7/2/2009 8:33:38 PM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |


Wellsboro, PA
age: 39
I can see you.
7/2/2009 8:34:48 PM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 39
How about now 

7/2/2009 8:37:06 PM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |


Factoryville, PA
age: 37
holy crap! where'd Paul go?  
7/2/2009 8:37:53 PM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |


Bangor, PA
age: 62
Ok Chek..it looks like alot of people are coming and some from far away...Good! 
7/2/2009 8:45:20 PM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |


Halifax, PA
age: 64
pumphandle.....on the first page of this tread is information, also a phone number at the office there....If you wish, you could call ahead and have a site available for your size camper. They can and have even fifth wheel come in there....some have a permanent site for the summer.....great bunch of campers up there also...they share a campfire with ya for sure...
As I said before, all are welcome but if you are attending, go to the first page of this tread and indicate that you will be there...so that I have some idea as to how many will be attending and what maybe needed to make this a great time for all of you good folks. It also will allow some kind of head count and by posting, other can also see who will be there. Many of you are new faces, that is great, that is what this is about, meeting new folks face to face and also sharing good time and laughter with another human being.
Thanks to all who have signed up so far....
7/2/2009 9:35:30 PM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |

Jim Thorpe, PA
age: 24
Ne 1 coming from the allentown area
7/2/2009 9:40:34 PM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |

Carlisle, PA
age: 48
You guys all seem to know each other (it's a little bit intimidating) - this is from previous meet and greets? I was checking out the threads from the Sommerset meet and greet....looked like a great time.
7/2/2009 10:10:26 PM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 39
I have only met one person on here,alot of us only know each other from playing the games in here.
7/3/2009 3:30:10 AM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |


Bangor, PA
age: 62
You guys all seem to know each other (it's a little bit intimidating) - this is from previous meet and greets? I was checking out the threads from the Sommerset meet and greet....looked like a great time.
The first time I ever met anyone face to face was at the Somerset meet and greet. I had e-mailed a few people and had 2 of the ladies phone #'s...please don't let the fact that you haven't met someone deter you from joining in. A warm welcome to you..
7/3/2009 3:36:02 AM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |


Somerset, PA
age: 51
We were all strangers at one point.. But have met through the meet and greets... Its a great way to meet alot of people at one time.. Plus, its so much safer than the one on one blind dates.. I have been to two meet and greets.. But before April,, didnt know a soul..
So be brave like we were and come and meet us... Such a great group of people...
7/3/2009 4:12:10 AM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |

Elkland, PA
age: 44
this will be a first to me im looking forward to it
7/3/2009 4:16:50 AM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |

Elkland, PA
age: 44
is "adult beverages" permited there?
7/3/2009 4:46:14 AM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |


Bangor, PA
age: 62
I think it's BYOB...Check with Chek.
7/3/2009 5:22:28 AM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |

Wellsboro, PA
age: 44
Hey all you crazy campers 
I'll bring fire wood
I have to check on a tent and I have two air mattresses
What else can I bring?
These meets are great, may be a little intimidating to some new folks but they are a whole lot of fun. Your sides will hurt from laughing. Mine did 
7/3/2009 5:42:03 AM |
Meet & Greet Camping Weekend |


Factoryville, PA
age: 37
I met a few other people from this site...we had a local meet n greet evening back in January - you can check my profile for the thread with pics from it. Met a couple others individually (those silly date things that this site is intended to produce!) from PA, and got to meet a couple of my chat room friends from FL just a week ago  
But except for one person, I have not met a soul who plans to attend this camping trip. And I am really looking forward to seeing some of our "funnest" posters face to face!
[Edited 7/3/2009 5:42:28 AM PST]