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12/6/2007 1:44:37 PM first christmas alone  

Albertville, AL
age: 43

I guarantee there will probably be some (wine) involved.

12/6/2007 1:47:42 PM first christmas alone  

Albertville, AL
age: 43

thanks peaches, I try, just have my up's and down's like everyone else. Seems like all my friends are married. that always makes me feel lost at Holidays, to go share thier happy holidays. It makes me feel worse when I go back home. I really don't know a solution.

12/6/2007 1:51:42 PM first christmas alone  

Flanders, NJ
age: 42

Go to as many family and friends houses as possible. Being alone is the worst thing. Try to make as many plans early as possible. Remember, things will get better.

12/6/2007 1:53:45 PM first christmas alone  

El Reno, OK
age: 40

I totally understand and believe it or not, I go thru it also, I just go look at the mirror, Tell myself I AM worthy of Love. Smile and go call someone.
Keep busy, Keep telling urself how wonderful you are!!

12/6/2007 1:59:02 PM first christmas alone  

Baltimore, MD
age: 40

I'm going on #3 and believe me it ain't easy...

Dropping off your kid and seeing all the decorations you took so long to collect...

Having that tear in your beer feeling...

I guess that's why I'm here...

To bring myself a just little cheer...

As a friend once told me, and I listened well...

Scream and Shout, let it all hang out...

So stand up and shout...

Let it out...

Have Fun...





12/6/2007 2:03:59 PM first christmas alone  

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49

toy... love it!

Another of first Christmas's without. This year without my granddaughters. Such is life and we adjust, having said that there is a reason for reflection.

peaches..PARTY like a rock star!

uptoc...scary when it gets numb. That's why I joined. Have made lots of friends.

klassy...we'll have cheese at the b/c!

12/6/2007 2:06:05 PM first christmas alone  

Elkhart, IN
age: 48

I have been alone for a long time and every Christmas it seems to get no better but I always come through after going home with my family.. and spending it with other friends and eating dinner and just enjoying the company... So ya can do it ya have to want to


12/6/2007 2:57:37 PM first christmas alone  

Tillsonburg, ON
age: 40

this will be my 2nd xmas alone...not looking forward to it at all....
having my kids all together is great ,opening gifts, enjoying dinner, but at the end of the day I go to bed alone

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