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1/4/2008 7:07:44 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Birmingham, AL
age: 62
thepkk, apparently mine isn't as far along as yours. Also, you're dealing with arthritis along with fibro. Not much gets done at my house. I mostly "clean" when I feel like it, not when it needs it.
I have friends with fibro who are in their 40s who had to retire early. One young man has a six year old child to raise and is able to work only part time. His doctor tells him to quit work or work part time. He keeps trying to explain to her that from a financial perspective, he can't quit working and can't live on part time salary.
Most people don't realize how devestating it can be. 
I truly believe that my dietary changes are helping me stay with my job. I think if I had kept eating like most Americans do, I would not be able to move.
1/4/2008 7:22:33 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
That is probably true about the diet. The bad part of being on disablity is that you don't make much money and it is hard to buy the proper foods that you know you should eat. I am diabetic too and have problems following that too. They say if it's white its not right to eat. Do you know how many foods that are cheap are white or have white floor or sugar in them??
1/4/2008 7:35:44 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Gardendale, TX
age: 61
My sister in law has Fibromyalgia and can't stand even to be touched at times. The have her on vicodin and litocain patches.
1/4/2008 8:01:26 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
I am on pain patches too.
1/4/2008 8:06:30 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Seattle, WA
age: 52
Have tried lyrica and cymbalta no help, mafe evrything worse. But they do work for some. Best thing I have founs so far is massage, acupuncture (the best ) and a lot of walking. Best wishes to all who suffer. Some people just do not understand.
1/4/2008 8:26:59 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
That is so true Dion not many understand how hard this is to live with.
1/5/2008 4:30:29 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Morgantown, WV
age: 55
I am not working thepkk, I am also on disability. The bills are higher than a mountain,I know! I can't stand the massage therapy as it only exascerbates the pain..went to physical theray last summer as my doc thought it best to try AGAIN! It went really well the first two times I went. Sounds weird but this therapist was a bit different. He had me lye down and he turned out the lights (door Open) and he never touched me except to put his hands under my neck and pull up towards my head. He did that for 45min. and talked real slowly and calmly. I felt great! The headache I had went away and I had no pain. Thought I had found my miracle until he took the little round hard plastic thingys and went deep into my muscles. I thought I would die. I was flared up for a month. I almost hit this man with my fist . He said he had to baby the muscles to begin with then let them work out the sore area's. I took him a book on FM,,two weeks later and tore his bill up in front of him. I was pissed at him. It is very true that most doc
's don't have a clue how to treat this and also there are too many folks who try to mock this just to get on SSI (haven't a clue why) and it makes it hard for those of us who do have it to be recognised. Isn't that the way of it? God bless you and all with this mystery disease. Wish they could find a cure,,I miss my job!
1/5/2008 11:38:54 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
Wow Penni your pain sounds like mine. I hade PT one time when this first started and he was a hottie. He started the massage and I finally in tears told him "I didn't think the day would come but I have to tell a good looking man to STOP THAT!" Like you it just made it worse. I have to remind people no bear hugs. Hug me gently! But please hug me!
1/6/2008 12:47:23 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Greenville, SC
age: 58
A physician told me I had it, but my psychiatrist told me he thought it was anxiety.
1/6/2008 4:12:23 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Birmingham, AL
age: 62
I spend about the same for food now as I did when I ate so many things that were not good for me.
I buy fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits that have no additives. I buy chicken from Piggly Wiggly because I've discovered they don't use phosphates to keep it fresh. It doesn't cost any more than at other stores and sometimes it costs less. I buy in bulk. I don't buy frozen dinners, mac & cheese, gravy mixes, canned meat, processed meat, or any mixes. What I cook is from scratch.
I eat regular oatmeal that has to be cooked, grits, make my own cornbread without flour. I don't buy sugary snacks, don't eat white potatoes, but do eat sweet potatoes raw and baked without sugar, etc.
