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12/5/2007 6:11:09 PM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

Bellingham, WA
age: 26

You should read into what organic is and what bio-engineered stuff is. It's cloning stuff, just like cloning sheep is. but its not that advanced.

12/6/2007 7:09:18 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

Bellevue, WA
age: 45

"bio engineered" "cloning", uh, neither of those things sounds very appetizing to me LOL

12/7/2007 1:06:42 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

Helena, MT
age: 31

and also hydrogenated oils are killers... they stay in your body FOREVER...
walking, carrying bags instead of using carts, buying less.... and jeez, i was shocked at the sizes of meals in even good restaurants in the US when i came here first time! I was like - wow, cannot they bring another dish for my husband - i thought it was the dish for both of us! LOL stupid me. LOL

12/7/2007 8:35:18 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

Bellevue, WA
age: 45

RFLMAO It is amazing. My daughter and I usually just share an appetizer plate or something. Other than that, I order ala carte.

12/7/2007 8:40:30 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

Gilmanton, NH
age: 49 online now!

the brits doint swallow !!!! they spit !!!

12/7/2007 9:41:21 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

San Diego, CA
age: 29

To have been fair, I shouldn't have made this an "American Women" specific thread.

American men are heavier than their european counterparts, too.

I was born in France, and didn't move to the states until I was 7 (although I'm an American citizen, born to U.S. parents), so I have noticed this trend among men, too.

I have been learning to eat much, much healthier. When I modeled for a major clothing company during my undergrad years, they had us cut out all salt, eat less than 1,000 calories a day, and even take diuretics, to quickly lose weight for sessions. That is NOT healthy.

12/7/2007 9:46:46 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25 online now!

we are also taller, and have testicles.

12/7/2007 9:49:19 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

San Diego, CA
age: 29

I'm 6'1", and no one has complained about my testicles.

So far, so good.

12/7/2007 9:52:41 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49 online now!

12/7/2007 9:55:51 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25 online now!

a Frenchman with testicles? musta grown them when you moved here.

12/7/2007 10:06:56 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

San Diego, CA
age: 29


It's all good now, though. Viva la America!

12/7/2007 10:10:18 AM American women are much more overweight than Europeans or Canadians  

Sterrett, AL
age: 38

I still have my ex's testicles in my purse...

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