11/4/2009 7:10:28 PM |
Love or Money? |

Country Club Hills, IL
37, joined Sep. 2009
Which is more important in a relationship "Love or Money"?
I think they are both needed if the relationship is going to work.
What do you think? And Why?
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11/4/2009 7:19:09 PM |
Love or Money? |
53, joined Oct. 2009
Ummm........money? How on earth can THAT sustain a relationship?
Unless it's the one between the banker and the investor?
11/4/2009 7:25:14 PM |
Love or Money? |
Roseburg, OR
37, joined Sep. 2007
Show me the money honey then I will fall in love
Seriously though. It all depeds on comfort levels when it comes to the money.
I think love is important if the relationship is going to work., But I also feel that money is important. You gotta have enough to live on at least. And I think the biggest thing is living within the means of your income. If your on a beer budget dont go out buying champaign.
[Edited 11/4/2009 7:26:48 PM ]
11/4/2009 7:32:52 PM |
Love or Money? |
Clearfield, PA
34, joined May. 2009
Love is way more important!!! Money can only give you a false sense of happiness. Love on the other hand can give you so much more!!
11/4/2009 7:36:38 PM |
Love or Money? |

Country Club Hills, IL
37, joined Sep. 2009
Ummm........money? How on earth can THAT sustain a relationship?
Unless it's the one between the banker and the investor? 
Because without it you're just be broke and in love. Love is a plus, but it can't pay the bills.
11/4/2009 7:37:02 PM |
Love or Money? |
Roseburg, OR
37, joined Sep. 2007
Love is way more important!!! Money can only give you a false sense of happiness. Love on the other hand can give you so much more!!
You are right. But money is one of of the top 3 killers on a marriage. Politcs and religion are the other 2
11/4/2009 7:41:13 PM |
Love or Money? |
53, joined Oct. 2009
Because without it you're just be broke and in love. Love is a plus, but it can't pay the bills.
Wow....ok....good luck with that.
I pay my bills.... I do the work...
Love is not a commoditiy.... I feel sad that is how you see it. 
11/4/2009 7:42:07 PM |
Love or Money? |
53, joined Oct. 2009
You are right. But money is one of of the top 3 killers on a marriage. Politcs and religion are the other 2
I call BS.... PEOPLE kill relationships...
nothing else.
11/4/2009 7:47:45 PM |
Love or Money? |
Roseburg, OR
37, joined Sep. 2007
I call BS.... PEOPLE kill relationships...
nothing else.
Yeah its people choices in religion, politics and how they manage there money. And it is both peoples faults in the relatonship for not seeing the differences or thinking they could live with it. So call BS all you want, but it is true.
So go bash someone elses thread tonight, kay!!! Bye bye now.
[Edited 11/4/2009 7:48:51 PM ]
11/4/2009 7:49:34 PM |
Love or Money? |

Assiniboia, SK
53, joined Mar. 2009
Money is nice and if you would have asked me this 25 years ago I would have said money as I did not know love.
Love is far more valuable then money, money can not comfort you when you are sad and lonely. Nor can it make you laugh, or even bring you a hot cup of soup when you are sick. Yes you can buy help but that help does not real care one way or the other they are there for the MONEY.
11/4/2009 7:50:19 PM |
Love or Money? |


Powell, TN
52, joined Mar. 2009
Love. You can both work toward making a lot of money together.
11/4/2009 7:51:13 PM |
Love or Money? |

Country Club Hills, IL
37, joined Sep. 2009
Wow....ok....good luck with that.
I pay my bills.... I do the work...
Love is not a commoditiy.... I feel sad that is how you see it.  
Love is not a commodity but In a relationship it take two people to make it work, not one, two income.
11/4/2009 7:51:32 PM |
Love or Money? |
53, joined Oct. 2009
Yeah its people choices in religion, politics and how they manage there money. And it is both peoples faults in the relatonship for not seeing the differences or thinking they could live with it. So call BS all you want, but it is true.
So go bash someone elses thread tonight, kay!!! Bye bye now. 
Hahahahaha ...are you the thread police?
I will speak my truth irrespective of whether YOU like it or not...
and this is no thread bashing, ba-by....
11/4/2009 7:51:48 PM |
Love or Money? |
Morehead, KY
27, joined Nov. 2009
While money is nice...It can not buy love!
I would pick love over money anyyyyday of the week!
11/4/2009 7:52:25 PM |
Love or Money? |

