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7/29/2007 9:49:54 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
I could use some spare parts, how far in the future is this going to be?
7/29/2007 9:53:45 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
Research and development is already on its way
I believe i saw something on the Discovery channel , called "Future Fantastic"
Its a series of science and technology shows , you may find it interesting.
7/29/2007 9:57:28 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The globalists think and plan 20 50 and 100 years ahead and have technology 40 years in advanced of what they are showing everyone...they have had help from their demonic alien buddies in the trading of hybids for technology...It was not on their own that science figured anything out...It is a slow indoctrination process doled out to the sheeple so as to not give them to much information and scare their lost little souls...the gangsters don't want to upset their monitary system of raping the substance out of the sheeple to fast so they would rebel against the tyranny being perpetrated on them without the grease.
7/29/2007 9:58:53 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
thanks, i'll see if i can tivo it
7/29/2007 10:59:49 AM |
Adam and Eve |

North Port, FL
age: 23
See it all goes back to the Garden of Eden the very first sin God did not want to abandon us we abandoned Him by choosing sin over God that is why bad things happen to good people,"how is our God Just in this matter you ask?" Well first off he does not tolerate sin thats why Satan is no longer Lucifer's in heaven cause he wanted to be God read the 10 commandments and the first one of them all is Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me.Now i always hear God inst good or else he wouldn't hurt people now im gonna sqash that right out off the discussion right now people heart people sin hurts people if we all lived right lives according to the King James Bible and all got right with God we wouldn't be having wars or abortions or murders cause we all would try our best to live for God and God is love and love isn't murder or rapes or violence.Let just say the bible is a fake im goin on what some people believe not what i believe but just say for a yr it is even if it was wouldn't living by the bible make a better life for you wouldn't you live better lives and treat people fairly and love other as they should love you and help people.If everyone obeyed the bible earth would be a better world and no one on earth can say other wise its a fact,but another fact is that scientific facts are only are own facts lol I mean come on a man makes up a fact and everyone believes him?But God Almighty Give his word but yet no one believes him or trust him?Was man here before the heaven and the earth did he see it created did he touch the stars?Then why not believe some one actually capable of creation Like Jesus Christ?If there is ever a fool on earth it is the man or woman that believes a scientist over God.
7/29/2007 11:54:58 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
You too have a lot to learn. I have been a better person since I gave up on religion and the bible as the word of god. The evil side of me has less control because I give it no power and therefore do not give in to it. Not until you realize that you own yourself can you make your own decisions. You can take back your own power to do what is good for you which is also good for everyone else.
Lying is bad for me, cheating is bad for me, killing is bad for me, stealing is bad for me, hurting others feelings is even bad for me. So when I am doing what is good for me I am doing what is good for everyone.
7/29/2007 2:26:43 PM |
Adam and Eve |

North Port, FL
age: 23
Dieing and going to Hell isn't good for anyone wouldn't you say ?
7/29/2007 4:42:32 PM |
Adam and Eve |

North Port, FL
age: 23
God is Love and Love is Kindness,Goodness,Faithfulness&Self control other than our own choices to disobey him do we pay the consequences so if some one can prove from fact that God is not a just and fair God when he gave his only son to die so that the entire world by excepting his son Jesus Christ could be saved that to me doesn't sound like a God that would demand you to hurt yourself or hurt others does it?It a heart condition in the end time when the sky splits and the rapture happens and alot of people that rejected his truth will be taking back the words once said but it doesn't have to be that way,it's all about a heart condition God can not work in a prideful heart it must be humble for him to come into it first.Just too many prideful people in this world the road to Heaven is narrow the road to Hell is very wide.Every one see the Truth,Not every one let's go of pride to except it.
7/29/2007 4:44:24 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Nassau, NY
age: 18
indianrider said-
im sorry but i dont think we are all incest from two people
If you are talking in disbelief then I can say that it is an amazing coincidence that people from different parts of the world that look totally different but an black Guy can still reproduce with a japanese woman. when a gene is passed on to another person it becomes stronger if both people have it (say brother and sister marry and have slightly darker pigmentation and their children both have it then their grandchildren ect . If you notice a lot of people in this world hardly traveled much until a few hundred years before Europians first made out to America.
So pretty much races are created by incest (as gross as it sounds) often people in tiny villiages would only marry other people from that villiage for hundreds of years often people would marry: cousins, aunts and uncles, sometimes even siblings and parents.