12/25/2007 9:12:32 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
OK this may be fun but let us say if you had to answer one of these questions or all three how would you respond if asked: You can add some humor to your answers too...please participate even though this sounds like a long question via this group or forum... my answers for example follow the dotted line...Happy holidays
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
3)How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else together? Do you normally go out large groups or with just a few friends?
1) my answer to this question: if I were in a prior relationship I've learned it is most important that each person be honest and open minded to each other and if one is closed-minded or an old dog and not honest during communication there is no relationship.
2) I would openly admit that the fork in the road happened to me when i decided to marry vs starting law school simply because i wanted to impress my dad and his health history, not knowing he would soon die almost 4 weeks after i married just 2 days before thanksgiving back then. I know i eventually made the wrong choice because that extra education and desire to go to law school has come back to haunt me dearly in total earning potential and happiness (ok I admit it )...I can't go back in time now but i would offer my experience helping someone to pursue the right choice if someone faced the same path even if it was for some other type of schooling or choices one has to make--actually i'm trying to say too i never had someone to consult with when i made my choice back then...
3)I'll have some fun answering this question: usually i don't go out until a weekend approaches esp if i met someone not living too close by me but i know during the week my body builds up much stress and i decided that i like dancing and a good walk to release this stress esp sharing this with someone special. I do occasionally like to eat out but how come where you eat they never tell you what they put into your food and sometimes for a period of time one can gain much weight so i like cooking too for someone special on occasion with all the fuss added too plus i know what i put into mmy food...Drinking i limit myself to a glass of wine or a cold beer and if i saw a movie i like to make sure it's not over 2 hrs -8 minutes long because at my age i'll miss the ending...DVDs then are better probably because of the pause and play mode on the remote and in between you can have some fun ...Sure i like other things to do esp trying anything once and not getting hurt trying ...about large or small groups it does not matter esp if i act myself i know i'll have fun mingling in with others---
This is how i'd answer these questions so i broke the ice here ---so how would you answer a specific question i ask or all the questions here for others to see your responses and at the same time you're opening up to each other too...
12/25/2007 9:19:37 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 50
Wooooooooo Good question Soppie!
1) What I have learned it you have to like before you love. I want my best friend and then my lover. Love at first sight does not exist. Infatuation/lust?? yes But you cannot love someone you don't even know if you like.
2) Going through my first divorce I made a choice to come out the other side a better person than when I started. I worked very hard at understanding and growing, rather than hating and hurting. It was literally a fork, high road or low road. I chose the high!
3) I moved to an area where I do not know a soul. I go to church. I do like live theater, comedy clubs, concerts (believe it or not we have some great music events going on here). My social life is very slow tho. But I try!
12/25/2007 9:22:25 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Winnipeg, MB
age: 58
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
Oh this is sad! - To always look for the hidden motive - 99 time out of 100, there is one.
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
Telling my mother to go stuff herself and walking out when I was young. Fer sure it was the right choice - I should have done it sooner!
Second would be falling in love again after 2 failed marriages. I never thought it could happen, I didn't believe in love anymore and I didn't trust anybody. It took a long time to earn my trust and to get me to open up but I did. I lost my love to illness but at least it showed me what was possible.
3)How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else together? Do you normally go out large groups or with just a few friends?
I seldom go out - just don't have time - but when I do it is usually with a small group of friends, usually other skaters. I would like to go out more but haven't found anyone worth the effort.
12/25/2007 9:36:11 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
a)Takes two Happy People to make one Happy Relationship. Start listing to my head and heart as one...
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
b)Quit working and start enjoying life. You don't get any days back. YES !!!!
Should have done it many year ago...
3)How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else together? Do you normally go out large groups or with just a few friends?
a)I go out once a week to VFW post and on weekends make myself go out to eat, dancing and a show now and then.. Lately been taking lessons and dancing 3x's a week.. Take short trips once a month most of the time (big and little Strugis), many times just get in the car or on my bike and head down the Hwy to see where it ends. Late, Oct ended up in Calf. Also try to take 1 or 2 vacations like cruises a year.
Later, Blu
12/25/2007 9:46:45 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
Vintage: Anola you live--wow how is it for you being so far away from us--
12/25/2007 9:47:27 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Eugene, OR
age: 51
wow, good post thanks
1. lesson learned in life is that you have to take the time to stop and smell the roses. Because when life is gone it is gone. So I am taking things a little slower and remembering to let those people in my life I love know it.
2.My fork in the road, looking back, wish I would of woke up sooner, and not put myself
in a marriage for business reasons I feel like I wasted so many of my years.
3.Don't go out much, and when I do I usually go by myself or my girlfriends for girls night out. But maybe few times a month take myself out to dinner. Don't really date a lot
kind of scared and have problem getting over the nervous thing. I usually go to the mall
and walk around or just sit and have a ice cream and people watch. I am nothing like I talk here on DH. DH is just somewhere to let myself go.
Hey just me 
[Edited 12/25/2007 10:54:32 AM]
12/25/2007 9:50:48 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
1.To hold on to your own dreams and desires...always be who you are regardless of what others think and love that person looking back from the mirror. When asked a question, always be as truthful as you can with the answer.
2. This would be ending a thirty year marriage that lost all meaning to me. I was lost in doing the best for everyone except me, decided I couldn't live that way anymore because it was a lie. Sometimes I think I should have left earlier from it but in all honesty I know I would have stayed until my children were on their own; so no, it was the right decision then and now.
