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12/25/2006 9:48:27 AM |
who created god? |

Binghamton, NY
age: 51
God was not created, he just always was! Dosen`t anyone ever study the Bible?
12/25/2006 10:21:53 AM |
who created god? |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
Sacred! you sure look like a local preacher from here. Cept the last I knew, he was still married.
wudda sure been funny tho if ya was. I'da had sumthin else to harass him bout. hehe
12/25/2006 11:26:57 PM |
who created god? |

Hemet, CA
age: 57
Sacred...I need more info then "he just always was"! That's why Bible study and me just didn't get along...
12/28/2006 8:18:57 PM |
who created god? |

Crystal Lake, IL
age: 49
Again, we must read the Bible and have faith enough to accept the mystery of the Gospel of John 1:1.
In the beginning was...
It is difficult I must admit and it is perfectly fine to have questions. We all have questions about various things. Seek the answers with an open heart.
1/4/2007 6:25:39 PM |
who created god? |

Lakeville, MN
age: 58
Our little "peabrains" cannot comprehend the fact that God was and always will be. Its best not to think about it. It is beyond our comprehension.
1/4/2007 9:25:49 PM |
who created god? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 41
Siding with Hill on this one 
1/9/2007 3:44:44 PM |
who created god? |

age: 62
"God was not created, he just always was! Dosen`t anyone ever study the Bible?"
Sure have, happen to have done a PHd in both religion and ancient history. God was created by the tooth fairy and is supported unevolved warmongers around the world
1/9/2007 8:54:45 PM |
who created god? |

Covington, LA
age: 72
I see you are an atheist and if that is your religion, fine. We aren't knocking it, so why do you have to knock our's. By the way, you sure look old for your age. Living must be tough in Australia. We used to have a saying that people with degrees like your's were educated beyond their intelligence.
1/9/2007 9:20:04 PM |
who created god? |

age: 62
I'm not knocking it, just pointing out the facts. It does a good job of knocking itself with the expression it displays around the world, particularly as displayed by your “gods chosen country”. I am not an atheist, just know the historical, archaeological and chronological truth, instead of being a slave to ignorance, superstition and delusion. I don't need a religion for an excuse to live, nor a god.
I may look old , but I'm not obese or have died hair and live on or take pharmaceuticals, I have peace within my life. Not filled with the fear of a mythical violent god. Maybe if you studied it as much as I have, you may actually learn something, instead of just dribbling on. After all, why believe in something you have never studied, its like flying without learning how to. I thought you may understand that, but I stand corrected.
1/10/2007 7:54:23 AM |
who created god? |

Covington, LA
age: 72
have died hair
My hair is not dead...... (Minus 5 for spelling). Your profile says you are an atheist. I was pulling your chain about looking old. No real offense meant.
[Edited 1/10/2007 7:56:40 AM]
1/10/2007 9:22:00 AM |
who created god? |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
I love this question, because it is ENDLESS. Let's just say for a second, that someone DID in fact create God... then who CREATED HIM? It's an endless chain.
Same thing with the Big Bang Theory (which, is just that, an unproven (mathmatically possible) hypothesis as to the creation). Ok, so what created space and atomic structure to begin with?
Myself, I kind of like the philosophy of Occam's Razor, the simplest solution usually being the right one. Let's just take a quick look:
God is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. He was here before you were born, while you live, and even after you have lived. He is eternal, and everlasting. No one created God, he just is, and always has been.
So who created God... No one All things originate to one single source. For the people who have difficulty with this, no matter how you look at it (even from the Big Bang theory), things will eventually go to a single item no matter how you try to decode it... something that ALWAYS had to be there.
As for God being a reason for war and tribulation, religion is often used as an excuse for other causes, aka greed (wanting land, power, slaves, etc). Anything can be used for anything, just religion seems to fire people up. Perfect tool to use. Note that God does NOT promote war in the New Testament... But rather loving your neighbor.
But great thread.
Take Care,
Mike :o)
1/10/2007 11:02:06 AM |
who created god? |

