12/10/2007 5:50:36 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
Still raining, chilly and damp here this morn... thats good cause I can still tell the difference.. and a down note.. Steelers got beat by New England yesterday.. Hoping they would have won.. 
12/10/2007 6:30:41 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Mohawk, NY
age: 64
hope this belongs here...
I seem to be killing threads....what am I doing wrong????
Appericate your input.....or maybe I should output????
12/10/2007 6:34:33 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
Good Morning The sun is shining and the forecast calls low eighties today I find it pretty hard to get into the Christmas spirit, although I did come close the other day, while I was shopping. Walked into a store that was burning Douglas Fir Oil...mmmmm..it was a touch of the north, for sure
12/10/2007 6:41:00 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
Brrrrrrrr....cold here !!! 
12/10/2007 3:10:31 PM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
Michael Vick got off easy--any opinions--
12/10/2007 3:13:16 PM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
Yes, it is difficult to get into the Christmas spirit walking past decked out Christmas trees in stores wearing shorts and sandals....oh and a shirt too, but not by choice.
12/11/2007 5:35:59 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
good morning everyone--i'm clocking in and hope everyone's day starts off well
12/11/2007 11:57:22 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
guess this thread is boring as i believe anything goes here and just a few post here--where are the others
12/12/2007 7:57:47 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
is this thread dead--it was suppose to never end--anyhow any good TV as of late--the writer's strike has killed that
12/12/2007 8:20:21 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
Good morning Soprano...thanks for getting the thread to the top...I was working my way down to it I am curious, when I am going through the threads..I work from the top..down. How does everyone else do it?
12/12/2007 10:06:32 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
lotus--thaanks very much--i thought this thread would end--thanks for your post--hey everyone else--join in--thanks
12/12/2007 10:43:31 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Stanford, KY
age: 57
Good afternoon. Didn't realize you were trying to keep your thread going ot I would have been posting instead of just reading.
We finally got the long needed rain we have all been hoping for, after a months of being in a draught. I am most thankful for that. Our area had only fourteen weeks water supply left. It was down to waste not, want not. We did have a break from the rain Tuesday, but it is back with us today.
Everyone, keep safe.
12/12/2007 10:54:48 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Chico, CA
age: 68 online now!
Almost afraid to post I seem to kill threads. Don't know what i am doing wrong The sun is shining here and it is about 68degrees. Not bad and no rain in sight.
Have a good day everyone. 
12/12/2007 10:57:40 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
Michael Vick got it much better than some of those dogs !!!!
12/12/2007 11:05:22 AM |
How about the thread that never ends-- |

Clarksville, TN
age: 51
when you got the money that's what happens.
On another note Merry Christmas Everyone!!    