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12/26/2007 11:29:26 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

age: 62 online now!

You are not qualified to make that assumption. You have no idea what I understand. Generally, anyone who truely believes that large groups of people are insane, well, they are the ones with the sanity issues.

Insanity- hearing voices in your head, believing in impossible unsubstantiated happenings, believing something you can't produce or describe talks to you, denying reality. Making statements without supporting fact, believing a book of words written by unknown men, which describe events which are fanciful in the extreme without any supporting evidence and never occurred according to the verified records. It's easy to see what you understand, the bible, that's it the rest is just emptiness.

We see mob hysteria and insanity throughout history in every place in the world, where there are groups of people who are trapped in superstition and ideology. We see it today throughout Europe with their football and street riots, in the USA with the racist bashing and mob behaviour. We see it in the middle east and Asia, Africa, the America's, all ideologically inspired. We have also seen it once in this country last year, so your statement again lacks any veracity and is fanciful in the extreme. If you look at the reality and history of the world, you will see massive evidence for group insanity when it comes to ideological beliefs. Sadly whatever you say, is just delusional when you look at the facts. So it's easy to see what you understand, delusions. I'm not sure frothing at the mouth suits you, unlike the thread., you and your ilk aren't a puzzle but a threat to world peace.

12/26/2007 1:22:38 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Warren, OH
age: 38

When asking a question like this one people often ask one question when they really want to know something else. I would really like to know what the poster's motivation is for asking this question.

The simple, accurate and honest and true answer is that a miracle, by definition is an act of God. So asking why they do or don't happen today (and so assuming they in fact do not happen today) is to question the motives of God. Since no one in this forum is God (despite what some may think of themselves) no one here is actually qualified to answer the question.

The specific examples you mentioned "Seperating of the sea, Water turned to wine,Someone turned to stone." You ask "why does God not do these things today?" I say "Why would He want to?"

The question is also at fault. Who was turned to stone 2000yr ago? When was the sea separated? Not 2000yr ago - more like 3500yr. I only ever heard of it happening once ever in a very specific and unusual circumstance. Why should we expect it to happen again? If it happened every day would it be any less a miracle?

My question is this: Why do you ask? What is it that you REALLY want to know?

12/26/2007 1:39:27 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

age: 62 online now!

The simple, accurate and honest and true answer is that a miracle, by definition is an act of God.

And as god is an illusion, you have you answer about miracles, illusions.

My question is this: Why do you ask? What is it that you REALLY want to know?

Simple answer, to try and understand how anyone could believe such rubbish in this day and age and whether its the same world wide. Also to try to understand why this illusive and illusional god is used to create so much debauchery and destruction around the world. The answer becomes clearer and clearer as you read the post of gods slaves, they have to be mentally ill to support such a blatantly violent and false delusion. It's either a mental disease, or an unevolved genetic remnant of psychological primitiveness which some have not yet evolved beyond

12/26/2007 2:15:51 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

voc-,"What is it that you REALLY want to know?"

Many threads here are basically to promote an agenda.

Many posts also promote an agenda.

It is an asylum of agendas...

Pick one or more agendas and climb on...

12/26/2007 3:41:34 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Marion, IN
age: 31

Simple answer, to try and understand how anyone could believe such rubbish in this day and age and whether its the same world wide. Also to try to understand why this illusive and illusional god is used to create so much debauchery and destruction around the world. The answer becomes clearer and clearer as you read the post of gods slaves, they have to be mentally ill to support such a blatantly violent and false delusion. It's either a mental disease, or an unevolved genetic remnant of psychological primitiveness which some have not yet evolved beyond
i saw christ and it was no illusion, halucination or any thing of that nature.
i saw angels, i have witnessed miracles, (not so much as a flood ) but basically, the point is that some of us have no other choice to believe what thy have seen .
this is nothing compared to a faith in things that are yet unseen to a person.
"blessed are they who have not seen , yet still believe."

12/26/2007 3:55:28 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

..soaring!!!! have things been going for you???

see that you have a pic....

you have an amazing story...thank you for reminding me...

12/26/2007 4:03:02 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

age: 62 online now!

i saw christ and it was no illusion, halucination or any thing of that nature.
i saw angels, i have witnessed miracles, (not so much as a flood ) but basically, the point is that some of us have no other choice to believe what thy have seen .