Adamsville, AL
65, joined Oct. 2008
Guess the op believes in that old saying, " love flys out the window, when poverty walks through the door. " 
11/4/2009 7:54:26 PM |
Love or Money? |

Country Club Hills, IL
37, joined Sep. 2009
Love. You can both work toward making a lot of money together.
I agree 
11/4/2009 8:01:18 PM |
Love or Money? |
Roseburg, OR
37, joined Sep. 2007
I think the point that most people will try to get across is that love is more important then money in the sense that you cant buy it, it cant meet your personal needs for the unconditional feeling that most people desire. Someone who will always be there for you no matter what the circumstances are. You can have all the money in the world and never be as happy as if you were to live in a hut with the love of your life, someone who will care for you as you care for them. Someone on you can grow old with and they will never leave your side no matter how much or how little money you have. t is all about having someone to share the joys and heart aches of life with you and be able to talk about it years down the road. Money can never buy this.
But money it can pay the bills. And that is the one thing love cant do.
11/4/2009 8:04:09 PM |
Love or Money? |

Country Club Hills, IL
37, joined Sep. 2009
I think the point that most people will try to get across is that love is more important then money in the sense that you cant buy it, it cant meet your personal needs for the unconditional feeling that most people desire. Someone who will always be there for you no matter what the circumstances are. You can have all the money in the world and never be as happy as if you were to live in a hut with the love of your life, someone who will care for you as you care for them. Someone on you can grow old with and they will never leave your side no matter how much or how little money you have. t is all about having someone to share the joys and heart aches of life with you and be able to talk about it years down the road. Money can never buy this.
But money it can pay the bills. And that is the one thing love cant do.
11/4/2009 8:10:52 PM |
Love or Money? |

Goshen, IN
97, joined Mar. 2009
You can't live on love, assuming that only one is feasible, is ignorant at best.
If one learns to provide for themselves, then they will just be bringing that much more to the table, and have no need to ponder this timeless question.
11/4/2009 8:49:46 PM |
Love or Money? |

Vero Beach, FL
31, joined Sep. 2009
The Dirty Four Letter Word. It can make men run, make women strip.It's a weapon and a peace maker. Battles have been won and lost because of its power. When you have it, you're on top of the world! but when you lose it it'll crush you! Men will do things they never thought they would because of this word. It makes women stay with abusive men! It's caused more pain than any other word!
I've almost killed for it! Gone off the deep end because of it's destructive aftermath! Love!!! It's the most powerful word on the face of the earth!! Nothing else can build a person up, destroy them, or control them better!!
So if this word has caused so much pain why do we need Love? Everyone needs to to be needed. Men look for their damsel in distress, Women for their Knight in Shining Armor!!!
If there's one thing i can ask of you, it's please don't use Love as a weapon it's meant to be treasured and cheerished, Don't say it unless you mean it!! Society uses Love to lightly! God created Love for Good not Evil . Sex is not "making love" it's sex! If the Love is not there first it won't be there after!
Don't confuse physical pleasure with Love. They're not the same!! You can't go searching for Love, Love finds you!!
The Greatest Love is that of another that knowing sacrifices their own life for that of another! Stop focusing on yourself! Focus on others, help others, look after them, sacrIfice your own selfish wants and needs and help someone else in need!! For when you reach this point of enlightenment that you constantly sacrifice your own wants and needs for that of another and not out of guilt or pity but out of pure love never expecting anything in return. you will be Happy and Loved by Many!!!
11/4/2009 8:52:57 PM |
Love or Money? |
53, joined Oct. 2009
I agree....but wow....ok...
11/4/2009 8:59:33 PM |
Love or Money? |

Aston, PA
58, joined Jan. 2008
I have given up finding love, so SHOW ME THE MONEY.
11/4/2009 9:00:31 PM |
Love or Money? |
Oregon City, OR
53, joined Oct. 2009
I would have to say love.
After this last fiasco here.
I dropped over $10 an hour in wages.
And, lost an aquantence over it.
11/4/2009 9:04:11 PM |
Love or Money? |
Jackson, MS
26, joined May. 2009
Love, however if a guy is a moocher, like letting the girl pay for everything, support him, my love would dwindle quickly. I like a guy that can at least support himself. If he WANTS to pay for me, that's sweet, but I'm always happy to take a guy out, especially one that pays for me some too.
11/4/2009 9:12:05 PM |
Love or Money? |

