2/10/2008 10:03:41 AM |
being a single parent!!!!!!!! |

Fresno, CA
age: 39
I find it tough to find someone to date at times.
I just started to look for someone to date at the middle of January.
Im a single parent to,most of the time you ask to meet they don,t show up are running late or never call you back ..
I understand that it takes time to talk and grow with someone.
But im not willing to rush into someone that I don't know much about or there history tooo for that is all at steak.... 
2/10/2008 3:55:07 PM |
being a single parent!!!!!!!! |

Fowler, CA
age: 39
Single is lonely at times, but msot important to me as a single parent is my child first the rest later. People showing up or not at all, reflects the kind of preson they are inside, why would you want that for your child.be strong the right person for you and your childs life is out there have faith!
2/15/2008 5:45:43 PM |
being a single parent!!!!!!!! |

Blacksville, WV
age: 24
Hey I do. Im 24 and have a 3 yr old and cant get a date. I dont know what to do. Im ready to get with someone and be with them and my child but they guy runs. What do i do?Liberty
2/15/2008 5:57:35 PM |
being a single parent!!!!!!!! |

Moose Jaw, SK
age: 44
I do not know as I have no time or no one wants to take on more kids at this stage in life
2/15/2008 9:07:12 PM |
being a single parent!!!!!!!! |

Marysville, CA
age: 41
Date? What's a date? When I was married, my then husband paraded his mistresses around my son so I decided not to bring guys into my son's life unless I knew they would be around for a very long time. Nevertheless, I have had one date in 5 years since my divorce. My son asks me when I am going to get a boyfriend. I tell him probably when he's out and married to his own wife lol But I would really just love to meet someone and just start a friendship at first. No expectations.
2/16/2008 1:26:55 PM |
being a single parent!!!!!!!! |

Lancaster, SC
age: 44
yes single mom, i have two boys 7yr.and 10yr. it seems like no one wants to deal with anyone who has luggage it seem like..
2/16/2008 2:57:38 PM |
being a single parent!!!!!!!! |

Redlands, CA
age: 24
I am a young single mother. I try to date but the guys my age only want sex and no committment, the whole friends with benefits aka STD generation. I have gone on 2 dates these last few weeks and as soon as they know I have a child they perk up, think because I am young with a child I must be a slut, then they try to sleep with me and when I tell them no. They call me a prude. WTF????
I wish I could find a guy close to my age who will not think of me as a slut but as a mother and respect that. Maybe a single dad but again this generation is known for dads skipping out on their children.
2/16/2008 3:09:39 PM |
being a single parent!!!!!!!! |

Abingdon, VA
age: 56 online now!
Just a reminder from an older mom! Never allow a man/woman in your life that you wouldn't want your child to grow up to be "Just Like Them". Influence from that person could destroy your children's life, if you as a parent allow them to be involved.
Always remember, the child didn't ask to be born. Make the best of what we've got, and happiness lies within.
Good luck!
2/16/2008 3:11:33 PM |
being a single parent!!!!!!!! |

Sullivan, ME
age: 23
Yes I am 23 and I have a 5 year old daughter and a 4 month old son and their father is a dead beat...its my own fault I didn't realize it until 5 and a half years later...anyways I would love to date but I just need a friend for now i think... I have many guy friends that my daughter knows she calls them her uncles...these are the men shes known all her life. I don't know if she would understand if I actually had a boyfriend... I am sure she would but it wouldn't be daddy...even though he is a complete waste of air.