11/9/2007 6:51:43 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Louisville, KY
age: 59
Well as I sit here this morning....my mind is totaly blank. I have been reading, posting, and starting threads for sometime now and I have reached a standstill...My Brain is on overload and I need to give myself a time-out.
I think that I need to either take what I've learned and use it....or find another hobby.
How do You recover from burn-out?
Damn!!!!!!! There's another Thread! I need a rest
11/9/2007 6:54:22 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
I can relate. Thinking even to myself about taking a break from this whole thing. Not only does it become somewhat addictive but time consuming as well.
11/9/2007 6:59:27 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Louisville, KY
age: 59
I hear Ya Agent....I'll catch up with everyone when I get out of rehab!!!!!!
11/9/2007 7:01:06 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Gadsden, AL
age: 56
I think I know your feelings. I'm burned out with all these dating sites. But so far I'm finding this one by far the most interesting. Personally I don't really know if anyone is trully honest. Maybe I'm sicker than I thought,oh well guess I'll just hang in here and see what happens. Maybe the horse will talk.
11/9/2007 7:14:25 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Hickory, NC
age: 55
We I am so new I have not got to all the treads,but you can get hooked,every day I want to see what been said and some have helped me to laught again, thanks guy like ppk. woodtuner,law ,tru,copter and all but just can't think of all your names but don't go away for to long,I would miss you
11/9/2007 7:25:36 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
My problem is I have nothing but time. So that is why I am here so much. Glad to see new subjects come up. Get tired of the same ones. Geez I wish I had a life.
11/9/2007 7:56:22 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Same here "kp" it's sad when these threads are the highlight of your day!
11/9/2007 8:04:00 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
I was wondering this morning what the average time span of a poster is at a site such as this? I seem to go in sperts. Now that it's getting colder outside I might be on more than I was this summer.
This has been one of the most interesting sites I've been to.
I do sometimes think there should be a 12 Step Program for this stuff.
Hello my name is __________ (insert "hello _____" from the crowd) and I'm a recovering web addict.
(disclaimer: not to make fun of 12 step programs)
11/9/2007 8:35:53 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
So true shez! It's like I have this thing for diet lemonaide too. Can't find a support group for that addiction either.
11/9/2007 8:50:27 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Yes, sounds like a good idea!! I have guys that I say "I can't talk anymore because I have to get back to the forums and they think it's funny--HELP
11/9/2007 8:54:26 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
Well, at least the first step is to come to some form of admission. Some of us have.

11/9/2007 8:59:37 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Walled Lake, MI
age: 50
I thought it was fun and interesting at first and I would rush every chance I got to see what was on here but I am getting really tired of the same stuff and the creeps you run into here. I have thought about leaving for awhile but you are right it is addicting too, so it is hard to leave. I think a lot of us have feelings for what we want and are not finding what we are looking for so it gets to us and we feel like we should move on to try other things but have run out of places to look......

11/9/2007 9:00:58 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 55
It's fun but time consuming. I'm taking a break from it so if my profile goes, it will be temporary I'm sure. I'm trying to get a few things rolling and this seems to take up too much of my time. I've been here a long time, twice as long as most on here.
This is a great site, but eventually ya have to decide what's really important in life... and what's really productive. I envy the retired that can be on here all day but if I don't get ahead of the ever steepening financial curve, It'll never happen...
11/9/2007 11:20:11 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
I have the better part of this morning, running the Search Profile, using different scenarios. I looked for ladies 60 to 80 range within 200 miles of Charlottesville, which seemed to be a good range. I received 205 matches, then I started qualifiying the searchs.
Christian and Non smoker and non drinker zero hits, Christian and non smoker zero hits, Non smoker only 3 hits. I have E-mailed a few of the ladies on this site a little further away, thank you to the 2 ladies who answered back about seeing someone else, to the others who deleted my E-mails and never responded, I wish you the best. I wish, I had a Lear Jet and I could wing my way to the midwest, that seems to be where the best prospects are. To the one lady who is thinking about dumping this site and said there are many creeps out there, don't give up. I for one will say that I am not a creep, a little off with my humor I will admit, I am really looking fot that one special person to join me in the rest of lifes journey. Now, that I am fully retired, I think I should sell my house etc, and buy me a Winebago, and see the country. Maybe, gasoline is now $4.00 a gallon today. Maybe I will by me a VW bug, that seats 2, that is all I need, right. I am hanging in here, and looking at the new fillys that come along. Linking back to the "I Wish Thread". I wish, I had a Lear Jet, and Butter, do not worry about how your body parts are changing, there will be a gentleman out there that will love you, for what you are. If, he doesn't, then he is not for you. 
You know what I just noticed, I have an older monitor, and when you put a number of partyon icons in a row, and look sideways at the screen, it looks like a school of fish, the fingers become the tail .
11/9/2007 11:44:19 AM |
Tapped Out....Help!!!!!!!! |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
I see I have to watch what I say in these threads for I forgot all about that one like many others. Most of the time it is what I'm thinking at that particular moment and not necessarily a life changing moment for me.
I've decided not to search anymore--if it happens, it happens; if not then I know I'll be fine with it. There's always another day and I have met with some very interesting people that I would not have found anywhere else. With many being extremely nice and caring people, just far away.