Los Angeles, CA
55, joined Nov. 2009
where do ya find the sugar mammas
11/4/2009 9:58:00 PM |
Love or Money? |
Irving, TX
47, joined Oct. 2009
I believe that money is an essential tool of life. The way a person handles money can show their significant other exactly how much they love. Money does provide security and a lot less stress, especially since that is our only means of securing a place to live, food, medical, and exc. Hopefully this post will help shed light on the truth about money.
11/4/2009 10:12:42 PM |
Love or Money? |

Warren, MI
70, joined Mar. 2009
A good balance of love and money are essential for a healthy relationship but love is most important.
A relationship will probably survive with less money but will have a very difficult time with less love.

11/4/2009 10:49:46 PM |
Love or Money? |


Prescott, AZ
51, joined Jul. 2009
Greed, jealousy , power , and money have allot in common...don't know if love is in that same group 
11/4/2009 10:55:17 PM |
Love or Money? |
Holbrook, MA
39, joined Jul. 2009
Love is more important. But money is also a factor.
11/4/2009 10:55:58 PM |
Love or Money? |

Canton, TX
67, joined Apr. 2007
Love of course. money comes and goes and why most people around the world view Americans badly because it's evil and to focus on it is materialistic and very uncivilized. It's like the cave man who needs more then the rest. Granted to survive in todays world we require x amount of it but to base our lives on it or judge others by it is total stupidity and lack of education or even common sense!
11/4/2009 10:57:39 PM |
Love or Money? |

Assiniboia, SK
53, joined Mar. 2009
Greed, jealousy , power , and money have allot in common...don't know if love is in that same group 
Yes Cowboy love can have greed, jealousy ,and power how you deal with them can be good or bad.
11/4/2009 10:59:53 PM |
Love or Money? |
53, joined Oct. 2009
Dg.... that isn't love.... it's hiding behind the skirts of love.
Love doesn't recognise jealousy, it doesn't require power.... love just is.
No agenda.
11/4/2009 11:01:12 PM |
Love or Money? |
Miami Beach, FL
31, joined Oct. 2009
And y the guy is the only 1 who have to pay for evrything? i don't care about money... i can pay as long as i don't feel like a wussy.... I HATE GD......
11/4/2009 11:07:01 PM |
Love or Money? |

Canton, TX
67, joined Apr. 2007
Dg.... that isn't love.... it's hiding behind the skirts of love.
Love doesn't recognise jealousy, it doesn't require power.... love just is.
No agenda.  [/quote
That sums it up with true love for sure and beyond definition and if you dont understand that you have never been in love truly!
11/4/2009 11:07:23 PM |
Love or Money? |
Fort Worth, TX
66, joined Sep. 2009
you can always get money however real Love is hard to find!
11/4/2009 11:10:08 PM |
Love or Money? |

Clarion, PA
57, joined Dec. 2007
LOVE would be my top priority. I have been with men that had money and without the love, the money is not the glue that keeps you together.
Honestly....money does matter to a certain point. Comfort and being responsible with what you have shows good character. In this poor economy, it's rather common to be tight financially.The smallest gestures can give the heart much wealth and feel much better than any amount of $$$$
If both are making ends meet, doing their best and taking care of their own, then doing it together can make a relationship stronger. My fondest, most cherished memories had nothing to do with money, but all about heart!
Money is important to get by in life...having a little money and a whole lot of love would be a nice balance!
11/4/2009 11:11:01 PM |
Love or Money? |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Sep. 2009
love. Couldn't care less about money as long as there's enough to live comfortably. I think maybe it would be good to not have much money then later end up with a lot anyway. Or even if there was never a "lot" it would still be a great situation if there is love and just enough money to be happy. (takes less than someone may think)
11/4/2009 11:16:54 PM |
Love or Money? |
Miami Beach, FL
31, joined Oct. 2009
When a guy is paying and buying a lot of things for the girl he is daiting the girls always get the wrong msg or maybe is the right 1!!!!
So be careful guys be TOO NICE is not always good....
11/4/2009 11:23:18 PM |
Love or Money? |

