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11/4/2007 8:38:01 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Bellingham, WA
age: 40 online now!

I attract geeks I don`t think this test is accurate

[Edited 11/4/2007 8:50:17 AM]

11/4/2007 8:38:21 AM What type of person do you Attract  

York, SC
age: 30

drunks, druggies, self-absorbed, winey,complaining,liars,men who don't know when to act like a grown up. I like funny, outgoing men, but I can't seem to find one that is without at least 2 or 3 of the above to go with it.

11/4/2007 8:39:13 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Howell, NJ
age: 38 online now!

You're not looking hard enought.

11/4/2007 8:39:21 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Brooklyn, NY
age: 32 online now!

Hm, Troy...Does it mean I have to turn "all crazy b*tchy" in order to get some lovin' from ya???

11/4/2007 8:40:47 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Howell, NJ
age: 38 online now!

On contraire...You need to be sweet as pie if you want my heart.

Crazy b*tches are everywhere , sweet caring that is a rare find.

11/4/2007 8:41:56 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Philadelphia, PA
age: 45

This is so wrong - the test says I attract yuppies - not at all! I attract crazy men, very young men and very old men . . . WTF!!!

11/4/2007 8:42:41 AM What type of person do you Attract  

San Clemente, CA
age: 38

i attract teddy bears

11/4/2007 8:48:46 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Howell, NJ
age: 38 online now!

And puppies?

Oh man.... she had me going there for a while ,she said i was special , lol.

[Edited 11/4/2007 8:49:15 AM]

11/4/2007 8:50:48 AM What type of person do you Attract  

San Clemente, CA
age: 38

troy you attract chicks like the one on melbies thread

11/4/2007 8:56:05 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

It must have been the snappy helmet Troy....too bad you don't play any is a dead giveaway! hahahahaha

11/4/2007 9:05:19 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Columbia, SC
age: 44

OH !!!!!!!!!!!!! Snap, I attract yuppies............LOL

11/4/2007 9:22:47 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Lake Worth, FL
age: 37

i attracted very sexy hot younger guys....that are fun but crazy and not relationship material....but i can live with that.....

11/4/2007 9:33:07 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Sebastian, FL
age: 50

Up until recently, it has been needy, a selfish loon who discuss with me the same problems that have been there for weeks with no action taken. Does not wish to hear my suggestions nor does he ask how my day was. Not there when he says he will be. During a busy work time, he said he would bring dinner. Called a few times during the eve with excuses of time and plan change... at 10:30, I ate ceral. Today, I am cooking my own bloomin meals for the week!

I have recently made him history. Interesting how things change when you have reached your enough moment and move on.

The last few days, I am a little overwhelmed with the kindness, respect and interest in learning more about me that some have shown here and in life away from the computer.

Maybe it is just that I cleaned house?

11/4/2007 9:47:51 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Mount Holly, NC
age: 37

it says i attrack geeks
no i attrack the ones who have no job like to hit spitt and call names
im a magnet for bi-polar assholes
the test is full of shit.

[Edited 11/4/2007 9:55:56 AM]

11/4/2007 10:56:03 AM What type of person do you Attract  

West Harrison, NY
age: 48 online now!

hey obviously have no scruples for f*cking married women

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