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12/31/2007 6:59:34 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Indianapolis, IN
age: 62

Sorry, but miracles happen all around us every may not be going to the right church or may not even go to church. The Word is a living entity....Jesus is His name...the Bible tells us that 'if we ask anything (according to God's will) in His Name it shall be done...IF we believe! God tells us how to get miracles...He says 'seek ye first the Kingdom of God & all these things shall be added unto you'....but there are conditions...if you ask, then you MUST BELIEVE that you receive. Give your life to God...He will reveal The Kingdom principals to you...God Bless.

12/31/2007 7:05:33 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Atco, NJ
age: 37

As christians your not suppose to ever question god and his actions. Thats why Im an athiest, I find that absurd. I still don't know why cain was cast a side for the fruits of his labor and able was commended for killing a lamb and sacrificing it to god. doesnt make any sense especially to vegetarians.

12/31/2007 9:54:37 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Bridgeview, IL
age: 55

Oh contraire' ,mon amie. (Yeah, I know my French sucks) As Christains we are called to question...

Matt.6:33 Yet seek first the kingdom and its righteousness, and these all shall be added to you.

Matt.7:7 "Request and it shall be given you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you. 8 For everyone who is requesting is obtaining, and who is seeking is finding, and to him who is knocking it shall be opened.

12/31/2007 11:25:40 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Crescent City, CA
age: 34

Why would god want you to needlessly slay one of his own creations. Blood, and guts and gore! All this brutality in the Bible, and god encouraged such primative practices such as sprinkiling blood of innocent animals all over the people! What a blood bath! This sounds more like a modern day Satanic cult! Would you want people going around and destroying you creations and then just to give it back to you?

1/1/2008 12:40:48 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Gatlinburg, TN
age: 47

To me, it is a miracle just to wake up each morning and find that I am alive again today. It is a miracle that I even exist. All of nature and everything in it is a miracle to me, and that I have eyes and vision to see it all with, is a miracle. That you are alive and have a mind to formulate and ponder such a question, is a miracle. God bless your quest!

1/1/2008 3:20:42 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Lillington, NC
age: 51

Brother tat
God doesn’t want to needlessly slay one of His own creation.
Man’s intelligence, or lack of; mans understanding, or lack of, is what causes the conflicts that cause the slayings.
For instance; before understanding you and what is behind your belief, I say I don’t agree with you, your wrong I’m right, into the ring of fire you go. Food for thought _into the Lions den you go_. Man is to smart for his own good. That knowledge fruit did it, God offered Wisdom fruit, but few are taking a bight out of it. The seeds of that wisdom fruit are written in red.

1/1/2008 5:57:54 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

As to the original question......lack of understanding and a primative society that lends it's self predominantly to religion and thier Holy men......often attributed the unknow to miracles preformed by an all powerful being.....the Holy men told the populace these things to keep the locals incheck...and as direct links between God(s) and the common folks...the Holy Men retained thier positions of respect and authority.

1/1/2008 11:26:08 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

United Kingdom
age: 41

to recognise a miracle people need to know and understnad the true meaning and definition of a miracle. Does a miracle for one person mean the same for another???

1/1/2008 12:18:17 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

candy.....your feeble attempt to inject logic, intelligence, and sanity

into this bickering will not succeed!...

krupa!!.....,a good theory!!!!!..

but, were angels doin it all!!!..

[Edited 1/1/2008 12:23:48 PM]

1/1/2008 2:10:56 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

United Kingdom
age: 41

lol yeh yeh....its what i think and believe .

1/2/2008 4:58:53 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

candy, pick a place and time, preferably a nice pub..and not after 8pm, my

bedtime.....i'll get this miracle machine of mine goin and meet you there for a


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