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7/2/2007 3:05:04 PM |
paganism |

Lebanon, KY
age: 30
I agree with SoulCityWalker, that culture: e.g. languages, religions, beliefs, art, etc., is based upon socio-political power, which is resultant of contingent acts of colonizing and warfare, among other things. But I respectfully disagree that the only difference between various religions is "the power and the numbers." Of course I readily concede that these factors can make a select religion a dominant mindset, and unfortunately in many cases a forced practice, in a particular society.
The differences between systems of belief, that is to say, the metaphysical and epistemological content thereof, is arrived at through individual choice though, not power or the status quo. Many times these choices are based solely upon historical practices and writings, which lend to their influence throughout a culture. Sometimes these choices are based upon repeatedly consistent empirical observations, which allow the observer to make pragmatic guesses about future observations: the scientific method. And in other cases, individuals just choose certain beliefs based solely upon subjective intuition.
Whatever one chooses to believe, one should make themselves aware of their responsibilities in choosing that belief. Not because the belief is 'right' or 'wrong' per se, but because we as individuals exist first, and our essence is secondary. We are the sum of our choices, and are responsible for who we are.
Personally, I especially liked wolfy13's remark, "the way we view the ONE is different" and queenofhearts61's remark, "a supreme being in the grass or rocks or animals is not so much different then the being being in me." As a skeptic, I don't believe in an entity with anthropomorphic attributes (i.e. a creator), but Being, Existence, the Universe, or however one refers to everything that exists, is all but impossible to deny. And ALL the different ways of observing and describing It are unique and insightful in their own right. So if by 'Paganism,' one refers to appreciation and respect of the world, and everything that it is: humans, artifacts, and natural objects, then I think it sounds like a wonderful outlook on life.
7/20/2007 11:28:25 AM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
ok damn it enough is enough i didnt start this thread for people to fight on this is for discussion any differences should be resolved else where. christians are as welcome here as my pagan bretheren but bass where on my welcome does it say come here and pick a fight. we live our own lives that is the gift of free will to let others make their own desisions. if you have a ligitimate question feel free to ask but if you want to start drama leave.
7/20/2007 11:30:26 AM |
paganism |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
hey i do not pick fight i just tell it like it is i just go by the bible
[Edited 7/20/2007 11:34:24 AM]
7/20/2007 11:31:18 AM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
ok with that out of the way plz feel free to join my myspace group for those interested.
7/20/2007 5:50:45 PM |
paganism |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
That is the point the thread was not started for someone to come and preach the bible. It was started in hopes of not having to listen to the same robot type of hype.
7/20/2007 6:01:27 PM |
paganism |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
An it harm none, do as thou wilt
Do what you will, so long as it harms none
An it harm none, do what thou will
That it harm none, do as thou wilt
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill
An it harm none do what ye will
Enough Said
Knowledge is Power.
7/20/2007 6:02:45 PM |
paganism |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well it is in the religion section what do you expect plus wha tabout free speech
7/21/2007 2:17:04 AM |
paganism |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Plus what about you have 20 threads to preach in can't you leave at least one alone.
7/21/2007 2:24:38 AM |
paganism |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
Neo-paganism or wicca I personally do not practice. I have read some materials on it but admittenly do lack the knowledge to fully understand it in depth comparatively with a follower. In reading materials on the practice, my conclusion was how the origins of different faiths and beliefs have crossed paths in history. To make an assumption of practices or beliefs without educating yourself on its fundamentals or origins is in my opinion selective ignorance.
7/21/2007 2:30:41 AM |
paganism |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Thats my girl, using her brain. 
7/21/2007 8:33:14 PM |
paganism |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18 online now!
i dont know much about wicca, but it seems to have the same roots as chinese taoism, a religion in harmony with nature. taoism has many gods n goddesses i dont know if wicca has that. it also has a very intricate astrology and astronomy, teachings on health, medicine, special prayers, healthy food combinations, a system for many parts of our lives. it also acknowledges n respects other ppl's god and beliefs.
7/21/2007 8:45:23 PM |
paganism |

Rogers, AR
age: 30
Wicca is the oldest religion known to man. There are just as many forms of practicing, studying, etc. as there are christianity. You have to find your own path in wicca just as you would in any other religion. But fya wicca is the mother of all religions. All cultures and religions that do not practice christianity are pagans. Pagan is a word made up by christians about people who do not follow their faith. You can find ssssoooo much reading material on wicca just by going to your library. or look on yahoo groups for people who can give you the info your looking for and also give suggestions on reading materials. Blessed Be
7/22/2007 1:50:41 AM |
paganism |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
The term Pagan is from Latin paganus, an adjective originally meaning "rural", "rustic" or "of the country." As a noun, paganus was used to mean "country dweller, villager." In colloquial use, it could mean much the same as calling someone today a 'bumpkin' or a 'hillbilly'.
(i) The older sense of classical Latin paganus is "of the country, rustic" (also as noun). It has been argued that the transferred use reflects the fact that the ancient idolatry lingered on in the rural villages and hamlets after Christianity had been generally accepted in the towns and cities of the Roman Empire; cf. Orosius Histories 1. Prol. "Ex locorum agrestium compitis et pagis pagani vocantur." From its earliest beginnings, Christianity spread much more quickly in major urban areas (like Antioch, Alexandria, Corinth, Rome) than in the countryside (in fact, the early church was almost entirely urban), and soon the word for "country dweller" became synonymous with someone who was "not a Christian," giving rise to the modern meaning of "Pagan." This may, in part, have had to do with the conservative nature of rural people, who may have been more resistant to the new ideas of Christianity than those who lived in major urban centers. However, it may have also resulted from early Christian missionaries focusing their efforts within major population centers (e.g., St. Paul), rather than throughout an expansive, yet sparsely populated, countryside (hence, the Latin term suggesting "uneducated country folk").
" Oxford English Dictionary, (online) 2nd Edition (1989)"
Reckon I'm a Pagan, tho not always uneducated.
Happy Trails and Blessed Be 
7/23/2007 7:11:10 AM |
paganism |

Millers Creek, NC
age: 27
goood goood gooood
im happy to see all you folks posting here and thanks alot for all the useful info also in the past week ive expanded my library by five books and am now working on a samhain ritual. send me an email to [email protected] if ya want details.