
Does she live nearby you?
I had met a guy who is now 65 and during our many long talks, he has stated that if he died tomorrow, he would have lived a long happy life. He often has gotten emotional about how god a life he has had and how blessed he has been. How many of us can say that? I sure can't.
So maybe, Ima, this is the case for your mom. She has lived a great life. I hope she has shared her stories with you.
You and her will be in my thoughts in the coming days.
Keep us apprised, ok?
4/21/2009 6:11:33 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
Thanks Sierra, Mom is in Brandon Manitoba, toooooooo far away. All of us were there in mid Feb to say our Goodbyes because we thought the stroke was going to take her but she rallied once more. And now with the heart attack on Sunday, once again we nervously watch and wait. Her BP is all over the place and her BS is really high (in the 20's). Her kidney's were functioning at about 18% when I was her caregiver for 2 1/2 years about 3 years ago, so who knows what they are doing to her system now. They took her meds away on Feb 25th (her choice, living will) and it has been a long rocky road. The only thing she is getting now is for pain/seditive.
It is just a waiting game now. 
4/21/2009 9:14:48 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Grande Prairie, AB
63, joined Dec. 2008
and that blasted waiting game is tough to handle at times.
I really don't know what to say.... "best wishes" doesn't seem right. Just know that you are in my thoughts during this time.
4/23/2009 9:44:02 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Grande Prairie, AB
63, joined Dec. 2008
Hi Sierra,
Hi Sierra back at you.
I guess I really know how to stop a thread. no one has posted since I last did.
Well Sierra you have a good day. Ok, Sierra you too.
5/1/2009 6:47:33 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
So, folks, the waiting game is over. Mom passed away this afternoon at 3.00pm Manitoba time. She passed peacefully, so I am told. I hate not being there, don't know when we will be leaving but I suspect it will be this weekend and will be gone for the week. My sister has been the ROCK through all this and is now having trouble making decisions, so she needs some support.
Talk to you later.
5/3/2009 4:16:48 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
My condolences, iam. I know you were expecting it but it's still sad to lose someone you love. My thoughts go out to you.

5/7/2009 10:10:36 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
May your memories and beliefs keep you focused and give you peace as you say goodbye For Now to your mother.
5/12/2009 11:41:55 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
I know how your feeling, my friend. My brother passed away on Friday. He had been in poor health for yrs and we all kinda expected it, but it still felt sudden & were all reeling from the last few days he lingered...my prayers and thoughts are shared with you.
10/9/2009 9:48:18 AM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |
Sherwood Park, AB
77, joined Oct. 2009
I am saying hello from Sherwood Park because it is early
10/9/2009 3:05:27 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Hello up there in Sherwood Pk. Are you having a cold spell like Calgary?
10/15/2009 11:23:22 AM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |
Calgary, AB
63, joined Jan. 2009
I guess us Abertans are the Quiet types!
10/15/2009 7:27:20 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
Shy, is a good description......too busy working...... too far away......too many groups and forums on DH to explore and not talk to each other......whatever the reason, we just don't talk to each other 
10/16/2009 1:34:46 AM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |
Calgary, AB
63, joined Jan. 2009
this must be part of the Alberta Advantage iamaperson. All work 
10/17/2009 6:18:05 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
All work? I should be so lucky. lol
10/17/2009 9:36:26 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
I guess we just need to find some things we have in common to talk about, I've been a part of other sites where you can't shut people up...
10/18/2009 9:08:27 AM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Grande Prairie, AB
63, joined Dec. 2008
Talk about politics.
That could prove to be interesting and "lively" maybe.
I heard Ed and his cabinet gave themselves a 30% raise last year. Must be nice, eh? Now they are taking a 'severe' paycut to show how much they are willing to give back to the province. pay cut = 5%.
Normally, I am not a political person but this item sure caught my eye. Especially when it seems so many are having to either find any kind of work (like me) or are having to juggle a couple of jobs just to keep afloat.
10/18/2009 1:06:51 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Weren't the cuts dear Eddy & cabinet are taking 15% & 10% ? Maybe I heard wrong. Even so, they should never have given themselves that raise to start with! Those of us who are fortunate enough to have jobs (that excludes me) don't get to give ourselves raises so why should polititions?
A friend of mine just heard what his company wanted to give their employees (teamsters union) .... 50 cents over 6 years! Now how well does that equate to even 1% of Ed's? 
10/18/2009 1:58:14 PM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
this must be part of the Alberta Advantage iamaperson. All work 
I don't know if it is much of an advantage. I have had better jobs in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. I've only been here for just over a year. I was told before I moved here that there was a job on every street corner. Low paying jobs, yes, not what I am capable of. Now, I am stuck here because I can't afford to move back. 
10/20/2009 8:25:47 AM |
So, how come we don't talk. | Page 2 |

Grande Prairie, AB
63, joined Dec. 2008
I don't know if it is much of an advantage. I have had better jobs in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. I've only been here for just over a year. I was told before I moved here that there was a job on every street corner. Low paying jobs, yes, not what I am capable of. Now, I am stuck here because I can't afford to move back. 
Thot u were staying for family's sake.
"a job on every corner"... maybe panhandling jobs!
Finding a job - up here at least - is certainly a challenge. Unless you are prepared to spend the rest of your life at a job, the employer is not interested. Or since the "market" is slow, take a pay cut and work for $9.00 per hour. In this day and age, no one can "live" on that kind of money. Especially up here. Being in the work I do, I have been promised work and one guy does want me in his truck but unless he pays me to wait, I need to keep looking.
I should go live with FR! (that would freak her out for sure).
About finding a partner on this site - like the original posting states. Let's just have fun and meet people until that majic happens. Remember cowboyintown? Glad to see new faces on board here. Keep posting so we can get to know you...