It takes longer for me to prepare my meals, but has been well worth the time and effort to eliminate some of the pain.
I make my own salad dressing which costs a lot less than commercially prepared.
I have a friend who has fibro and is on disability and she eats completely raw. She never eats anything cooked. She looks and feels great! She was in such poor shape before that she could only lie on the sofa and live off what her mother prepared for her. Her life has completely turned around because of her dietary changes.
I hope all of you find some relief. I know that when I have a flare up, it hurts so damn bad that I don't want anyone around. I don't want anyone to touch me because of the horrible soreness. I also have brain fog during a flare up. Terrible, because I can't think.
Love ya'll. 
When you find a solution, let me know. Even something that gives a small amount of relief counts.
1/6/2008 9:18:13 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Kyle, TX
age: 70
Well here I am again....I thought mine was from getting old !! is this horrid ringing in my head that is driving me crazy...It startes with Sundown and lasts all night...I have the leg syndrome, and now my right leg and hip are hurting...I have Arthur, and have several vertebriaes in my spine that has been damaged 40 years there is pain everywhere...
I take Tramadal for pain, Night time pm with acetominaphine and two alpralozam at HS. I also take Premarin and Thyroid..So many meds cause side affects, I do not take just eveything.
Pain is opposite of like Faith....It is something not hoped for and certainly something that is not seen but felt.
God Bless all of who are pain filled and are hurting, especially the sister with Cancer. Let us never lose hope on any problem. for without Hope....all else is meaningless...
Rose in Kyle. 
I know all our public water is bad but I really believe it is the feed that is fed to our meat animals. Too many chemicals., growth hormones, etc etc,,,it residually gathers in our liver and causes disease processes...who knows ???
[Edited 1/7/2008 6:42:50 AM]
1/6/2008 10:33:38 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Stanford, KY
age: 57
Have you noticed how we have all came down with FM, MS and other unexplained disorders within the last ten-twenty years? Seems nearly everyone of my neighbors have one or more, including myself. Or the rise in cancer in certain areas?
Has it ever occurred to any of you that this is caused by something air borne? Maybe something from chemtrails? Remember there was a time we didn't have them. They appear in different areas at different times. Some are of a different color-perhaps a different chemical?????
Also note. We all drink the same water, it is run through a water system and sometimes reused. A variety of things are poured down our drains, chemicals, medines and house hold cleaners. Hospitals use the same water supply- have you ever thought about where the water from terminally ill patients go? People with incurable, infectious diseases use it also. All this goes down the drain to the water plant systems. Or flushed into our rivers and streams.
This doesn't even touch the additives in our foods that we know nothing about.
In short, we are lucky just to still be here.
1/7/2008 8:43:28 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Greenville, SC
age: 58
I don't know what to think of the designation "fibromyalgia." I was recently diagnosed with it by a physician, but my shrink thinks it's anxiety. Who the hell knows? I just know the AMA, the pharmacitical companies, drug pushers, and doctors make a helluva lot of money on these hundreds of labels they've come up with in the last several years.
Of course, I could be wrong.
1/7/2008 8:45:07 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Greenville, SC
age: 58
Lyrica is the approved drug. Good luck. If it helps let me know. I personally have no hope in it.
1/7/2008 11:02:23 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Lahaina, HI
age: 51
I was diagnosed 10 years ago. I use deep tissue massage. It helps but like others I decided that this WOULD NOT rule me but I would rule this.....the thought of not being able to play with my grand children as babies...throwing them in the air and holding them above my head and blowing on there tummy's... Oh heck no I know I will hurt for a while BUT the joy is worth the pain.... the new Med has side effects be is weight gain. When I put on weight I did not feel like walking swimming or getting out of bed. Moveing does help stretching to a degree helps me. I try to walk as much as possible....Exercise has to be watched.. do not over due it.....Keep positive and keep moving... control it! don't let it control YOU! 