1/19/2008 2:11:20 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Seattle, WA
age: 52
A lot of good information here all. One big problem is most people who suffer can not afford to live on disibility, nor can they work. It is a huge problem without many options. Many lose insurance and can not get medical care. Or prescriptions not covered and not affordable. Then enter the pre-existing conditions that are not covered anyway. Viscious cycle of pain and deepresion each making the other worse. Some lose everything they worked hard for all their lives. Perhaps some day the government will make changes so everyone can get medical care they need. Anyone out there for socialized medical plan in this country?
1/19/2008 5:21:09 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Springfield, MO
age: 53 online now!
I am with you on that. I think insurance companies are out to rule the govt. They get away with so much. Also the drug companies. The prices they charge for drugs. Like the drugs to help quit smoking cost a fortune yet insurance won't cover it. then they bellie ache about how much it cost the country for cancer from smoking. If they would cover the drugs we need then we could get better they wouldn't have to pay so much. I don't understand their thinking there.
1/25/2008 12:59:41 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Shelbyville, IN
age: 64
I have taken Lyrica for a couple of years, it is used to help relieve (not wipeout)
leg pain, I have had RLS for 20+ years and had so much trouble staying asleep. With the help of Lyrica and other medications I am now sleeping like a baby with dry diaper and full belly.... You might ask your Dr. if this medication is right for you...Good luck...
1/25/2008 1:49:57 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Townsend, MT
age: 63
I was told by a doctor that I had Fibromyalgia, it is something they tack on you when they don't know what is wrong. It has alot to do with depression and how your life is going. I started taking Vie Viente, it is a natrual juce . it stopped my pain and gave me more energy. I has lots of antioxidents in it. Worked for me
I don't take any other medication
[Edited 1/25/2008 1:52:07 PM]
1/29/2008 4:49:10 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Kingston, TN
age: 53
i sufferd for over 12 yrs, one day i just told my dr. if you dont know whats wrong with me send me to someone who can possibly figure this out, noone believed me about the pain, my sister suffers from the same symptoms, the burning pain cant get out of bed, evertime i try and do something i pay for it, i live in such pain and suffer deppression, anxiety,i was sent to a rhemtologist who told me what was going on,just last yr. i started taking back injections, it does help, i take lyrica, too, nothing seems to really help it.i had a dr tell me he didnt belive in this desease, i told i wish he could carry this around for about a week then tell me if he believes it or not,some drs are just not listening or dont know what they are dealing with, so they just blow you off. give you a pill, and see ya later, the dr i have now really is working with me, i think he had to educated himself, so he would know what hes dealing with, i agree there are some drugs i cannot take im alergic to morphine, and i have the migraines to go with it too, sorry, here i am just rambling on im sorry..
1/29/2008 4:56:06 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Hickory, NC
age: 55
South Welcome, I don't have it but someone i no dose and they sent her to a differance
DR .You are right most just try anything to see if it help.hope you can find help.
1/29/2008 6:10:57 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Huron, SD
age: 56
i have had fibromyalgia for over 10 years now. i best describe a flare up as how one feels in the first day of the flu. after several lazer treatments at the hospital, i began swim therapy, which has helped me considerably. i am now handling fibro better thsn ever. by the way, that new medicine, lyrica has a side effect of weight gain! dang!!!! i wish you the best of health in the future. take care, j 
1/29/2008 6:20:36 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Rolla, MO
age: 50
I have had fibromyalgia for several years.... when you do have a flareup it takes quite a bit to get over it... I recently have lost 30 pounds, which has helped considerably.. antioxidants have helped. Most meds have not.... So in the "better" periods gentle exercise, walking helps..... good luck...
1/30/2008 5:12:44 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Page, AZ
age: 60
Almost enough to make you want to work on your health.
1/31/2008 1:00:19 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I am back in school and do not have time to read and keep up with all the threads, so please forgive me if I am repeating something.
Has anyone else heard that the are researching fibro as a possible virus?
My doctor said I couldn't have fibromyalgia because it takes years of pain before it is diagnosed. I asked him if he did not remember that I have been saying how my muscles hurt and cramp and that they are painful when anyone touches me, for about 10 years now.
I have been with this doctor for 15 years, though I like him as a person, it has always taken someone else to find my conditions.
When I asked for a walker he said what for, I said cause I keep falling down. My knees give out and I am on my face before I even realize I am gonna fall. I feel treated like a hypochondriac by him. I think I am gonna have to find someone else.
1/31/2008 4:17:21 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Page, AZ
age: 60
Do some research on the fruit Mangosteen and it's ability to block pain.
You should all come for a visit. Page is a wonderful place and the center of the Grand Circle. Plus we have this huge lake that has more shoreline than the west coast from Canada to Mexico (at least when it's full. It's down about 100 feet and it's still huge).


Post questions on my thread in Health & Fitness.
1/31/2008 7:59:18 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
Dang the things you gotta go thru to post in certain groups. lol Sorry but the 40's weren't talking about this....
This is one of the many conditions I have...it is dibilitating. Exercise does NOT help. I'm too stiff to move and hurts like a sun of a gun from head to toe. Many days it is difficult just to walk. It is a deep muscle pain and if you can stand to be touched massage is helpful. Usually with fibro you come up with a host of other diagnosis. I also have myofacial which is quite painful. Ladies, Lyrica causes MAJOR WEIGHT GAIN. I talked with my doctor just weeks ago about this, CYMBALTA is good. It helps with pain and depression. All the meds I've been put on and tried is about the time I started gaining the major weight of which I catch crap about on this forum from some on occasion. It is always said you must not take care of yourself. I just want to shake those people and tell them to wake up to reality. I take pain meds, muscle relaxers and anxiety meds for this condition alone and still I'm in major pain. I didn't read all the post but someone did mention that their doc dignosed fibro then said it was anxiety. Fibro is a mass of problems within itself and anxiety is one of them. My doc put me on provigil for narcolepsy, however it has helped me immensly with the fibro fog. I feel better and think clearer than I have in years and years. Some days it does hurt just to be touched then once in a while you do have a good day. Chronic fatigue is terrible...I wake up tired I go to sleep tired. I don't sleep well because of the pain. It is just an ongoing circle. I'm sorry so many of you suffer. It does make me wonder about things, why these illness are here and only coming to light in recent years....
1/31/2008 8:24:01 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Springfield, MO
age: 53 online now!
Because so many drs in the past and present still don't believe in it. They refuse to understand our pain. I guess I have been lucky with the drs I have.
Gabapentin is my drug of choice for the pain of it and ibruprofen 800mg helps too and never have a problem getting that for pain. Not habit forming. Cymbalta helps some it didn't do anything for me. So now I am on xanax and effoxor. And ambian for sleep.