12/25/2007 2:17:54 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
Geez Sorprano, this is like a "eHarmony" survey !!
1. To always believe that effective communications ( which includes listening) is ESSENTIAL for a solid relationship.
2. When I divorced I recieved custody of my two children, and I raised them as a single parent for 13 years.
3. I NEVER go out alone. Its always with friends or family.
12/25/2007 2:32:24 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Utica, NY
age: 60
Good post soprano! It is revealing interesting insight, although some of these answers are in our profiles.
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
Two lessons. First one, we are responsible for our own happiness. Second one, there is a soul mate for us... maybe more than one (hopefully)
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
Significant fork in the road was leaving a 30 year marriage and realizing it was the best decision even though the pain of destroying an intact family was significant for all. Gave me the opportunity to meet the love of my life.
3)How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else together? Do you normally go out large groups or with just a few friends?
Spend a lot of time with my sisters and friends. Going out is usually to be with friends at their home or invite them to mine. Much laughter is important in our relationship with one another. Important for me to be with my grandchildren and have them know me. Love to go to clubs with live music, anything but hard rock and rap, like history, art,poetry,theater and attending local events and lectures. Not rigid, like to see and experience new things.
12/25/2007 2:42:36 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
agent: not quite but yes, the thought was there for sure asking these questions i've been asked before--great answers though from everyone--they are simple questions that seem to get interesting response(s)--
12/25/2007 2:52:14 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 60
For Question No. 1, I answer as follows:
"Be the first to extend Love, True Friendship, and Trust.
Over time, set aside those who do not return in kind to you, and keep as most precious to your Heart and Spirit, those who do............"
12/25/2007 3:02:41 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
I wanna have 8 track back lol. Darn it all anyway. Soprano, I've been trying and trying to answer your questions...just can't seem to find it today tho. Sorry. Ya'll have a grand day. I am glad you have joined us over here Soprano...you are an asset.
12/25/2007 4:00:22 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
Communication, communication, communication. Never settle for less than what you truly desire. Love more than you ever expect in return regardless. Praise all that is praiseworthy and try to ignore the rest. Touch the other person more than you touch yourself. Never make the other feel insecure or give them reason to doubt. Be quick to apologize when wrong and mean it. Be even more forgiving when done wrong. Laugh till your sides crack and don't take life nor yourself too seriously. Let them know they are the most important thing in your world and you would choose them again because they make you happy and warm your soul.
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
I believe some choices have been made for us. We are where we are meant to be. Who can say what fork is right or wrong? We look back glad we chose the path we did or regret the one we took. However, no one knows for sure how the other fork would have wound. All we know is what we chose, where we are and what we have. The rest is a mystery.
I was an aspiring, recognized artist with private showings. Had to prove I could get the guy everyone else wanted. Ahhh youth. I got him. Art was out of the question due to six pregnancies in five years. But.....I did return to college while living in England. So, I did right some of the missed fork. Not the wrong fork....because I had too much to show for it. Children, Europe, super University, awesome experiences and great friends.
Look back and tell me the fork you chose was wrong. Didn't you gain something from it that you wouldn't have otherwise?
3)How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else together? Do you normally go out large groups or with just a few friends?
I have a huge group of assorted "friends" in all shapes and sizes. Each likes to do something different. Dancing, dinner, movies, theatre, art galleries, genealogy researching in other states, traveling far and wide, photography excursions, pow wows, boating, biking, daily walking, workouts, fun parks, etc etc etc. Most of the time I have at least one friend with me. Sometimes, there is a local rock band I go with and their entourage or just with them. At times, I just want to be alone. One trip I made was from Tn to Portland, OR to Hawaii to Fort Worth, TX and back.......all alone. I've gone to Europe alone. It never matters to me if I'm alone or if someone wants to come. Planned a trip for me and my gf's to London one year. Sometimes, I get my dog in my convertible and we take off into the mountains. Wherever the wild wind blows. I'm flexible and love it all. Life is an adventure and I take pleasure in everything from laying in the grass watching the jet streams to the opera. I'm flexible and easily entertained.
12/25/2007 4:22:08 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Holy cow Sugah: outstanding response.
Love it.
