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12/23/2007 11:51:17 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Syracuse, NY
age: 51

Sisters and Brothers

Brother DBS you posted this at the bottom of your post:

Someone turned to stone?
No, nobody turned into stone,
You are thinking of either Greek mythology, if you looked at Medusa you'd turn to stone cause she was just that ugly.
Or Lot's wife turned into salt.
just another myth with another longer explanation.
err, but ask risk of offending people I will refrain from that for now.

You were doing well until you reached this point; which proves how the religions were passed on from generation to generation before the Torah was printed and the bible...etc...

This is also a metaphor and Lots wife did turn to stone. What happened is that when told not to look back or she would turn to stone; she did look back and because she loved and enjoyed the lifestyle and the people so much, her heart turned to stone. She in turn left her family and went back to that of what she knew and loved over her family and husband.

I too see your response as more than a possibility/probability.

In the Peace and Love of the Eternal Creator

12/23/2007 12:19:21 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

age: 62 online now!

If you have been paying attention to media outside the Boob Tub (TV) you will see that the bible is being proven as we speak,

Come on Rich, provide some facts to support what you say and not some airy fairy statement of hope site, just provide archaeological or anthropological verified facts.

[Edited 12/23/2007 12:20:23 PM]

12/23/2007 12:52:47 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

db-, thank you..Religion as a metaphor of a metaphor is a good starting point .

more open questions:

to continue on, what would be a metaphor of religion?

to go back, what was the original metaphor of?

there must be more understanding of the word.

i don't know of anything that does not have another layer of understanding.

Myths: Oral history?...Archiving information that was given to them in simple terms?

12/23/2007 2:37:02 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Cranbury, NJ
age: 41

"On the other hand the fact that we exist is a miracle in of itself."

Really ? you don't think we "evolved" from apes ? come on !!

Look at how many people play lotteries, hoping to be the Random Winner -- though the chances could be 1 in several million.

H'mm, what are the chances that we are here as we are ? ( bodies and souls). oops, there's no definite proof we have souls Let alone all other life on this planet, let alone nature as it is, galaxy as it as it is.

H'mm, I slipped that in. What's so scientific about science ? Though some people on this Religion Forum jump up and down clamoring for Religion facts.

Where are the science facts ? What happened to the fact the earth is square ? How about Galileo's facts ? Newtons facts ? Seems that each generation turns prior generation "rules" topsy turvy.

Who has the "answers" ?

Some of our atheist friends come across so strong and defensive. They need convincing themselves of their fragile beliefs.

12/24/2007 3:25:41 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Bridgeview, IL
age: 55

Matt. 24:24 For roused shall be false christs and false prophets, and they shall be giving great signs and miracles, so as to deceive, if possible, even the chosen.

Signs and miracles are happening today. But that is not always the best way to decide which way is righteous.

Haven't you ever heard of Kathryn Kulman ( Example, healing about 1500 people at a time?

12/24/2007 10:50:00 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Three Rivers, MI
age: 55

because those things were necessary in establishing the first church, today we can look back on those things in order to believe, the early christians did not have a reference so they needed an actuality. There are signs of miracles all around us, just look around and witness the wonders of conception and then birth. Or behold the firmaments of the heavens. Or how only like kind can reproduce.

12/24/2007 10:52:24 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Three Rivers, MI
age: 55

Read 2 Timothy 3 and tell me if that's not real enough for you.

12/24/2007 10:54:28 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Three Rivers, MI
age: 55

The scriptures say that" no man has seen God at any time"

12/24/2007 11:12:08 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Rattan, OK
age: 60

You need to site your sources when you make those wild and overwhelming generalities. For instasnce, who was the maker of that VCR instruction manuel? Remember that with out those source citations your opinion is just that. It didn't cost us anything and so we can take it for what it was worth. Take it from me most of these guys, and ladies, who are blindsiding you right now are extremely well informed concerning the bible and after they have given you enough rope they are going to nail your hide to the wall.
Just a heads up from your friendly --=Oletafive=-- guy.

12/24/2007 11:23:59 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Rattan, OK
age: 60

Many, many miracles occur each day, Chances are that if they don't happen to you or some one you know then you blow them off as hearsay. Miracles have not stopped just because you are not aware of them. I would tell you about miracles that have happened to me but then you would expect me to be a liar since I believe in God and Christ and the Bible. It comes down to this--you believe or you don't. If you don't believe in Miracles then just tune into "Odd News" and pick a few strays there. Some guy fell 9 stories naked and lived minor injuries. Oh I guess that could have been an accident. (being naked that is). There are so many they can't all be lies--and it only takes one true miracle to prove the existence of God. Hey guys the odds are against you all the way around.


12/25/2007 5:24:49 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Lillington, NC
age: 51

Amen brother oletafive, before the miracles happen to ourselves we wonder, or take them as life happens.
My quest in learning how to express what has come over me is mind boggling in it’s self and some times I even confuse my own issues. The best I can say now is, be open and receptive to them and you will see them more clearly.
I once was blind but now I see…

12/25/2007 8:19:08 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

Bridgeview, IL
age: 55

What kinds of things do you consider a miracle? Are you talking about, say, the miracle of life? How babies come to us? The miracle that keeps your heart beating?

Or personal miracles? Like I used to have back problems and now my back has been healed? It was a miracle that woman wasn't killed when that car hit her?

Or miracles of an epic proportion? Like the parting of the Red Sea? Pillars of fire?

Perhaps a miracle is only something we fail to understand?

12/25/2007 8:27:25 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

age: 62 online now!

Perhaps a miracle is only something we fail to understand?

I think you'll find it's reality you don't understand, you certainly understand delusion.

12/25/2007 9:23:23 PM A religious question that puzzles me  

The Dalles, OR
age: 43

I am no scholar but I believe the miracles then and those happening today are to draw our attention to the reality of Gods existence the New Testament states that He now plants that knowledge within each of us hence, a decrease in miracles.

12/26/2007 5:34:24 AM A religious question that puzzles me  

Bridgeview, IL
age: 55

Stormbay writes...
I think you'll find it's reality you don't understand, you certainly understand delusion.

You are not qualified to make that assumption. You have no idea what I understand. Generally, anyone who truely believes that large groups of people are insane, well, they are the ones with the sanity issues.

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