age: 62
The concept of god holds us in the past, that way it can control thought and action. Except for study and learning from the mistakes of the past, all we need to know is where we are going realistically. Things like the big bang are just theory, which at this time being proven incorrect as does all theory. Existence is a realm of dimensions, the vastness from our understanding currently, is beyond us. So its best to say there is no beginning and there is no end, just evolutionary and dimensional change.
God was created by the thoughts of man, it was a evolutionary progression from instinctive survival, to why, then how. It progressed from animism to monotheism and polytheism. Now its truth is coming out and its passed its used by date Which is why now, we see the concept god, at its most violent expression. God can only really be proven by suppressive force, as there is nothing outside the physical material reality, that can be produced to prove its existence, but force, both psychological and physical. God is fear and the things we fear most, rarely are true and never turn out as we have been programmed to believe. God comes from the old testament, his name is Yahweh, (god of war). The book is filled will genocide and every debauchery there is, even condoned incest. The god of the old testament is a vengeful, a warmongering god, prepared to destroy the planet by flooding it to destroy and gain control. The new testament is totally different, and is not related to the god of the OT in any way whatsoever. The god the man jesus( not his name) preached are the philosophies of Buddhism and Hinduism, mixed with a bit of animism, religions thousands of years older than Yahweh. God is the concept developed to control the populace, As we see in Roman history when they took it on and turned it into a control mechanism, using psychological fear rather than physical. It's now used to ensure the people of the world are enslaved in fear and economic slavery. As can be seen by the controlling polticians of the world, currently waging ever growing war, are all folowers of god, as are their supporters.
[Edited 1/10/2007 11:06:09 AM]
1/10/2007 11:26:26 AM |
who created god? |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
Again, I do see several of the points you are making, but I still have to disagree. God wiped out man to wipe out evil, because man had lost respect for what was right. How is that different than America, Britain, and the Allies fighting the Nazis and disolving their structure (and then trying and punishing the leaders of the party).
If you compare the two, in both cases, those who indulged deliberately and wrongfully in evil were punished, those who lived for good, were not held accountable for the actions of the wrong.
Did God kill thousands of men, yes. Did that action make the world today a better place, I have no doubt in my mind. Now, do not get me wrong, I am not saying we are to do this... because we are not all knowing and all powerful. God is.
As for your reference to Yeshua, and having no connection to the old testament. Does not his disciples tell how he taught with Authority, and had amazing knowledge of the scripture. His knowledge and understanding of the Jewish scriptures and laws were so impressive, that he silenced the Jewish leaders with his words.
Yeshua (Jesus) in no way disowns the scriptures in any way, instead he teaches by the scriptures. What did he change? Did he change the ten commandments? Did he change the story of creation, or who God was? Did he ever even criticize anything in the scriptures? He replaced the Law of Moses (not the 10 commandments, diff. law) or the Sacrificial Law. He took the place of sacrifices, not the place of the God in the Old Testament.
Least but not last you talk about proof. Complete proof would really hurt the idea of faith wouldn't it? Is religion used to opress, and for wars? Yes, it is. That does not mean it is the will of God. The Bible warns of false prophets, and evil doers who will use the scripture and twist it. Sounds to me like that is exactly what is happening.
But there is one peice of evidence I will offer you. That is not something you can touch, not something you can see, not something you can smell. But it is something you can feel, something that changes you, and something that doesn't let you stay down.
How many people have completely changed their lives by a simple true confession, and by placing their lives in Gods hands, and doing his will? You can call it psychology, a fluke, or even an idea to control. I see it as a miracle that frees people from the things they have been bound by, worldly things.
Now despite the pleasant disagreements we have, I will agree with you on one thing. That is there was no beginning, and no end... which describes God perfectly... the Alpha and the Omega, the infinite. And the vastness of understanding is well beyond us, ironically so is the ability to understand and comprehend God.
In essence, we are agreeing. There is something that has always been, and always will be. Something that we can not fully comprehend or understand. I call it God, you call it Existance. The Bible calls him both 
But this has been very interesting, and I look forward to continuing this debate.
God Bless,
Mike :o)
1/10/2007 12:57:15 PM |
who created god? |