Assiniboia, SK
53, joined Mar. 2009
Dg.... that isn't love.... it's hiding behind the skirts of love.
Love doesn't recognise jealousy, it doesn't require power.... love just is.
No agenda. 
I do not know Jess
It takes a great deal of power to love those who have hurt us.
A healthy jealousy is not wrong it shows your in love. I am not talking about BAD jealousy and I think you know the difference what I am talking about.
And greed, you bet ya I am greedy give all you love as I will give you all mine,do not hold back from what is great.
[Edited 11/4/2009 11:49:21 PM ]
11/4/2009 11:23:42 PM |
Love or Money? |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Sep. 2009
Well some women still think they guy MUST pay for everything or she will flat not date him. So i don't know what to think as far as that comment. It's hard to know what to do as a man anymore because not all women will eb the same. A million women could all say yes or no on this site to whether the man should always pay, but that doesn't change anything because some will always think oppositely.
11/4/2009 11:26:08 PM |
Love or Money? |

Assiniboia, SK
53, joined Mar. 2009
When a guy is paying and buying a lot of things for the girl he is daiting the girls always get the wrong msg or maybe is the right 1!!!!
So be careful guys be TOO NICE is not always good.... 
You can only be used if you let yourself be used.
11/4/2009 11:26:47 PM |
Love or Money? |

Canton, TX
67, joined Apr. 2007
Money is total bullshit! I have been on both ends of the scale where I paid for everything and where the woman paid for everything. What matters is people and what you do together and all things change. When you are up you are up and when you are down you are down but all things change. it's a team effort!
11/4/2009 11:28:46 PM |
Love or Money? |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Sep. 2009
I think if the people are right for each other they likely won't even need to think about money and it will be automatic how to handle it. But who knows.
Also I agree there can be "healthy jealousy". If you flat out are never jealous then it's unhealthy. There are reasons there are emoptions people can feel. UYou're supposed to feel them all. Just not to extremes.
11/4/2009 11:29:19 PM |
Love or Money? |
Miami Beach, FL
31, joined Oct. 2009
we can pay as long as we want to.... but just be careful to send the wrong msg to them.... MONEY IS NOT A FACT!!!!.....
11/4/2009 11:41:59 PM |
Love or Money? |
Miami Beach, FL
31, joined Oct. 2009
You can only be used if you let yourself be used.
i agree 100%
11/4/2009 11:46:40 PM |
Love or Money? |

Germantown, TN
40, joined Sep. 2009
i agree 100%
Well be careful with that thinking because then it's like saying women deserve to be abused because most of them definitely keep going back for more. Everyone is responsible for their own decisions, but it's immature if they're then treated as unimportant because someone feels they allowed it.
11/4/2009 11:47:15 PM |
Love or Money? |

