1/7/2008 11:12:05 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Lahaina, HI
age: 51
Hey Ramblin my doctor sugggested the Low Cab diet...I lost weight and feel much better..I do walk and I am one in a few that really feels better when I ahve a massage deep enough to work out the knots. It hurts but feels soooo much better after words. The carbs and other stuff does seem to bring on the pain more.
1/8/2008 12:48:15 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Stanford, KY
age: 57
I was reading the other day that artifical sweeteners aggravates the condition. They also recommended no diet drinks, that the regular with sugar was better for you.
Makes sense to me- check out what artifical sweeteners are made from----coal.
The high rate of clogged arteries, heart disease, gall bladder problems, blocked intestinal tracks and constipation. Check out margarine. It was first produced as food to add fat and weight content to turkeys, but killed them. So the FDA allowed the companies to add artifical color and flavor to oleo as a butter substitute. Hummmmm. Not only that, it is only one molecule away from being plastic. Now are you sick?
1/8/2008 1:07:39 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
My Mother suffered from it, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome.
Check out the web site WEBMD.COM You will find much info there as well as doing the usual GOOGLE search.
1/8/2008 5:56:51 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

McHenry, IL
age: 58
Blueshortcake... I'm with you. Had Fibromyalgia for years. Then in 2005 MS. I've thought for a while that Fibromyalgia is the beginning stages of MS and that the ailments have to do with damage to the DNA mutations caused from radiation exposure. Too long a story to tell here. Not wanting to scare anyone with Fibromyalgia yet if your body starts staying numb ask a Dr. to check on MS. This is done with Neuro testing, MRI's and Spinal Tap. The best to everyone I know the pain is horid and the fatique the worst.
[Edited 1/8/2008 5:58:17 AM]
1/8/2008 7:58:18 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Granbury, TX
age: 52
Shayna are you on thyroid medicine by any chance? I was having alot of pain in my muscles and ached all the time and I went to a new doctor who switched me from synthroid to Armour which is a natural hormone. I took Synthroid since I was in my 30's and wonder now if it was the source of alot of my health problems. Since I started taking Armour I'm feeling better and I'm not aching unbearably anymore. My Dr. had me do a blood test to determine if I had antibodies that had built up against the synthroid medication and I had alot of antibodies and these antibodies were fighting against the very medicine I was taking to help my thyroid!
For some reason every time I took my synthroid my body thought it needed to attack it so it wasn't helping but hurting me and causing me other health problems. I was tired all the time, ached horribly, had trouble with tendinitis if I tried to do anything and if I exercised it just made me ache worse instead making me feel better. It's been six months and I started feeling better as soon as I changed meds but I still have a ways to go because the antibodies had built up over years and it takes awhile to get rid of all of them.
I hope you see this Shayna and that it helps you or someone else that might be having the same problem and has been told like I was that you have fibromyalgia or something else when all along it might be the snythetic hormone you are taking.
1/8/2008 8:09:13 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
I never hear of the artificial sweetners, I have been using that since i was in my 20's. Don't know if I could do sugar drinks, plus I am diabetic. One with a sweet tooth at that.
It's all to much. I have numbness but they say that is from the diabetes. Only thing I don't have is a thyroid problem.
1/8/2008 9:28:38 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Gardner, MA
age: 51
Hi, I have had fibromyalgia for years and I am now taking cymbalta and it helps with the pain alot. Have not tried the lyrica and have just started hearing about it, so I don't know much about it yet. Nancy
1/8/2008 9:56:40 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
I took Cymbalta for a long time but didn't see that it helped the pain but it did help with the depression.
1/8/2008 3:12:16 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Lahaina, HI
age: 51
Hey Missy My doctor talked to me about MS and told me the same thing...I would feel like I was developing MS and to pay attention to the numbness but most likely it would always be just FM. The most frusterating thing was dealing with the Kaiser health nurse that decides if you needto see a doc.. I was having a bad day and wanted to see if my doc could give me something for the Irritable B problem..They asked if I had any numbness and I was at the time...She was insisting that I needed an Ambulance cuz I was haveing a STROKE...
1/9/2008 3:11:58 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

McHenry, IL
age: 58
1mauibabe1 Were you diagnosed with MS or Fibromyalgia? I hear you about Health Care people and places. Some of them anyway can be awful.
1/15/2008 1:47:04 AM |
Fibromyalgia |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 60
I believe beating fibromyagia (some of my ideas might help diabetis) requires some strong determination to make changes both the mental and the physical areas of ones life.
last night friend with Fibro was visiting and ate some of my mustard greens with zukhini (Green summer squash) and said she felt better after. Fresh cooked dark green leafy vegies especially mustard greens may be helpful if cooked the way i do. I will share my recipe only if there is interest. Fresh cooked greens where once an important part of our diet as where whole grain starches. limit or avoid canned or frozen foods. You must find some way to get well constructed wholesome diet if you want to win against these conditions but please understand if this is difficult for you there still maybe other answers there allways are for those who seek. Artificial sweeteners can be replaced with the more wholesome of the starches and fresh fruit. A great deal go into sensible eating. I have found that nearly everyone with this condition does not have an understand of healthy eating habits. They also seem to have been thru a long period of psycological abuse of some kind most likely from childhood but also from self or marriage or similar ... please don't pooh pooh the greens till you've tried my recipe.
Homeopathic med. Hypericum 30C or 6X are health food store items and have dramatic beneficial effect on pain at nerve ends. This remedy seems to produce a healing reaction which can last even after you stop taking it. You might want to read up on homeopathy first since these meds work quite differently then any others. They will not interact with your other meds but you may still get what is called a homeopathic reaction which is harmless but may scare you if your not ready for it .. these reactions pass quickly or if they last are ultimately harmless and part of the healing process but if you didn't know this you might not ever try this type of med again and that would be sad since homeopathic meds can be so wonderful and are the safest and and do not interact with other meds
1/15/2008 4:16:33 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Blue Springs, MO
age: 53
penni -- I take trazadone for falling asleep and staying asleep. Without it, I don't go into stage 4 and stage 5 sleep, which is the restorative sleep where your body takes care of the day's problems and promotes healing. Check you md for it.
1/15/2008 4:39:39 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Greenville, SC
age: 58
Shwaywillow, I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia by a physician. My shrink thought it might be anxiety. I looked all over the interntet and found many conflicting prognoses and symptoms.
Personally, I think I have this syndrome, but I don't give a shit. My advice to you is to exercise starting out very, very slowly. Watch your body's reaction. Don't pay people to get you into a program. Watch your body closely.
You'll be okay if you do that.
I could be wrong, but those are my suggestions.
Best of luck.
1/15/2008 6:54:19 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Pioneer, TN
age: 54
I am new here.
From what I understand Fibromyalgia affects the nerve ending's. Two drug's that i know of to help are Neurontin or Lyrica. Rheumatologist i know also say's to take tyelenol and aspirin on a regular basis with one of the prescription drug.
1/15/2008 7:13:51 PM |
Fibromyalgia |

Quitman, TX
age: 50
I also have Fibro. have for a very long time, I have also developed Lupus , but i have a very conservative up to date dr. who takes very good care of me. I have lost 60lbs. changed my diet, and i take a combination of drugs , Arava which is made for RA, and occassionally darvocet. if i have a flare up .. he admits me to the hospital and i get demerol iv with phenegren every 4 hrs for 24 hrs. since we started this routine , i have only had one flare last year. and yes even on food stamps you can eat healthy. you just have to choose to do it. i see a chiropractor 2x a month , and i have accupuncture done once a week... yes im in pain everyday, but im not a 10 anymore, i stay around a 3=4 now..