12/11/2006 5:12:17 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Redlands, CA
age: 44
Preferably the anterior chest wall, placed an equal distance from the mid-sternal line, under the pectoral muscle for the most natural look, and preferably on a female gender patient!!! Lol
12/11/2006 5:47:22 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Fairbanks, AK
age: 44
Now, why have a real woman with fake boobs in bed for ?....inflatable "females" are much cheaper you know...LOL
12/11/2006 6:22:39 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Whittier, CA
age: 54
Dez, are you talkin dirty to me??
12/11/2006 8:18:32 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Redlands, CA
age: 44
NAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Not Me, Krazz!!!!! I would never do such a thing in open forum, where's your stall again????
12/11/2006 8:55:36 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Seaside, OR
age: 42
OMG you two are killin' me! LMAO
12/12/2006 8:32:17 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Minneapolis, MN
age: 32
Fake doesn't always look better and real doesn't always look better either can't win.
12/12/2006 8:47:52 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Whittier, CA
age: 54
Huh?????????????????? Strange..................
12/14/2006 4:08:24 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Covington, LA
age: 72
Perfect said: " see that guys prefer the real boobs. I think they are envious of women because women have power to enhance her size and men dont have that opportunity for their size..LOL" Hey Perfect.....ever hear of men putting a potato in the front of their pants to enhance the appearance?
Anyway, I vote for real and remember, anything larger than a mouthful is excess. My only problem is that I have a D Cup mouth.
12/14/2006 4:41:14 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Whittier, CA
age: 54
A potato?????? ROFL...
I heard about socks, but potatoes???????
Just plain weird......
[Edited 12/14/2006 4:41:29 PM]
12/14/2006 5:12:32 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Monroe, NY
age: 56
LMAO Why not put the sock around the potatoes then??
[Edited 12/14/2006 5:13:37 PM]
12/14/2006 5:26:30 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Whittier, CA
age: 54
Oh sh*t! More than ONE potato?
Do you wash it in the sock, or seperately?
12/14/2006 6:14:48 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Monroe, NY
age: 56
Lol it could be wash and dry or maybe hang on the line outside to dry!!!
12/14/2006 10:16:41 PM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
In the Front?????
SO thats why it never worked. 
12/15/2006 5:37:29 AM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Reading, MI
age: 42
Real is the only way to go.As for the tater thats just sick.
12/15/2006 6:43:22 AM |
What's your preference: real or fake? |

Covington, LA
age: 72
Hey Hill, I too was wondering why it didn't work for a long time until somebody told me that it went up front. Also, I was using a roundish potato when I was putting it in back, but they told me to use one that was a little oblong in the front because the round ones look fake. I guess the best way would be to sew a sock on the front of your drawers to hold it. It gives just the right bulge and if they can't resist grabbing it, its nice and firm for them. 