I just bought the new Kindle and love it but had no idea you could pirate books. Can you tell me how to do that?
3/6/2009 10:15:01 AM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Beaumont, TX
54, joined Feb. 2009
Anyone used or know someone who has used one of the electronic reading devices that are out on the market and have been out? I think Sony has one out and I know Amazon sells the Kindle and is coming out with the Kindle II i believe. I was interested in buying one, if I can find one, and wanted to know if they were worth the money. I was also curious about how varied the titles are in books available. I enjoy reading history but also read other types of books. If the only types available were current fiction, that wasn't going to be what I wanted. Any information would be appreciated.
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3/19/2009 9:48:55 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |
Somerville, AL
42, joined Mar. 2009
I got the Sony PRS-700 e-book reader. Myself, as a techie I love it. I like the look of the Sony reader rather than the kindle. The Kindle just looks too cluttered. Fujitsu just announced they are coming out with their own e-reader that has a color touchscreen. I would keep and eye on that one if you are going to be in the market. Like the others it only uses power when it is changing the screen so you don't have to worry about what you are reading draining the power. Here is a link to the article. http://www.frontech.fujitsu.com/en/release/20090318.html
Unfortunately support for newer books is still not there as the whole e-book thing is not mainstream yet. It would be nice if they released an e-book copy when they release a hardcover or paperback edition If you like history books or much older books you can get a lot of titles from Project Gutenberg www.gutenberg.org
I downloaded a science fiction / fantasy collection that has well over 1000 books so I am set for a while.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
3/20/2009 12:42:40 AM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |
Lakewood, WA
53, joined Nov. 2008
I have not purchased an e-reader as of yet, but am considering it. One point a person I was talking with made, is that most of them are backlit. The model she was using (I think it may have been Sony) was the only one she had found that was not backlit. For her, it was easier to read.
Do you find this to be good advice? Thanks!
3/20/2009 11:34:47 AM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |
Somerville, AL
42, joined Mar. 2009
I know the Sony PRS-700 has a back light, well more of a side light option but it can be turned on and off as needed. It has 4 LED lights that run down each side of the screen for a total of 8.
[Edited 3/20/2009 11:35:15 AM ]
3/24/2009 9:40:35 AM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Beaumont, TX
54, joined Feb. 2009
thanks for the responses...they are very helpful.
7/11/2009 9:03:09 AM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |


Morristown, TN
37, joined Jan. 2009
a book you gotta plug up ?
what if the power goes out?
8/25/2009 11:41:56 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |
Kokomo, IN
70, joined Aug. 2009
I have a kindle II ,I really like it plus there are alot of titles that can be down loaded at a resonable price. You can order books off of it or yor PC & phone takes less than a minute most of the time to down load them, plus you can down load them to your PC using usb hookup.
9/1/2009 12:09:07 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |
Kokomo, IN
70, joined Aug. 2009
1 other thing so far kindle is the only one that doesn't have to be hooked up to your PC to down load books. They do it wirelessly.
9/4/2009 6:42:26 AM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |
Phenix City, AL
56, joined Sep. 2009
electronic reading devices PDA & Handheld Comput Revolutionary electronic-paper display provides a sharp, high-resolution screen that looks and reads like real paper
Simple to use no computer signwtf:: no cables, no syncing.
Wireless connectivity enables you to shop the le Stores directly from your Kindle—whether you’re in the back of a taxi , at the airport, or in bed .
There Awesome to have and worth the price .
2/22/2010 10:06:37 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |
Queen Creek, AZ
41, joined Jan. 2009
They sell ebooks on ebay.
4/13/2010 4:33:43 AM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
51, joined Apr. 2010
OMG...I LOVE my NOOK. It's purchased through Barnes and Noble. Love the fact that you can purchase from the e-library. A direct connect to Barnes and Noble's web. Its great for chronic readers, because after a while you run out of space for your books. I love the functions, you can upload e-books from other onto it, mp3's, audio books...man, this was the best christmas give I got for myself.
4/22/2010 6:48:08 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Beaumont, TX
54, joined Feb. 2009
Thanks the advice was very helpful and I appreciate the input.
4/22/2010 11:07:07 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Bloomington, IL
62, joined Apr. 2008
My sister received the Kindle for Christmas.
She liked it but prefers to hold the book.. so she gave it to me, because I wanted one and didn't get one.... and I was kind of a brat about it.....she is my older sister, so she is supposed to give it to me...
And i love it. It is about 10.00 to download a novel, but it's really nice...
You can loan books to friends kindle to kindle, but not Nook to Kindle.
[Edited 4/22/2010 11:09:33 PM ]
4/22/2010 11:34:05 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Conway, AR
43, joined Jan. 2007
i LOVE LOVE LOVE my kindle. best toy i ever got...
i've used both the kindle and the sony reader...and i much prefer the kindle. MUCH prefer it...
there's no eye strain. i often read for many hours at a time, and my eyes are in better shape than if i was reading a print book. no glare, no issues...i LOVE it.
there's quite a bit more memory, and it's sleek and smooth...also, it's connected to the 3G network, and you can even do yahoo and facebook on it...
i haven't paid for a book since i got it. i torrent my books and convert them over. there's also a TON of free books available on amazon.
6/19/2010 11:03:18 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Salem, OR
65, joined Dec. 2009
The best so far are the Sonys. The Daily Reader-900-is tops. With it you can download more file types, from more sources-including your public library-than other readers currently on the market. With the Apple iPad, you can only download from Apple's iTunes store. Kindle is good, but Sony is better.
6/20/2010 4:41:06 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Conway, AR
43, joined Jan. 2007
The best so far are the Sonys. The Daily Reader-900-is tops. With it you can download more file types, from more sources-including your public library-than other readers currently on the market. With the Apple iPad, you can only download from Apple's iTunes store. Kindle is good, but Sony is better.
i do like the expandable memory for sony...but have you actually used them both?
it's MUCH clearer reading on the kindle...ESPECIALLY if you've pirated the book. while sony supports more file-types, who cares? convert them over and put them on kindle and get a better read.
6/20/2010 4:46:00 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Towanda, KS
42, joined Jun. 2009
Is this like those new iPads there comin out with?
[Edited 6/20/2010 4:46:39 PM ]
6/20/2010 4:51:20 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Conway, AR
43, joined Jan. 2007
nah. i wouldn't use an ipad for reading books...it would be like trying to read on a computer screen. i LOVE that there's no backlighting on my kindle...allows reading in full light, with no eye strain whatsoever.
i want an ipad. my mom has one...it's pretty cool, come to think of it...just not for reading books.
8/20/2010 9:01:31 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |


Tavernier, FL
79, joined Jan. 2008
Have had my Kindle for five months. I love it I can read it out side in the sun and is easier to hold than a book at night in bed. Also love the dictionary feature and the free trial first chapter feature. The only draw back is it is too easy to order books, I usually go through at least two a week
8/21/2010 11:02:04 AM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |
Saint Petersburg, FL
46, joined Aug. 2010
Awesome thread!
I bought an iPad for my mother recently, who has vision problems and needs the back-lit screen. I definitely need to research ebooks, though, as I know she'll ask me 1,001 questions about 'em!

8/21/2010 7:22:26 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |


Tavernier, FL
79, joined Jan. 2008
Awesome thread!
I bought an iPad for my mother recently, who has vision problems and needs the back-lit screen. I definitely need to research ebooks, though, as I know she'll ask me 1,001 questions about 'em!

I do not believe the back light would help that? With the kindle and adjustable size on the fonts she should be able to read it easy. My dad who is 96 and legally blind gets the listening books from the Fl blind Society and he listens to books every day. It is a great service and free.
8/25/2010 8:50:59 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |

Salem, OR
65, joined Dec. 2009
In many ways, The Sony is better, but it is costlier, and it is better for some uses but not for others. How you use your reader will determine which is best for you. I had originally planned on downloading classic books from local libraries. Then, I learned how many such books Amazon has available....so I wouldn't need the library to read what I want,and so would not need Something like a Sony/Nook which can easily access libraries. The Kindle suffuces, nicely.
9/22/2010 11:55:26 PM |
Anyone have any information on electronic books? |


Hickory, NC
63, joined Feb. 2008
it's MUCH clearer reading on the kindle...ESPECIALLY if you've pirated the book. while sony supports more file-types, who cares? convert them over and put them on kindle and get a better read. |