Canton, TX
67, joined Apr. 2007
If you want to get paranoid and worry about spending a few bucks you are in the wrong game because everything you do comes back to you one way or another. You have to look at the broad picture and do it in a classy manner. If you are generous people will be generous in the long run and dont start counting your immediate change. Good vibes bring good vibes. fear of getting ripped off brings that you get ripped off! lol
Expectations are not the answer here but just be real! Money is nothing it comes and goes but always seems to be there when you need it if you passed some good vibes in the past instead of a stingy idiot! It's all perception.
11/5/2009 12:26:57 AM |
Love or Money? |
Miami Beach, FL
31, joined Oct. 2009
Well be careful with that thinking because then it's like saying women deserve to be abused because most of them definitely keep going back for more. Everyone is responsible for their own decisions, but it's immature if they're then treated as unimportant because someone feels they allowed it.
U r wrong..... u don't gonna make them feel unimportant..... u just don't gonna let them know how important they r for u.... bc they get anoying..... i gonna copy something i was reading yesterday to see if u learn....
"- Give attractive women a lot of compliments
- Kiss up to attractive women.
- Try to get attractive women to like them by
buying them gifts, dinners and flowers.
- Chase after attractive women and let it be known
that the woman is "a prize worth pursuing" right
from the beginning.
- Hand over all of their power and status to
attractive women.
Know what I'm talking about?
Have you ever seen a guy at dinner with a
beautiful woman... and he's obviously nervous
about the whole situation... and you can tell that
he's doing everything he can to NOT screw up so he
can get the woman's approval?
Have you ever BEEN THAT GUY?
Yeah, me too. A lot.
Well, unfortunately, this kind of behavior
All of the little things that most guys do to
get a woman's approval send a clear message to the
woman that:
Now that I understand this particular aspect of
male/female interactions, I can see the horrible
results all around me.
At bars I watch guys walking up to women and
giving compliments... or offering to buy drinks...
and the women smiling politely thinking, "Oh,
another loser", and excusing themselves..."
11/5/2009 12:30:36 AM |
Love or Money? |
Miami Beach, FL
31, joined Oct. 2009
If you want to get paranoid and worry about spending a few bucks you are in the wrong game because everything you do comes back to you one way or another. You have to look at the broad picture and do it in a classy manner. If you are generous people will be generous in the long run and dont start counting your immediate change. Good vibes bring good vibes. fear of getting ripped off brings that you get ripped off! lol
Expectations are not the answer here but just be real! Money is nothing it comes and goes but always seems to be there when you need it if you passed some good vibes in the past instead of a stingy idiot! It's all perception.
I really respect ur opinion but in 2009 things are a little bit diferent than 30 years ago..... if u come to Miami with that way to see things in life they will take all ur money away in 1 day!!!! lol
[Edited 11/5/2009 12:34:45 AM ]
11/5/2009 2:34:35 AM |
Love or Money? |
Westbank, BC
51, joined Oct. 2009
Which is more important in a relationship "Love or Money"?
I think they are both needed if the relationship is going to work.
What do you think? And Why?
Love first and foremost....money second. Depending on what type of person you are with and what type of lifestyle they are used to it could become a huge problem. I tend to go with Maslows hierachy.....
11/5/2009 3:20:14 AM |
Love or Money? |


Steinbach, MB
54, joined Jan. 2008
I will take Love over Money anytime.
11/5/2009 7:16:59 AM |
Love or Money? |

Adamsville, AL
65, joined Oct. 2008
For a country with so many enthralled with "love", why do we lead the world in divorces and broken relationships? Usually today, love is secrectly defined as what I can get for myself. SAD. 
11/5/2009 7:27:14 AM |
Love or Money? |

Walled Lake, MI
44, joined Mar. 2008
I grew up without money.
Because of that I had to learn how to grow food,
my dad taught me to hunt and fish.
When I first got out on my own...I stole milk crates
from a store and put a blow up mattress on them to make
a bed.
The truth is when you're willing to work at it...
you can live like a queen on a budget.
At least look like a million bucks if you're willing to
shop the sales racks.
Good taste don't mean you have to waste.
Money can always be earned, but love....that's much harder to come

11/6/2009 1:17:29 PM |
Love or Money? |

Greene, NY
44, joined Oct. 2009
I am looking for love & honesty in a relationship. I can take care of myself financially don't need a man for that. Just someone to love.
11/6/2009 10:55:49 PM |
Love or Money? |
San Diego, CA
60, joined Jan. 2009
Love is more important. As long as both of ya'll don't need a too many toys (motorcycle, BMW, Lexus, boat AND jet ski) or bling-bling, jewerly and new nails twice a week.
Live sensibly and money doesn't mean a thing after the rent and utilities are paid and you both care for each other.
Speaking from personal experiance when ONE partner has a spending issue- the relationship is F**KED.
11/6/2009 10:58:00 PM |
Love or Money? |

Oxford, AL
51, joined Oct. 2008
If you had the whole world and no one to share it with, what good would it be 
11/6/2009 11:14:15 PM |
Love or Money? |


McKeesport, PA
57, joined Jul. 2007
Love is totally important to me at this time but I an economically stable, were I one of the many unemployed who did not have enough for basics, I may think differently.
11/7/2009 12:17:55 AM |
Love or Money? |

Highland, CA
51, joined Jan. 2009
your talking of Good and Evil.
11/7/2009 3:35:59 AM |
Love or Money? |
Miami Beach, FL
31, joined Oct. 2009
I am looking for love & honesty in a relationship. I can take care of myself financially don't need a man for that. Just someone to love.

Finally...... I CAN BELIEVE THEY EXIST!!!!
11/7/2009 7:32:19 PM |
Love or Money? |
Jacksonville, FL
34, joined Aug. 2009
I'm going to add a third, chasing my passion is better than either one.