3.Rarely go out during the week and if I do it's just me mostly or a small group of friends or family. I love the outdoors..going to art museums/zoos/jazz or blues concerts..to dinner..doing things I haven't done before..could spend a whole day in a book store or walking through the woods with my dogs. Rarely drink away from home and even then it's a glass of wine or a beer in the summer after working hard in the yard.
[Edited 12/25/2007 10:10:43 AM]
12/25/2007 10:08:07 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
so far the answers are enjoying and i bet we get to understand one another of how some of us feel answering here too...i believe in the middle question a fork in the road is one thing but to accept it and move on from it makes us stronger too
12/25/2007 10:14:04 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 50
you are a good guy Soprano! You always bring something positive to this forum. Do you hit golf balls? Someday we gotta play together!
[Edited 12/25/2007 10:14:25 AM]
12/25/2007 10:43:08 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
I avoided disagreements with whomever, including my wife. I have been nothing but a panty waist since then.
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
Should I marry or not. The marriage was by choice, and it was a poor choice. I would have persued Bible History and Archeology.
3)How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else together? Do you normally go out large groups or with just a few friends?
I don't go out at all during the week. When I seem movies etc. where there are shots from the sky, and shows the city lights, makes me want to jump in a car or on a bus or train, and travel across country. I am highly introverted so do things by my self.
Herefromminsk by daughter. 
12/25/2007 11:18:12 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Falls Church, VA
age: 61
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
I have to give you my "smart mouth" answer first. If anyone ever says, "I will never lie to you", look out!
Now that that is out of my system,--- I learned that,---Women are like ice cream. Once you take them home, it is too late to walk away. Temptation will get you every time. (Not that I am complaining) Try to find out something about her before you make a commitment.
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
I never seemed to have much of a choice in life. At best, I had two choices, and one of them was really bad.
The one thing I would change is that when I was like a father to a little girl, (for five years), I was too careful not to do anything inappropriate. She was eight years old when I met her mother. I have long since forgot her mother, but, in my heart, the little girl will forever be my daughter. I wish I had been a little less concerned with maybe accidentally touching where I should not touch. I wish I had rolled around in the dirt, or on the living room floor, more while wrestling with her.
Of course, if I had not been so careful, maybe she would not have come to me a few years back and told me that I was more of a father to her than her birth mother was a mother to her. She told me that I taught her what a father should be. It seems that I was the only boyfriend her mother ever had who made her feel loved. And I did love her!!!
These questions are tough because we only see what we missed. We have no way of knowing what would have happened if we had taken the other path.
3)How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else together? Do you normally go out large groups or with just a few friends?
I go out three to five times a week. I take dance lessons, and I dance. Due to an old injury, I have passed my peak. I still enjoy dancing and helping women, (and men), learn to dance.
12/25/2007 11:45:33 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
--Physical beauty is only 09% of a relationship. Ethics and morals 40%. Love of God 51%
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
-- No I am where I am suppose to be. On track is good. I just need to trade my roadster for a sedan. (A luxury life for two).
3)How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else together? Do you normally go out large groups or with just a few friends?
--I go out once a month to explode into the world of busy people on a fast track to ?? always in a hurry to get there so they can hurry someplace else to get something they want but won't need for long.
Then I slide gently into the comfortable chair at the "cuisine Au convenient" for a "Pate on platter" of the best "Haut Fare" the menu provides. Then after wiping the excess big mac sauce from my chin I go home. I definitely have to get me a date.
12/25/2007 11:52:37 AM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
ok answers Michael and oletafive--now make a Haiku of my questions five for extra credit--lol...
[Edited 12/25/2007 11:53:15 AM]
12/25/2007 1:15:26 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Venice, FL
age: 53
1)What is the most important lesson you've learned from a past or previous relationship?
What I have learned from all the past relationships is one main thing. Never settle, or accept less than I need or deserve in a life partner. I guess I thought I never deserved better, so I sort of took what I could get. NOT GOOD! I have learned much and through counseling, I know what I would like in a partner, and can no longer "accept" just anyone, because I DO deserve the right person for me.
2)Looking back at your life, what has been the most significant "fork in the road"? Do you feel you made the right choice at the time? Would you choose differently now?
First, I would have taken Algebra I & II in high school. Second, I would have gone into the Army and stayed until I retired, in IT technology. While in the Army, I would have gone to college and gotten my BA, then my MBA. Thirdly, I would have taken a lengthy vacation, and seen all the sights in America, then secured a job with the U.S. Postal Service, either full or part-time, depending on my retirement package from the Army.
I got married right out of high school...NOT a good choice. Way wrong fork to take!
3)How often do you go out during the week and what sort of things do you like to do? Dinners? Movies? Drinks? Something else together? Do you normally go out large groups or with just a few friends?
I don't get out much at all. No $$$ Not working right now.
When I did go out, I would drive to my mom's in Daytona Beach, or to Orlando to see my daughter & grand daughter, and my best friend of almost 25 years, Debbie. When I would see Debbie, we would go to a local place and dance the night away. Before I moved out of the Orlando area, we would go to that same place every Thursday night...did that for some 20+ years! Tee Hee!
[Edited 12/25/2007 1:21:08 PM]
12/25/2007 2:06:42 PM |
How would you answer one or more of these questions |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
One track life not two
Sunsets blanket winters days
Food for all I want
You do know how to get even!
[Edited 12/25/2007 2:07:31 PM]