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11/5/2007 10:13:28 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Rutland, IA
age: 34 online now!

Congradulations win

Not trying to be mean, but you are being just as childish as others that you are against, but I wish you well.

[Edited 11/5/2007 10:17:12 AM]

11/5/2007 10:13:55 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Kingston, GA
age: 36

we'll see

i dont know, im not claiming innocence, its these avenging fighters for truth and justice that are being pricks for no reason.

[Edited 11/5/2007 10:55:10 AM]

11/5/2007 10:16:48 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36

i'll shoot ya a photo

11/5/2007 10:44:25 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Carthage, MO
age: 47 online now!

me4 -------my feelings are hurt-- I'm gonna go have a big childish cry

11/5/2007 10:59:48 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Grand Junction, CO
age: 21

You attract artsy people!

thats funny look at this

If you like life to always be a bit 'different' from the norm, but not too extreme in any one direction, these are the people for you.Artsy people are fun for adventure and exploring, so, have fun! (smoking weed helps too)

11/5/2007 11:29:35 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Rutland, IA
age: 34 online now!

Sorry Bounty...........I know you will forgive me and move on..............

You guys now me..........sometimes the b*tch just can't stop coming out.

11/5/2007 11:39:09 AM What type of person do you Attract  

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!

Bubba what the heck is the fee for fixin attractors....or do I even want to know??? LOL

Nice Pic I'm confused....

11/5/2007 3:46:21 PM What type of person do you Attract  

Cambridge, OH
age: 48

mine says Geeks, but i think it is usually a man without a pot to piss in, because i have a house and property. and either no teeth or only half a mouth full

11/5/2007 4:37:49 PM What type of person do you Attract  

Minneapolis, MN
age: 44 online now!

I attract two different types of people...but I only want does that mean I need to date a schizophrenic or a bi-polar person????

[Edited 11/5/2007 4:38:29 PM]

11/5/2007 4:47:14 PM What type of person do you Attract  

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18 online now!

peaches we attract the same artsy type, lol.

11/5/2007 5:02:42 PM What type of person do you Attract  

Huntington, WV
age: 57

I attract the jerks of the world......where are all the nice guys that are a little older?

11/5/2007 5:13:31 PM What type of person do you Attract  

Huntington, WV
age: 57

the quiz says geek that is soooo wrong

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