5/19/2006 12:32:19 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Three greatest foods out there!
battered chicken
battered fish
battered wimmin
pass the tarter sauce, wudja?
5/19/2006 12:40:33 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Wow and I hate fish AND chicken............
Guess I'm stuck with what's left!
PS: Pass the flour.......and some hay!
5/19/2006 2:02:41 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Now, I knew I liked you for a reason HILL! LOL Kat
5/20/2006 11:20:07 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

When I went into my marriage I was sure it was a fairy tail come true but it dint work that way I never doubted it through the whole thing. Not till I filed for the divorce that’s when I woke up from the dream I was in. Not all marriages fail.
7/24/2006 3:17:07 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

every one has doughts! relationships (good ones) take alot of hard work. people today are use to getting things. using them awhile. then throwing them away ,when they do not work as planned or want something new. spice of life they say! grass is always greener! when you find someone who not only is attracted to you. but needs you. it is a scary thing. especially for men. but if a woman does not need you. then you are out the door the first bit of trouble!
7/24/2006 10:36:01 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

There are circumstances to ever failed marriage..dont be so quick to judge..Death put on a marriage can be a killer in itself
7/24/2006 11:13:00 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

online now!
I agree, with you Nancy!
10/1/2006 10:34:40 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Mine was poor decision making. My dad new right away it wouldn't work, i was just in denial. I was so in love, he just didn't love me back. What do you expect when your man is gone 24/7 and drunk all the time. I was young, had my two kids, and was afraid. Now i realize that giving flowers, gifts, cards all the time is normal, something all my friends had and I didn't. We finally divorced after 18 years of marriage and 22 years together. He is now re-married and spoils her rotten. Makes me sick thinking about it.
10/2/2006 9:11:24 AM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Hmm. I've got news for you, cards, gift giving, flowers all the time still won't keep a marriage together . . . I routinely work 12-14 hours a day, because I enjoy what I do and to keep a home and partner in a certain style that she's accustomed to, and still it didnt seem to be enough . . . both wives wanted to change who I was, what I did for a living, and even my ideas. And, no, the compromises weren't sufficient, either. So I ask, you ladies, why do you get married to a guy, whom you know works like that, has the job he does, and think you'll change him?
10/3/2006 11:21:05 AM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Theres only one person in yer life that you can change............
10/4/2006 2:30:44 AM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Perfectly put hill if you try to change anyone but yourself you set yourself up for failure in a relationship
10/4/2006 10:35:06 AM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

My marriage started out by him dropping me off at his parents house while he went to go 'sober' up a friend. He didn't come back until the next morning. This should have been an eye opener for me but I loved him so much I forgave him.
He drank a lot, was verbally abusive, and very controlling. I left several times but the promise to change always won me back.
Looking back, I don't think he ever did respect me. Eventually, I lost respect for him and I lost all faith in him. His 'word' meant nothing to me anymore. I'd heard it too many times.
A relationship can't survive on love alone. You've got to have the respect, honesty and trust to go along with it.
When I was first divorced all I could remember were the bad times. I could easily blame him and say it was all his fault that our marriage ended but just as it takes 2 for a relationship to work - it also takes 2 for it to fail. I accept my part of the failure.
He's gone now. He's buried in a grave beside our daughter. A part of me will always love him. Not every day was bad, we did have some good times too and it's the good times I try to remember.
10/4/2006 5:45:23 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Well put kidd. I was guilty of marrying someone for all the wrong reasons and quickly found that we shared no respect for each other, no trust, and definately no faith. these are things that both must have as well. and we really should never deceive ourselves that it exsists for the sake of the relationship. I would rather spend my life alone than miserable and in a relationship. even one day with that perfect match though is worth a life time. Just hope it doesnt come down to that ????
I went into my marriage more to protect her and help her from her x. Thought there was trust and faith yet found out the person I married was not at all who she was and we knew each other for 2 yr first.
Of course ya'll wont believe this is true but I swear it is. two months after we are married she starts acting funny and then tells me I need to talk to her counselor from the church. someone she new way before our maeeiage. well she tells me that robin has split personalities etc and that she has been working with her through hypnosis etc. So concerned I take an active part in all this and im sceptical but start to buy into it. Then robin tells us that there are govt secrets hidden in her head and that now that we know she must kill herself. long short 4 yrs at stanford me working 6 days a week 18+ hrs a day and doing everything around the house. Im told that she has no split that this is her and that she had studied psych in college and wrote a paper on splits. needless to say We divorced. I believede in her in the beginning and would have stayed through anything but that broke the trust and there was no fixing that I believe once broken it will never get right we would just destroy each other further.
10/4/2006 6:11:48 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Hard........let's get hitched - I am only bi-polar....I think that means I like to spend time in the north and south poles, but I cannot commit to on or the other....hey sailor, ya ever done duty on a heavy cruiser? MUAH! LOL
10/4/2006 6:29:36 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

I knew I loved you seems that bi-polar is what attracts me most I swear lol lol lol if you only knew.........
however yours is an interesting set of symptoms. wink
I have to admit this must be my fate so get yourselves together and come on down or up which ever day it is and just remember on occassion I'll be off fishin till the smoke clears. lol
maybe its the gemini in me I relate on dual levels at once? hmmmmm better start a study...
10/4/2006 7:48:25 PM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Speakin' of fishin': Hill, you will like this one. Ya ever hear about the gal that went on a fishing trip with 5 guys and came back with a big red snapper? LOL LOL LOL!!!
10/5/2006 1:59:57 AM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

No, but I did hear bout the two old maids that took a "Tramp" in the woods.
And the cannibal that "passed" his neighbor in the jungle.
10/5/2006 6:56:02 AM |
So Why Didn't It Work Out? |

Hilarious! Wonder if it hurts much to pass something that big.......but maybe it was processed well and in much more manageable chunks.......LOL EWWWWW.