12/25/2007 6:32:01 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

New Brunswick, NJ
age: 60
Since I am in New Jersey, I can tell you that I never got much from a relationship--I wasn't going to commit because of my endeavors and no woman accepts that a man is too busy for her. So I never bothered to get involved--but I have watched others make mistakes--usually poor communications, lack of mutual respect and courtesy, lying, and differences that could not be worked out. BUT for me, I learned to NEVER pass up an opportunity--my opportunities have taken me far and wide. I met great people and saw lots of things that I may have missed as life went on. I can truly say that I have done everything I ever wanted to do. I flew in the Air Force, I wanted to be a firefighter, I studied percussion for many years, my artwork is in almost every state in the lower 48.I have driven every vehicle I ever hoped to drive, I have a house on the Jersey shore and a farm in Warren County. The farm is a new gamble--just wanted to have a lot of property and all those machines to play around with. I lived in short spurts in Florida and California--and I was almost an extra in American Grafitti back in 1972.There never were any forks in the road--I never had choices that divided me--I did what i want when I could do it on MY terms--when I had the time to do it. I always tell people that I have had a charmed life. I owe it all to my family, my values, my work ethic, my talents were always nurtured, my treatment of people never wavers. Courtesy is a must at all times.
12/25/2007 6:51:24 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Lake City, TN
age: 60 online now!
Thank you K, hon. I honestly just think of what my heart tells me and how I would react or how I did. Some might read it and enjoy and others would be irritated. Just hope it is always taken for what it is. 
12/25/2007 7:09:37 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Port Byron, IL
age: 53
Past or Previous-most important: Listen to more music and never give it up again, seriously I had no idea I had missed so much listening to music till now. It moves me in so many different ways, makes me happy all the time. Had given it up in previous relationship for over 15 years and should never have given it up. I am having the time of my life now.
Fork in the road: should have gone on my gut feeling years and years ago about starting a business but never gave up the dream and have one today but did not start it till after the divorce, should have gone on and started it with or without his support, but it all turned out ok after all. And I did it with out him or anyone else- Oh Yeah!
Go Out: During the week it would have to be local maybe everyother week I might treat myself to an evening out with or with out company. Hard to do during the week but can be done just have to work harder either before or after. LOL LOL
12/25/2007 7:16:16 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Moultrie, GA
age: 54
1. Never take anyone for granted
2. Should have paid attention to the love of my life.
3. I usually go out alone since Im not seeing anyone.
12/25/2007 7:22:59 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
1. Never take anyone for granted
2. Should have paid attention to the love of my life.
3. I usually go out alone since Im not seeing anyone.
Mr X i need my wings--you're my pet project--signed Clarence--aka: sorprano

12/25/2007 7:23:57 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
1. What to stay away from.
2. Deciding to come home after disappearing for 10 years. Right decision.
3. I don't go out as a general rule.
12/25/2007 7:33:20 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Venice, FL
age: 55 online now!
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
Ouch...I have learned many, sometimes I think too many for one lifetime If I had to narrow it down to just one....stay clear of anyone with an alcohol or drug
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
It would be leaving my hometown in NY and moving to Florida. The move has totally changed my outlook on life, and has opened so many opportunities to me. I know I made the right choice...at the right time!
I very seldom go out at night, other then to go to work....if I do it is for dinner, with my parents or one of the male friends I have made since moving here. I love being near the gulf, and spend a lot of time at the beach...enjoy going for walks in the downtown area, shopping, movies, swimming...my passions are photography and music, so I always have my camera with me..and I love making playlists for my Ipod that fit my moods. I am usually alone..but never lonely.
12/25/2007 8:51:50 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Martinsville, VA
age: 57
1.To listen to my heart and my head, but the heart is more important. Relationships good or bad are learning experiences. Not to loose my music again. Got it back. It is a part of me.
2. Getting a new car. When the lease ran out, I found out what the gentlemen really liked. The car not the lady driver. I did find one that didn't care what I drove as long as I was happy. I learned a lesson with that fork. I am glad I didn't take the other one. I would not have met some wonderful people. It helped me build my life again. Many decisions were made in the past, but I wouldn't change any of them. I am me of today because of them.
3. I go out to see my musician friends play on weekends. Sometimes I help them out. I have gone to clubs with friends to dance and observe the new dances. I've even gone by myself. Gettng good at the cupid shuffle, working on the superman. Went to a shag club with a friend. (Carolina shag)Going to try the ballroom dancing at several clubs in the area. Visited Tennessee and South Carolina this past fall and summer by myself. Eating out with friends. I sometimes hop in the car and drive. I did go out with friends to see the Chippendale dancers. Took a class or two. Since I teach two nights and every day except Friday, I am limited in where I can go during the week. Retired twice and working on the third. lol I was told by a wise woman to make a list of the things I did not get to do while my husband was living and do them. Well I took her advice. I am working on it.