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1/11/2007 2:54:46 PM |
who created god? |

Kansas City, MO
age: 39
This is most importantly addressed to storm bay.
The things in which u expressed, They are acknowledged within certain circles of understanding.
What u are trying to express and convey. It holds its own truth.
However, u already know that, An old adage goes, " The lips of wisdom are closed, Except, To the ears of understanding."
And i know that u know what is being said here.
U are a learned men. And what u expressed can be proven in many areas, As well as, esoteric disciplines.
Here is the logic and reasoning: A person attributed in such high esteem of humanity.
Well, such a person, cannot possibly be the first and only one. When such a person, has been proven in vast and various areas, To have went, along with studied, In various Eastern Lands.
Note: If u are first and only, Then, it becomes illogical to think that,such a person is the one and only.
On the other hand: It does not make one ounce of difference if, what is being said is condemned.
Because, most importantly, Iam speaking to storm bay(Who i happen to have a great respect for)
So, storm bay(It is always a pleasure to hear someone such as yourself, try to awaken the profane)
This response to you is: To let u know that, Their are others on here, who in which highly respect what u are saying. It is also noticable when, Their are people who in which has to reduce their characters into disrespectful comments, About a person's physical appearance.
Well, such statements as that! Really lets u know what u are dealing with from the jump.
Within the true order of things. It goes to show a great many things about personality and character.
Also, as u already know my friend. It is dogma, In which has put society as a whole into the current condition, in which it is in.
However, not only would u have to express over and over history,ancient mythologies,allegories,metaphors,parables,symbolic language,etymology,ancient cultures,archaeology,science,mysticism;
But, even if so! The strong current conditioning is so. That, many would still try to label u would u are not.
So, keep your focus. As u are anyway!
U have studied well enough, To not be deceived by redundant theological dogma.
Your friend Always!
1/12/2007 7:01:22 AM |
who created god? |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 41
what came first the chicken or the egg?
Duh! If you can answer that might just start to have an idea about who created God!
1/12/2007 12:36:30 PM |
who created god? |

Kansas City, MO
age: 39
It is the inner depths of discovery, In which totally transcends all concepts,ideas,perceptions,expressions,ideologies,etc;
And anything else, in which is nothing more than inquisitiveness! And this, when truly grasped. Then totally transcend all relative references.
It is beyond duh! In every sense
Peace out!
1/12/2007 2:42:36 PM |
who created god? |

age: 62
It's irrelevant as to what came first, what's relevant is that we can verify the chicken and the eggs existence, with god that's not possible except within the mind and that's where god was created, purely within the mind. Unless god actually pops in on us and from the description of the faithful that he created the universe, then god would be to big to mingle with those on a planet that is one of the tinniest objects in the universe. God is a concept and a violent one a that, the evidence is there to be seen and felt by most of the worlds life forms, who constantly suffer at the hands of those expressing gods concept. Being a destructive expression, shows god could not have created the universe, as the concept only creates destruction.
1/12/2007 4:04:25 PM |
who created god? |

Dayton, OH
age: 46
You go Stormbay. But beware if you let everyone here know you dont believe in their god you just might get preached at. I know I have been. Most of these people have been brain washed their whole life to believe in god. And would never conced'er that their god is not real.
1/12/2007 4:27:55 PM |
who created god? |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
I think you do not put enough faith in Christianity I know several Christians who have spent countless hours researching not only the Bible, but also the historical validity of the Bible. There are countless examples that show the validity of the Bible historically. Stormbay agrees with me on this (although he challenges the chronology). Also there is evidence of the existance of Jesus Christ. And the number of countless teachers who risked their lives to spread the word of God. People say that it was a conspiracy, for their personal gain... but those who first started preaching the word were threatened, imprisoned, and many executed. They lived humbly, going from town to town, as poor men. Why would you risk your life for something that wasn't true? I could understand a few people doing this... but thousands of people dying terrible deaths for a false cause?
I do find it somewhat interesting, that you have people who are extremely educated, having several PhDs (or other degrees) being divided on this subject.
But anyways, I guess religion is an endless debate. I saw a great quote today, and I think either side can use it as they see fit.
The quote is this:
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.
- Flannery O'Connor
God Bless,
Mike :o)
1/12/2007 4:27:57 PM |
who created god? |

Reading, MI
age: 43
Well if one realy looked into the facts and not the bs one could not help but
know that god is real.
1/12/2007 4:50:57 PM |
who created god? |

