5/26/2006 8:13:56 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Jonesville, MI
age: 20
There are a few reason why I doubt the bible, one of them is in the very book of Genesis.
Genesis 2:15 "Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it."
Genesis 2:16 "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;
Genesis 2:17 "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."
Genesis 2:19 "Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air and brought them unto Adam."
Not one line in the bible does it say that God named the man Adam. It does say that Adam named her Eve because she was the mother of all things.
I understand that the name Adam means "Man", but back when the bible was written, no one knew that.
Basically, it tells me that when the bible was translated, things were added that weren't in there. If they can add the name Adam, they can add anything else.
Which leads me to believe that the holiest of all books....is lying.
5/26/2006 10:13:45 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Akron, IN
age: 59
Again you impress me with your thought process, research, and wisdom.
Keep that open, inquisitive, mental additude.
But do understand you process and analyze information different then most people. Most will not understand your way of thinking or be able to see your point of view.
5/26/2006 12:38:02 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Roseville, CA
age: 27
The bible was written by man. It should not be taken literally.
5/26/2006 1:07:33 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Jonesville, MI
age: 20
Yes, the bible was written by man...but most people take the bible very literally.
6/6/2006 8:50:06 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Astoria, NY
age: 65
also several books of the bible were censored, they are not in the bible. censorship has always been alive, and doing well. i have wondered how many of those that wrote the bible were on LSD trips.
6/8/2006 2:36:21 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Utica, NY
age: 31
I look at this a little differently. The Bible was written by man, but with God decided what he wanted in there. There are parts of the Bible that are literal, that are parts that need interpretations. Thou shall not kill is pretty clear, but other things are not.
I think we need to interpret these things for ourselves. What I need from God is different that what others need. I think if you believe in Jesus as your Lord and savior and faithfully seek him, you will understand the bible in a way that makes sense to you.
I do not know why Jesus said on the cross father why have you forsaken me. Jesus was God, and that was his entire purpose. I do not think this will keep me out of heaven. Keep look at the Bible, but keep your faith. That is what is important.
6/14/2006 2:02:52 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Jonesville, MI
age: 20
I agree and disagree.
I think God wants us to question our faith. I think he would rather us know it inside ourselves than be doubtful our entires lives. Questioning faith is not taboo in religion. It's healthy.
And honestly, your views on the Bible arent really any different from everyone else.
6/14/2006 5:14:48 PM |
Adam and Eve |

New London, WI
age: 53
Faith is important and believing in a higher power is very important whether it be God, Jesus or something else. What ever keeps us grounded and believing in good is as important. The Bible is a good platform but it has been rewritten by man so many times and the interpatation has been changed over many years..You can pick up any bible and get a different interpatation every time. Also censorship is alive and well even in the Bible.
10/2/2006 11:28:42 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Sequim, WA
age: 26
Qustion = Have you read the whole Bible? The first man was called 'MAN'. How would anyone distinguish man (gender) from MAN / Adam (the first man that ever existed)? Answer - The men who wrote the Bible just used a different language (MAN = ADAM). There were many languages that existed through history. Some have changed and many languages have been wiped out. The English language has changed in many ways since its birth. The Bible doesn't lie. God doesn't lie.
10/12/2006 8:03:09 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Washington, DC
age: 46
Now I really feel insignificant in the light of heaven.
10/13/2006 7:10:49 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Hilo, HI
age: 47
did you really just say that when the bible was written, nobody knew what the words meant?
10/13/2006 7:24:28 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Hilo, HI
age: 47
before you say; "nowhere in the bible does it say" try reading it. most foolish questions about adam & eve are answered in chapter 5. yours is in verse 2.
10/13/2006 7:32:05 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Hilo, HI
age: 47
I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts. Psalms 119: 99-100
12/30/2006 8:08:03 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 44
you to round it up your calling The bible wrong because it doesn't say God named adam?
adam means "man kind". if you find a grasshopper in the yard do you name him or just call him grass hopper?
when you have a child. Lets just say you decide to name him Adam. Would there be a rule that says. You have to tell him his name is Adam. or do you just start calling him that?
When my daughter was born. We just started calling her Jamie. she figured out that was her name.
12/30/2006 8:15:25 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 44
if you want to understand the bible. you have to understand. it a figure of speach lots of times. let say. lets come over to my house make a camp fire and shoot the bull for a while. ok. that means sit around and talk. Not shoot my bull.....like its cool.... is it cold. or is it nice. or does that mean I like it. .......i'm on vacation. in 98 degree tampa bay FL. I look at my girlfreind, checking out he palm tree and the ocean. wow !this is cool!! she writes it in her diary. my daughter later reads it and says. wow it used to be cold in Florida.