age: 62
Its not amazing that he knew the scripture, he was born a jew and studied it, travelled and studied other philosophies, losing his Jewish belief, that's why he condemned the religion and didn't believe. I was born a christian, studied Christianity within the church, travelled, learnt the truth and don't believe it and know it's a false violent doctrine, there is no difference. There are millions who have done the same, the slaves of the factions of god, Christianity, Judaism and islam, are not prepared to study truth, just believe in fictional hope.
There are as many more people who have completely changed their lives when they find out god is false. They don't live in fantasy land by thinking it is only those looking for a crutch to lean on, that have wonderful change. Its quite the opposite, they are finally free and live within the confidence of themselves and the ethical approach to life. Not for any personal gain or benefit, but for the good of caring existence. Without the need for an excuse, or self-righteous belief
This is not a debate, your just assuming and trying to put a false impression forward against fact. What you appear to be saying, is even though all the ills of the world are being caused by the followers of god, they don't represent him or his expression to the world. That's very irrational and illogical, but tell me, who does represent what you say is the truth of god, you.
With the current world situation, explain what good has been brought to the world by the belief in your god. Do you ever consider the number of indigenous cultures and people destroyed by the spread of the word and the ongoing destruction of the environment, by the power brokers of gods word. The millions of animals and life destroyed daily, to feed the ego's and greed of gods followers. Or the jails of the world filled with gods followers because of their despotic practises.
If what you are trying to say is true, there is no one follower of god on this planet that adheres to what you state is the way to follow god. Isn't denying fact, a sin in itself. You have to prove the veracity of scripture with verifiable fact to debate it, not just blindly repeat what you have been indoctrinated to believe.
1/10/2007 3:21:42 PM |
who created god? |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
Stormbay, you do have the gift of wit and tongue.
You asked who represents the truth of God, and who it is to tell us what to do and how to follow him. I am flattered that you think I am such a man, but I am no where close. I am but a humble servant, and a sinner just like anyone else.
However, there have been numerous people to tell us the laws of God (Moses, Abraham, etc). But even in their teachings, they too were sinful and could not represent God fully. There was one though, a man who was clean of sin, and who came to show us God's love and TRUTH. His name was Jesus Christ, a man who came to heal the sick (both physically, and spiritually) and then died on a cross as an innocent man so that we may be reunited with our true father, that existance which has always been, and will always be.
Now to comment on your statement about those who follow God, and who do his will by causing wars, killing others, breaking laws, etc. Just recently I heard about a man who had a Th.D. that was arrested... does that mean that all people who have received a Th.D are criminals? Do all of them break the law?
I was stung by a bee, does that mean every bee I see will sting me?
A man claimed to be a medical doctor at an emergency scene (he was not), does that mean that ALL medical doctors are really frauds?
I believe the term we need to look at is stereotyping Not all Christians serve God as he has commanded, and yes some claim to, but Jesus made his teachings very clear. In 1 Timothy, the Overseer is not told to kill or destroy those that were "outsiders," but rather to gently lead them and guide them.
As a well educated man, I think you will agree with me here when I say anyone can claim anything. I can claim to be you... doesn't make me you. Just as you can claim to be me, but that doesn't make you me.
Do not judge a garden on one bad vegetable. I think you will find that overall, Christians are a pretty good group of people (if I say so myself ), and most of us are also highly educated.
Oh and I apologize, I am a little out of order here. But you made the comment that Jesus should know the scripture, because he studied them. Yes, just as every Jewish man did. But why was Jesus blessed that he could teach the Priests? Why were teachers listening to this man? Why did the very historian you tried to discredit him with, call him Wise and a Worker of Wonders?
The last comment I will make on this, is about denying fact. Yes, if you deny the TRUTH, you are committing a sin. Being one who does not want to commit sin, I must face the truth. Which is why I CANNOT DENY MY GOD, or MY SAVIOR who is the truth, the light, and the way.
God Bless,
Mike :o)