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12/5/2007 11:05:30 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Castle Rock, CO
age: 47

Fear is simply lack of knowledge...and if you think on that you'll agree I'm right..powerfull? you bet it is. It's used everyday in sales tactics and insurance offers and when it's used in the bedroom correctly well trust me it has it's uses aye..risk, thats easy, you lessen risk with knowledge..people have a comfort zone and most rarely venture far from it,they don't feel confident beyond their scope of knowledge.. Holy crap I did good huh?

12/6/2007 6:31:39 AM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

uptoc,!!!!yea did good....hope that satisfied tecman's need to wallow in self....

tecman,!!!! write well, and you obviously have a good mind, but you don't listen too well....every post in here has a message for!...and the best thing you can come up with is an over critical, superior, "sad"...?...dude, if i had your brain and talents i'd make sure my data base wasn't infected. run a anti-Sattitude scan, put that S in a vault, and fix your MS os with a partial reload!...or switch to the user fiendly mac.

12/6/2007 7:17:17 AM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Louisville, KY
age: 59

I thought Tech.... had a positive thread going and a valid question.
Some of us will spend years on these sites and forums and never venture
outside this box.
My answer is Yes! Fear Is Really Is That Powerful

So There...NannerNannerNanner

[Edited 12/6/2007 7:20:14 AM]

12/6/2007 8:50:01 AM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36

ok,i agree with the above. a lot of posts are self promoting or all about bullshit but he's askin for opinions and is valid....even if we dont all agree so.

1st - you're lucky you have even found enough locally to peak your interest!!!

2nd- i agree that a lot of people are ONLY looking for THE ONE,,,,nothing less will do.however,i think half never give it the chance to develop.

3rd- rejection IS part of the happens to ALL of us.get used to it.get over it and move on!!! there have been times when i passed on contacting someone based on past experience but not anymore.i've come to realize that sometimes it's not you or them rather it's just not in the goes on!

4th- you've seen enough of these posts that say looks are important....but not with it.....i do.don't assume anything....find out for yourself!

5th- there are those over needy types and runners.if someone seems needy,i stay clear.same can be said if things are going too well.

lastly- i cant tell you how many times things in the profile just arent there.there are some pretty damn long 'introductions' out there.sometimes, people have all these interests just to cover the bases.some say looking for 1 thing but REALLY mean another.experience is the best teacher.i look at profiles and contact them based on 1 or 2 things..... not the whole thing.get a starting point and go from there.

dont give up but never expect too much.

life is a journey.... i own that dangler.

12/6/2007 9:40:54 AM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Rutland, IA
age: 34

We all have fear of being rejected.........if you say you don't you are not being honest with yourself. Fear is very powerful. Fear keeps you alive in some situations. Fear is an emotion that guides us through the rough patches. An emotion that is so powerful is hard to get around. I know it is for me.

I have no fear when it comes to trying new things and to venturing into the unknown, but to push fear aside and face rejection it is too hard for me. I'm sure that I have missed out on some great men because of fear. We all show are fear in different ways and others read them in different ways. Some people show their fear by being aggressive. Being aggressive keeps people away until they see past that. Being cinical..........if no one likes you you don't get rejected. Being sexually aggressive........(not for all,but) because they don't think that anyone would be interested in them if they aren't sexually aggressive. You get my point hopefully......fear modivates all of these things and is really hard to break that cycle. JMO

12/6/2007 12:18:05 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Saint James, MO
age: 46

Let me ask this.......would you still venture out to feel the rain knowing the sensation would overwhelm you if you were afraid of lightening? If the cake that looked so sweet tasted would you know unless you dared to try it? I understand....its hard to think about rejection.....but if you let fear control your life....your not living...I'm just saying that if you reach out expecting that reaction, are you truly reaching out? JMO...Dragon

12/6/2007 12:21:45 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46 favorite quote..."Fear is a place where we develop our negatives".

12/6/2007 12:43:20 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

El Reno, OK
age: 40

Fear sucks and only the brave will ever accomplish anything...We all have it w/in ourselves to be brave...Chin up, Good damn Attitude and Fake it till you make it baby!!

12/6/2007 12:52:48 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 36

a fav of mine.

In life, we all have fears… and it's up to each of us as individuals to either choose to overcome those fears… or choose to let those fears run our lives.

12/6/2007 2:52:57 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Saint James, MO
age: 46

Thanks peaches...and ya know I love ya.....yeah....LIVE LIFE OUTLOUD>>>THIS AIN"T DRESS REHEARSAL>>>>YA ONLY GET ONE..thanks for the backup ppl...thought it was JMO Dragon

12/6/2007 5:25:13 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Rutland, IA
age: 34

Yeah, I would be scared to go in the rain if there was much metal in this body to be caught in lightning.

I do live life to the fullest.......if I let fear run my life I wouldn't have the world titles that I do, or the job that several men tried to intimidate me away from, or two children for that fact, because in doing everyone one of theses things I was scared to death to fail or do it wrong. What I am saying is that fear makes you choose the path....but it's up to you to decide to go forward and sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I don't think that makes me not keeping my chin up or not living my life. It means I have learned from mistakes made and don't always choose the path that fear put in front of me.JMO

12/6/2007 6:23:30 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Cincinnati, OH
age: 47

It is rare when I take risk.... I'm a great lady but rejected is my middle name. I'm too fluffy.

12/6/2007 6:42:47 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Saint James, MO
age: 46

Hey me4...that comment was intended for tecman and not directed at you..My take is that he knows he'll be rejected from the start and carries that on when he meets someone, negative energy..speaking for myself, I wouldn't want to meet someone with their attitude already decided before I'm given a chance. Fear is a good teacher and yes it does keep us from making the same mistakes....I totally agree....but not stop us from reaching our goals. Sounded to me like it stopped him in his tracks.never moving for doubt you've actually rejected fear to do what you've done...your record proves that.Dragon

[Edited 12/6/2007 6:43:42 PM]

12/6/2007 7:52:35 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Madison, AL
age: 49 online now!

todays fears is the only thing standing in the way of achieving tomorrows dream.and without our dreams what is hope. never quash hope of life in fear of anything !

finding a partner in which to experience romantic love is one of our greatest desires.
in our rejections and attempts to find this we become MYSTIC,rather than realize and correct the issues which prevent what we seek (the easy way out)! succsesful life requires constant self evaluation and work REALITY.
Only after we are strong enough to make things right for ourselves,can we contribute to the growth of another, resulting in romantic,spiritual love.JMO
ren with
lymi ren jmo.

[Edited 12/7/2007 5:12:37 AM]

12/6/2007 8:08:20 PM Why don't we take the risk? Is fear really that powerfull?  

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!

I get angry and frustrated because I don't know why I'm scared or fearful of certain "things". Maybe it's the fear of feeling stupid I just don't know. But I do know there is a part of me that can't get past that block.

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