Great, just provide the verifiable documented and photographic evidence to support what you say and it will be accepted, you'll also change the course of the world. Otherwise, you may need to change your medication to something which doesn't make you hallucinate, try reality, it works all the time. I have seen angels on the top of plastic xmas trees in the middle of the outback, it was no illusions, but also wasn't reality. Nor was the Santa dressed for the snow in 39c deg of heat and dust. Just another fantasy monotheists try to force upon others as being real.

"blessed are they who have not seen , yet still believe."

Makes sense to imbeciles I suppose, but not to realists, or the sane.

12/26/2007 4:32:41 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Syracuse, NY
age: 51

Brother Storm

In the middle of the dessert were you and I. I guzzle down the remaining water from the canteens while you doze off to sleep; I am extremely parched due to the days extensive heat.As an ember caught your clothes and bedding on fire, and flames rapidly spread. You are startled awake yelping in the agonizing pain of the flames.

Whether or not you are friend or foe and since I drank all the water while you slept;
Do I spit and urine on you to put out the flames? It would be the God in me to express this generous mercy upon you. Or would you deny the God in me to show my love to you and let you burn in your hell?

12/26/2007 4:42:14 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

age: 62 online now!

In the middle of the dessert were you and I. I guzzle down the remaining water from the canteens while you doze off to sleep; I am extremely parched due to the days extensive heat.As an ember caught your clothes and bedding on fire, and flames rapidly spread. You are startled awake yelping in the agonizing pain of the flames.

Whether or not you are friend or foe and since I drank all the water while you slept;
Do I spit and urine on you to put out the flames? It would be the God in me to express this generous mercy upon you. Or would you deny the God in me to show my love to you and let you burn in your hell?

Actually a sensible rational person would role you in the dust. It would only be a rabid and debauched entity would would think of such depravity in situations of danger. And it would only be a very selfish, egocentric, ideological nut case without a brain, that would drink all the water and think they were cool, but your thoughts do fit with your belief, despotically bizarre.

12/26/2007 4:45:21 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Syracuse, NY
age: 51

thank you

I will drink all the beer tooo

12/26/2007 9:54:04 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Marion, IN
age: 31

the fact youre breathing is a miracle in itself we just over look the miracles of every day life. mostly because we get blinded by how society treats us or our delusions of self worthlessness there fore falling into depression and resentment toward society and even in some cases GOD.
look at the planet itself what a magnificent witness to the power of that wich created it, i dont know how or in what manner he did it but it dont matter. even better yet look out into the heavens.... wow!

12/26/2007 10:35:25 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

age: 62 online now!

the fact youre breathing is a miracle in itself we just over look the miracles of every day life

Breathing is an act of life, it is no more a miracle then the almost unfathomable universe that surrounds us. There are no miracles, there are extraordinary outcomes, luck or good management They are all understandable when unravelled with logic and rationale.

look at the planet itself what a magnificent witness to the power of that wich created it

Much more sane to look at what gods followers are doing to the planet in gods name, than to look at it as is was many thousands of years before they invented yahweh, the god of war. A look at the state of the religious world for a start and what is happening to the other life forms of the planet, as the greed gluttony and torture if animals gods followers indulge in. To see the work of god in living gory colour.

Isn't heaven where god resides and all his dead followers sit at his side. he must have a big side, or really fat from being so slack by not protecting his lovely planet from these out of control nut cases running round creating carnage, for a few billion people to sit beside him. And what about all the other living beings throughout the universe, where do they sit.

[Edited 12/26/2007 10:37:21 PM]

12/27/2007 5:24:06 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Bridgeview, IL
age: 55

Why would anyone want to provide physical proof of a personal experience, photographic or otherwise? Seeing things... it that akin to preceiving non tangable threats?

To quote a famous rabbit... What a maroon!

12/28/2007 12:27:19 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Crescent City, CA
age: 34

Maybe they are ancient myths and legends. Should we really believe everything people tell us? Remember: these are the same people who believed that ALL acts of nature were acts of God or gods. We now know that science explains it much more accurately.

12/28/2007 12:30:09 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Poynette, WI
age: 46 online now!

it happens everyday,,,,bro

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