4/16/2007 10:06:07 PM |
paganism |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
All the ones I know, wear earth tones as well. Most are solitary practicioners. Black is usually for public Halloween parties. Their own gatherings, its colors that reflect their paths.
Onna side note. I dont wish to absorb anyone's energy.
[Edited 4/16/2007 10:08:28 PM]
4/17/2007 3:27:16 AM |
paganism |

Pamplin, VA
age: 81
Never noticed a color thing at all. I think people just wear what they like on any day.
As for absorbing another's energy? NO THANK YOU!! I swear I wound up with mono as an adult (which took a long time to find cuz no one that old gets it) because I worked with a woman who could change the tone of the room just by being in it. Truly people waited till she went to lunch to come into the office. That was energy I didn't need.
4/17/2007 7:23:13 AM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
ok let me clarify, i think i made it sound like everyones a vampire lol. i was speaking of the natural/spiritual energies that occur in the world around us. not the absorbtion of energies of people around us.
4/17/2007 8:40:03 AM |
paganism |

Pamplin, VA
age: 81
and the news lately? Does it make you tired?
The energy of the world IS tired.
4/17/2007 12:40:52 PM |
paganism |

Vancouver, WA
age: 50
Here even a better question? What do you think the Almighty Father thinks of wicca?
4/17/2007 3:12:29 PM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
the question wasnt meant to instigate a religious argument friend my beliefs are my own and your beliefs are yours dont come to my forum trying to force your religion on me. it wasnt meant for that purpose
4/17/2007 3:23:20 PM |
paganism |

Pamplin, VA
age: 81
What you call the Heavenly Father, I call All That Is. All That Is does not push away those who see things differently because they are also a part of all that is.
When the blind men are trying to describe the elephant, all standing in different areas, the all see something different. The side of the elephant is not like the ear or the trunk or the tail.
You are free to see things as you do, both those who claim the label of Christian and those who claim Wiccan. I claim neither, but I am a bit of both.
It makes no sense to me to argue matters of Spirit.
[Edited 4/17/2007 3:31:53 PM]
4/17/2007 6:26:40 PM |
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Ardmore, OK
age: 32
I have learned a little in this thread myself. I do want to appologize for my inadaquate knowledge of the Wiccan religion. I only know very litte, and most of what I heard was not from a book or directly from the Wiccans. I in no way meant to call Wiccans devil worshipers or anything like that. Everything I had heard was pointing towards Wiccans as a cult of Druids basically practicing witchcraft of a natural order ( coming from Nature) I guess the devil part comes from my Christian background, and I do appologize. I have nothing against wiccans or any other peacful religion as long as they have no problems with me.
4/17/2007 6:33:11 PM |
paganism |

Pamplin, VA
age: 81
Elfin, you are a good egg.
4/18/2007 6:06:47 PM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
yes elf is a good egg... hmmmm... scrambled elf... gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
4/19/2007 3:38:55 AM |
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Pamplin, VA
age: 81
I think so and scrambled is good description of him, at least as far as listening and trying to understand different views. If the egg white is one view and the yellow another, what is scrambled but a blend.
4/19/2007 8:11:11 PM |
paganism |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
Been called pagan before also been called heathen, norse and a few other alternative religions. I like wicca it is a down to earth religion.
4/20/2007 8:45:53 AM |
paganism |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
hello everyone, i see someone is interested in paganism...right ? go to the library and look that word up. usually when you follow pagan anything it is from mans own beliefs which came from way back when they covered up real beliefs not to get in any harsh discussion, but when you do look it up you will be surprised how Satan turn truth into lies, that is why i don't do holidays.
4/20/2007 9:13:29 AM |
paganism |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
hi , i just did some research on paganism, read eph 4:5,13- mt23:15,23,24;15:4-9,re12:9,ro12:2,3and if there is a particular holiday you want to know about ,please ask me and i will research it and you can do some research and maybe we can find the answered, all i am saying is investigate for your self because when it is time to meet you Creator, it will be just you and him... right(my opinion)
4/20/2007 9:32:05 PM |
paganism |

Dayton, OH
age: 45
I see we got another bible thumper in here. Guess she thinks if she gives anuff scripture we will bow down to her god. ROFLMFAO