age: 62
I only agree with the OT historical references, not to the veracity of what it says, which can be archaeologically, historically and chronologically proven wrong. There is no historical evidence to support Jesus being who he is supposed to be, the only real verifiable evidence for a man like that existing, can only be found in Kashmir and on parts of the old silk route, in historical references.
As for thousands not dying for false causes, the Vietnam war, Iraq, WW2, the crusades, Knights Templar wars, the list goes on for the millions upon millions who have died in the name of god, all false useless causes, dating back to the Abrahamic era and covering just about every year since. God is a false cause, as are all suppressive fear inspired concepts.
It's the bullshit in peoples heads who deny verifiable fact and dwell within delusion, that are the fools of the world and follow the failed concept called god. Or are they just to infantile and superstitiously primitive to understand reality.
1/12/2007 5:09:12 PM |
who created god? |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
Stormbay, let's keep it clean here As for your delusion, all I asked you to do was prove me wrong. Every thing you have told me, has not disproved what I have said or even in reality challenged it. In fact, you have supported what I have said several times. You even challenged me statistically, claiming to have warped stats. Yet those stats were not Western stats as you said, but Global stats; I see you have not tried to refute that.
So in all fairness, let's watch the language, name calling, etc. That goes for everyone And I know, who am I to say this stuff. Just an old guy who came back to a site he loves.
You don't have to listen to me, not gonna call people's parents (lost the phone numbers ).
So if you want to give me one solid peice of evidence that proves God is non-existant, please do. But then again, how do you prove something doesn't exist, when it does 
And I guess we are both trying to impose our beliefs on each other, guess that is the purpose of debate. So lets keep the debate educational, clean, and in good sense and humor.
And don't get mad at me just because you know I'm right 
God Bless,
Mike :o)
1/12/2007 5:10:08 PM |
who created god? |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
By the way, I would be careful what you say about the Vet. War [if you mean it the way I took it]. You may stir up a bee hive you don't want to -- just a caution.
- Mike :o)
[Edited 1/12/2007 5:10:38 PM]
1/12/2007 6:00:13 PM |
who created god? |

age: 62
Prove god doesn't exist, sure provide verifiable proof the he does so it can be refuted. You can prove something exits by producing it in verifiable fact, if you can't do that, then it is a concept and only exists within the mind. You haven't yet provided any evidence to support your stance and the statistics you talk of come from religious origins and are manipulated to get the results you want, just as your religion manipulates truth, to advance it its worldwide debauchery.
As to Vietnam, lets just say I spent a quite a deal of time serving in Sth east Asia in the mid 60's, and am fully aware of all aspects of the war, as are my veteran colleagues. It was a useless ideological war that achieved nothing but death and destruction, which still continues to day from the chemically saturated country side, unexploded armaments and mine fields. I don't take kindly to being threatened by religious fools.
1/12/2007 6:38:14 PM |
who created god? |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
Haha - Stormbay... have I ever threatened you? I do not recall doing so.
And dear sir, you may call me a religious fool, and perhaps that is all I am. Is one foolish for spending hours on hours to find truth? Is one foolish for continuous research to further educate himself. And is a person foolish to take the facts, and to regard them as truth? To live his life by truth?
If that is the definition of a fool, then I stand proudly a fool.
While I have not given you any solid form of proof, I have so far proved (I think) that Jesus was a real man, that he did do many wonderous things, and was incredibly wise. He died, and Christians followed him to his death, and to their own.
By your own admission, there is something that has always existed and will always exist.
You tell me my statistics are flawed, then show me their flaw, and give me accurate ones.
You ask for solid proof, and I have told you that is where faith comes in. Yet if things are not as I said, then it would be simple to disprove them. All you need to do is give me one fact to disprove it.
Of course, because there is no way of proving without a shadow of the doubt, it must not be true. Just as the world was flat, and the idea of an atom was absurb.
So do me a favor, prove the world isn't round, or that atoms don't exist. (metaphorically speaking for prove to me there is no God).
I am pretty open minded. And I went into my research taking both sides... playing both the prosecution and the defense if you will. I have made a case for both sides, and after careful consideration and caution, made a decision that I felt was correct and right... BASED on the FACTS.
As for my comment about the Vet. War. I do not know how people in Australia feel about it, but I have worked with several vets. I cannot tell you what it was like to be there, because I was not... but I do know several American friends who were in the war, and you will find it to be a very hot debate as well. Just don't want anyone to take it the wrong way.
Now in closing, I want you to know that I do respect your opinions (I do think they are incorrect, but that is my opinion), and would like to keep a civil debate going. Or call it what you will.
I hope you have a great night sir.
And God Bless,
Mike :o)
1/12/2007 7:46:01 PM |
who created god? |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
Just for Kicks and Giggles, here are my sources of the Stats. Please forgive the fact that they are from "religious" sites such as the CIA, InfoPlease, Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, etc. (referenced by Wikipedia) (slightly lower estimate) (references Encyclopedia Britannica)
But please, if you find a flaw in the statistics I provided to you, let me know. After all, maybe the CIA made a mistake.
Take Care & God Bless,
Mike :o)
1/12/2007 11:51:18 PM |
who created god? |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
Here is the Real Truth>>>>
1/13/2007 12:11:12 AM |
who created god? |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
And I thought I had seen everything... Hillbilly, what would we do without you?
****** ADDED ******
Well, being bored, checked out their book (Jesusland) on Thought it was funny [the reviews, not the book] how one guy kept going on in his review how true the book was, and how the all the events mentioned prove this. Yet the copyright page, clarifies by stating the book is FICTION.
Oh well, guess stuff like that comes with the territory.
God Bless,
Mike :o)
[Edited 1/13/2007 10:41:18 AM]