6/3/2009 10:16:43 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Summertime is a good time to travel for many people. Any ideas or thoughts about an Alberta group meetup?
I would love to see a saturday afternoon barbeque somewhere. I would travel up to about 2 hrs. And 2bluiz would come with me. (maybe I should ask her first...)
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6/4/2009 6:59:56 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
Hey, I would love to meet you gals (and guys if any ???). Mid July is a good time for me (it is a 3 paycheque month). But I don't know Calgary at all and would be a big fraidy cat driving in the city. A small town close by perhaps?????
Count me in 
6/4/2009 5:06:42 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Well, that's great! We'll see who else replies. Otherwise, we could meet you somewhere half way even.
Let's see what happens first. (would love to meet you anyway)
6/4/2009 8:20:22 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
Would love to meet you all...Maybe around the Red deer area?
6/5/2009 12:06:09 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
I was thinking Red Deer, but there's IAM coming from Medicine Hat! Unless we wait for her here, and all 3 drive up to Red Deer. Maybe you and Sierratoo can drive down together from Edmonton, if she wants to come.
Surely there are other women in Edmonton who've been on Ab Chat who would come. And men-where's the MENFOLK at!!!
Edited to delete a naughty comment......sorry - bad imagination, bad bad. My fingers type the word MEN and my brain just takes right off on another fantasy flight. Sheesh. The voices stop and the pictures start. Drives me 
[Edited 6/5/2009 12:08:16 AM ]
6/5/2009 12:36:18 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Good idea, FR. I probably would even consider commuting to 'wherever' with you. There seems to be more interest now than when we tried to get people together before. It's just a shame that it's just women. (No offense ladies .... you're a great bunch! But this is DATEhookup & I don't want to date any of you. )
6/5/2009 6:56:53 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
My heart jumped into my throat when Red Deer was mentioned because wouldn't that mean I would have to drive thru Calgary to get there? But Miss Rose, that is a great solution. If you left me to wander around in Calgary by myself I would probably land up in Yahk, B.C. 
Or I could just get myself a map and go cross country. I wounder how long it would take to drive that far? to Red Deer I mean. Calgary is 3 hours I think.
6/5/2009 9:37:34 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
I've never been to Yahk! Any men THERE?? I know what you mean 2bluiz - it is wonderful to have girlfriends, but there is still the desire for a man. Girlfriends are great to talk to, but when I get tired of talking, well, there are other things one can do, and again the mind strays into the gutter - where the MEN at!!!
Edited to add: Wisediva is also coming further as she is past Edmonton. There was one Edmonton thread, and I could not believe how many people responded, yet no get-together planned! 
As 2bluiz said, we tried to organize something before, and emailed probably 50 people, and 3 of us showed up. WOW!
Makes one wonder if people really are looking to meet someone, or on here because they are just checking the dating temperature, or they are so shy they won't come out from behind the screen? No idea. I don't expect to meet "the" man at a meet-up, just get to know some of the personalities beyond the typos! LOL They have regular meet-ups in the U.S with good turnouts according to the threads. If there is ever one in the NW states, I will go.

[Edited 6/5/2009 9:45:50 AM ]
6/5/2009 10:41:18 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Iam, Red Deer is about 1.5 hrs from Calgary. I doubt you'd get lost ..... you'd just have one turn in Calg. I'd be Red Deer that might lose you, depending where in RD we met. Anyone familiar enough with RD to make a suggestion? Seems to me I saw someone on AB Chat was from RD.
As for you FR, I'd say "get your mind out of the gutter" but then mine would be lonesome there by itself! 
As for Yahk .... Sure, that'd be okay with me. lol. Such a lovely drive thr' that area.... back & forth over the Moyie River.
Editted to add comment on Yahk
[Edited 6/5/2009 10:51:02 AM ]
6/5/2009 7:28:20 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
Ok....Why are you talking about Yahk...I went to school there in grade 2 and swam in that river every day in the summer...
[Edited 6/5/2009 7:29:04 PM ]
6/5/2009 8:27:27 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
It's just a place I will always remember, drove through there on a holidays years ago.....got a tshirt there that said "I have been to Yahk and back" Isn't it on the most southern highway in BC?, closest to the USA border?
6/6/2009 12:46:48 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Well, just great you all....now I want to go to Yahk. Seems I'm the only one who's never been there.
Only thing I know about Red Deer is where the chinese buffet is....go figure....
Oh yeah, and a cheap motel. No further comment forthcoming.
6/6/2009 11:17:48 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
Cheap Motel works for me too... Are boy friends invited? 
Yes iam it is the most southernly hwy in BC, I lived just south of there in a pop. 16 or so cluster (too small to even call a village ) called Kingsgate right on the border. It was a great place when you a kid. My Mom & sisters & I want to take a trip back there.
6/6/2009 1:47:49 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Think Yakh will have to be vetoed as a meeting place in favour of something more to the NE .... &1 prov. over. (as much as I love the idea of going back to BC (for a VISIT only!!!) Red Deer seems to be the consensus.
I don't know about allowing FR her seedy hotel AFTER our 'Meet & Greet'. Not if Iam & I drive up with her. Maybe if we take my car & then just leave her there? (Don't worry, my friend, I'd never do that to you) 
6/6/2009 3:05:49 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
Don't know about the seedy hotel (I'm with 2bluiz) but mention a chinese buffet and I am there LOL. Yep, it's looking like Red Deer alright. Now. who else can we get to join us?
[Edited 6/6/2009 3:06:31 PM ]
6/6/2009 6:25:41 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Ok, HEEELLLLLOOOOO - where did I say seedy? My word was Cheap! And, see - Wisediva has already found my information helpful! Of course you can bring your boyfriend. It will remind what one looks like!!
And 2bluiz & Iam, I would never ditch a GF either, not even for a man and a cheap hotel.
I don't think I would....
Nah, probably not....
6/6/2009 6:47:51 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
Oooooppppppppssssss.......seedy = cheap, guess where my mind went, my bad. Please forgive me Miss Rose.
I still want to go to the chinese buffet. 
6/7/2009 2:50:15 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Iam, no offense taken, we're just having fun! At least I am. I don't really go to seedy hotels. For that matter, unless I'm paying, I don't go to cheap ones either!
And I'll always be someone's friend if they go to chinese buffet with me! We'll plan for that, because by the time you get here from Medicine Hat, you will be hungry, so we will go to chinese buffet in Calgary. Then we'll drive the 1 3/4 hrs to Red Deer at which time we will meet Ms Wisediva who will have driven 2 hrs and be hungry, so we will go to chinese buffet there. Oh, I am so excited!!
6/7/2009 4:09:52 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Do I get the impression that you really like Chinese buffets, FR? (not to mention that I know its something we have in common) OH! And I also apologize for calling your cheap hotel a seedy one. Guess we all know where MY mind was!
6/7/2009 5:43:42 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Grande Prairie, AB
63, joined Dec. 2008
You girls are incredible. And I'm leaving it at that.
I do not know if I can make it. Shtuff is happening and do not know if I can get away.

