4/11/2007 5:58:42 PM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
what are your thoughts on neo paganism or wicca in general. no bashing plz. if you have a negative opinion feel free to voice it but do so politely.
4/12/2007 1:17:52 AM |
paganism |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
You wont get any negative opinions from me. I have friends that are pagan and wiccan.
I dont knock anyone's beliefs, unless they impose it forcefully on me.
I believe in the Equal opportunity belief system. 
4/12/2007 2:48:17 AM |
paganism |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I don't know much about either of those but am searching as I am not happy with what I was raised on. I disagree so much it ends up being a problem for me.
4/12/2007 6:00:26 AM |
paganism |

Pamplin, VA
age: 81
I have friends across many different spiritual belief systems... a variety that most would say would mix like oil and water. Maybe they do, but what a beautiful waxless candle they create together. I think we are more of a mix than either camp will admit.
There are wicked ones who claim the label of Christianity. There are also some who claim Paganism to be the place they fit. I distance myself from both.
Your question was about Paganism and I can only speak about those I have allowed into my life. My friends who claim that label are very kindhearted, caring people.
Which label do I claim for myself? I think I am that space between the water and the oil. I don't believe in heven or hell as places we go to, but rather something we live every day, created by the choices we make... I do believe the concepts are real, just not something you have to wait to experience. I believe the Bible is a good book, but an unfinished work.
In selling my house, it was suggested by an active Catholic to burry St. Joseph facing the way I wanted to go. That just seemed a little Pagan to me.... but when I went to the Catholic store, they had a whole moving kit for that purpose.
4/12/2007 4:46:29 PM |
paganism |

Ardmore, OK
age: 32
It kind of depends on how deep into paganism or wicca you get. most ppl are kind hearted, and as far as ppl go I would have no problem being their friend, and for my friends I will do anything. I enjoy learning about other religions, but if you wish to tell me about yours you better be willing to listen to mine equally. I am a man who loves intellectual conversation, and as long as you arent bashing my God or religion I always maintain a level head and keep calm, most ppl think im a sleep most of the time anyways hehe. Wicca can get heavily into nature, and witchcraft or druidism, and when you start praying to certain gods or satan you are asking for trouble. As far as paganism goes more then half the world is pagan no matter what religion you are in anyone that is not in yoru religion is pagan to your religion, and no one religion owns more then half of the world, although Christianity is close, and Hinduism is catching up quickly, so if you dislike pagans, then you pretty much dislike more then half the ppl in the world, and as a Christian if you hate anyone you are going against your own God who says to love thy neighbor as thy self. So if you talk paganism it would be best to define it are you meaning Agnostig, Atheistic or other. But the short of it is the ppl I love as I love all ppl, but the religions I am weary of.
4/12/2007 5:00:49 PM |
paganism |

Howell, NJ
age: 37
Wicca has been around for many centuries , the underline cult of witchcraft you see in movies has brough us back 1000 years and people think if you're a wiccan you must be worshipping the Devil , and thats just not so
True wiccans know better , the rede tells to do no harm as whatever we do comes back to us three fold
Blessed be

4/13/2007 9:02:56 AM |
paganism |

Seymour, IN
age: 40
I have Wiccan and pagan friends. Being Native American I still do a few rituals. I have a brother who is Traditional Pentacostl, I prefer to be converted to Wiccan or Pagan than be shaken literally into speaking in tongues.
4/15/2007 6:09:38 PM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
first allow me to thank all of you for posting on my topic and also showing me that theres a few people with open minds out there. i'm still learning alot about wicca myself and was thinking of trying to find a close coven with some people i can learn from and eventually enter priesthood. although in my line of work thats going to take a while considering my truck driving background. but i do feel the need to give it up so i can move on with my spiritual growth.
4/15/2007 6:45:03 PM |
paganism |

Taylorville, IL
age: 41
i practice the wiccan religion and have done so 4 over 10 years. i think some quidance in a persons life keeps them on the right track and gives them some rules to follow by rather it be wicca,catholic,or christian and neo paganism.i do not believe a person from another country should come to ours and bring their insane customs to us. i believe whites should be with whites and blacks with blacks to prevent and stop the violence our usa has now!!
4/15/2007 6:51:56 PM |
paganism |

Taylorville, IL
age: 41
elf 75,i think you are a very educated person,however,the wiccan/pagan religion do not believe there is a heaven nor a hell/thus they absolutely do not belive in the devil!what they do believe and practice is natural practices w/moon signs,and positive thinking,we do believe there is a God but he or she is the creator of all!!
4/16/2007 6:38:40 PM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
all in all i believe each and everyone is indeed entitled to the way they choose to believe so their is no absolute one way or the other we all have our own unique angle on spirituality or religion so ones look on religion is different than anothers. in my opinion everyones right its all how you look at it
4/16/2007 7:29:35 PM |
paganism |

Boerne, TX
age: 27
Is that absolutely true?
4/16/2007 9:21:37 PM |
paganism |

Reno, NV
age: 53
Hi Little thing
Thanks for enlightening us a bit. I have seen people with hate and eveil in thier hearts in each religious practice I hve looked into. The wiccans I meet with talk about the love of the earth but dress in black, talk of being scarey to people who see them and are in general dark figures that just did not fit in my search for greater light. I am reading a book now on the ways of the Shawmen. As for the truck driver I listen to tapes and CDs from the library on many spiritual paths.
Whatever path you walk today may it bring you closer to a beautiful spiritual experience of YOU.
[Edited 4/16/2007 9:23:19 PM]
4/16/2007 9:51:36 PM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
hey thanks alot man i appreciate it. its just really hard to find material on cd or tape around here well there is always the net
4/16/2007 9:57:37 PM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
also jon lemme enlightn ya a lil bit on the black garb. now for some it is in fact a ooo look im scary factor. but as far as the rest go most of the ones i know usually wear green's or other earth tones. but as far as the color black goes its like the the color spectrum white reflects black absorbs. now imagine this whole thing for natural or spiritual energy, black absorbs these energies brings them to the wearer in this aspect its not an intimidation factor as it is for drawing energy from the environment around us.