12/9/2007 6:47:52 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55 online now!
what i'm saying we all may or may not communicate well in the real world for any reason there could be but how many of you wish that a PC could do your talking as it does on these forums...Are you as talkative in person as you are on your PC sitting in front of it and if you met that special someone in person are you shy, more talkative or the same in person as you are on a PC ....I'll go 1st--i can't shut up !!!
[Edited 12/9/2007 6:55:28 AM]
12/9/2007 6:58:01 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Port Byron, IL
age: 53
LOL I talk a lot but don't really say as much on the PC as I do in person. Trust issues I suppose. What I say on here is what I would say in person so not really any differance for me.
12/9/2007 7:04:09 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Akron, IN
age: 59
I am fairly talkatively in person. I am told I am more formal online and less formal in my speach face to face.
12/9/2007 7:06:07 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
I clown around more on the PC than I do face to face
12/9/2007 7:08:19 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55 online now!
i guess so far everyone seems to get the idea here--and try to be ourselves in person and via a PC...we can say anything in front of a PC but confidence may still come in front of a mirror
12/9/2007 7:11:13 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
Like I said in earlier post.. I'm here to have fun also.. can't get to serious all the time... takes the smile out of life....thats me pc talkin
12/9/2007 7:11:29 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
I enjoy people..love exchanging thoughts and ideas, I am the same be it here or in person, other then I am not quite as spontanious on the computer, as I am in person. I try to think before I insert my foot in my mouth
12/9/2007 7:15:16 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55 online now!
The part that is frustrating about the PC is that the give and take is so much slower, questions or statements can be misunderstood, explainations are less clear. It's fun for banter but the important things are not as good on the computer. I also think an important part of conversation is facial expression, body language and sharing a space, obviously something you can't enjoy on the computer.
Plus, I just can't get it all said on the computer. So, for me the PC is fun...in person is more satisfying.
12/9/2007 7:17:49 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
Bingo what she said Thats why I clown around more on PC
12/9/2007 7:19:32 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55 online now!
i agree some there--what you say on paper/ email is not well interpreted as it is in person or over a phone
12/9/2007 7:26:55 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Culpeper, VA
age: 51 online now!
I talk more in person than on a PC. I can talk your ears off, but far more important is that, you won't mind it at all,  because you'll be laughing so hard you won't notice then gone.
12/9/2007 7:32:19 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
I met one guy from here and we had talked about 2 months before we met. (distance issue) and when we met, it was fine because we got to know one another before hand pretty well. We had a great time and because good friends.
Now if I've not had that time to get to know you before we meet, I might be a little slower to speak out. I like to make sure who I'm talking with before I devulge too much. I'm one of these that is very leary of someone that just spills out their total life story right away. Trust is developed the more we can get to know one another.
P.S. Jeannie that was well said, I agree.
[Edited 12/9/2007 7:33:13 AM]
12/9/2007 9:01:43 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
Actually I make people laugh in person more than one PC. I am very expressive in gesture and mannorisms and you do not see that on PC. I think I am more misunderstood on the PC than in person.
Hey Chucky am I what you expected in person?
12/9/2007 9:15:12 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Spencer, OH
age: 52 online now!
I find it much harder to express myself here- plus I type so slowly, that by the time I get my reply posted there are several posts already ahead of me, and it doesn't fit anymore!!!
12/9/2007 11:38:33 AM |
How many are good speakers but better on PC though |

Utica, NY
age: 60
Not so wordy in person. I'm a listener, not a talker. I respond to conversations. Very curious, ask a lot of questions. Uncomfortable talking about myself and my achievements or being the center of attention. Exception would be with my lover. I think I express myself more clearly in writing. Although as was said the eye contact, smile, gestures and body language reveal much more about a person and that is missing in the written word. 