6/7/2009 10:29:27 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
No definitive plans yet, Sierra; maybe by the time we solidify them, you can make it.
6/9/2009 6:41:33 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Medicine Hat, AB
67, joined Nov. 2008
Something has come up girls, that will make it impossible for me to partake in this adventure. I start another Part time job on Saturday. (It is a necessary evil). I had inquired about it some time ago but had heard nothing until yesterday so, being of limited funds, I jumped at the chance to make more money. So, I will be working 7 days a week now. 
But, someday we will meet.   
6/9/2009 1:26:53 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Sorry to hear you won't be able to meet .... yet. I'm also sorry to hear you have to work 7 days/wk. That's no fun! Hopefully I'll soon be working again .... but only at 1 job. 
6/10/2009 2:19:22 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Grande Prairie, AB
63, joined Dec. 2008
...at least you have a job.
6/16/2009 11:42:30 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Hey there! did this idea die a slow death or do some of us out there in cyberspace still wanna meet?
6/16/2009 7:35:51 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
I definitely am!!!
6/16/2009 10:54:06 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Glad to hear it, Wise! That makes 3 of us for sure. ('Rose & us 2).
6/25/2009 8:20:47 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Okotoks, AB
62, joined Sep. 2008
I'm interested. You gals make me laugh...and that's what it's all about.
6/26/2009 11:07:56 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Hey, that's great, elskin!!! Hope you're 'laughing WITH us & not AT us'. We haven't seen you on AB Chat before & you're sure a welcome sight. Plans aren't set up for the meet-up yet. Guess we were just waiting for you to join in. 
BTW Love the friend in your picture! 
6/26/2009 9:38:51 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
& then there were 4...Where are the guys...It's just a meet & greet...You might have a great time...
Maybe if we set a date it might help?
August is bad for me...
6/26/2009 11:24:24 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
The guys don't seem to want to show their faces. Wonder what they have to hide?
If Aug. is out, that leave July since June is almost over. Sept. is too far in the future. Is there anytime in July any of you CAN'T make it?
6/28/2009 12:04:49 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
From the 9th to the 19th, I have a little boy for respite, so depends where/what we plan.
If it is an afternoon barbeque in someplace with a playground, I'm ok.
My preference would be to meet when I do not have him, or I may be too preoccupied to really enjoy myself.
6/28/2009 3:42:54 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
So looks like we're narrowing it down to July 4, 5, 25, or 26. I'm taking it for granted that weekends are best for most of us? Feedback?????

Editted to add tally of 4 so far.
[Edited 6/28/2009 3:45:48 PM ]
6/29/2009 9:36:51 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
I'm good for any of those, but on the 4th have to be back for a party at 6 pm, in Calgary.
7/1/2009 12:59:27 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Such a busy woman. aren't you FR?
7/1/2009 1:30:46 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Don't matter much - seems to be getting down to you and me again...... and I think wisediva, if she is still in.
Unfortunate Iamperson is so busy working right now, but then work is very important.
By the way, Thursdays there seems to be a gathering at the A&W on 4 street NW, 16 ave - two weeks ago was muscle cars & last week was motorcycles. Lots to see - cars, cycles, ...men....
7/1/2009 12:41:16 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Emphasis on the MEN, eh? Thanks for the heads up. What time do the events happen? Are you a regular? lol Sound like it could be worth checking out.
7/1/2009 6:03:15 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Am I a regular? C'mon now!! I just 'happened' to drive by, both times was about 6:30/7:00 PM.
Purely coincidence that I came upon this. If I 'perchance' go by again tomorrow, I will know it is a regular
thing & will again report. Sooooo, wanna get a burger next thursday, maybe? I know a good place....
7/4/2009 1:39:34 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
I hate to let you down, but my kidlet dislocated her knee & I will be occupied with her physio for the foreseeable future....Sucks
7/4/2009 11:34:54 AM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Boohoo, Wise. We were looking forward to meeting you. Feel bad for your kidlet, too. We'll just have to plan something for when you are able to make it again.
7/9/2009 1:37:48 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
42, joined Jul. 2009
Meet-up as group is wonderful idea specially in July while having nice Beautiful weather
7/9/2009 2:14:32 PM |
Anyone interested in a meet-up as a group? Ideas? |
Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
tiamo00, are you like me & prefer the cooler weather?