6/6/2007 9:37:38 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
QOH-Hollywood how do you know that? Prove it?
hwh-the bible has stated this in the begining of genesis adam and eve did exist how do you think sin entered the world theres the proof there once adam and eve sinned all of human kind were doomed death and everything entered the world.
hwh- plus the bible has no reason to lie everything in the bible did happen adama was tempted by a serphent which was satan once adam fell for it he disobeyed god... and so did eve theres the proof there in the bible in the book of genesis?
6/7/2007 12:07:49 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Just cause the bible says it does not prove it. I asked you to prove it not just quote the bible. Pretend all the bibles have been destroyed now prove to me that Adam and Eve are real.
6/7/2007 12:10:08 PM |
Adam and Eve |

age: 62
well I am gonna sneak a question in here right quick .
Did Adam have a belly button?
6/7/2007 12:21:38 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
QOH- now prove to me that Adam and Eve are real.
hwh- one proof is woman has labor pains.... because of eves sin
hwh-another proof of evidence woman came from man from adams rib
hwh- they both had two sons there is proof and evidence of that
hwh- that was the first murder that occurred when cain killed abel
hwh- thats proof of what i stated what more proof do you need
hwh- i understand everyone believes something different but everything
hwh- that ive read and studied is 100% truth adam and eve did exist on earth
6/7/2007 12:41:53 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
silencedangel-If they can add the name Adam, they can add anything else. Which leads me to believe that the holiest of all books....is lying.
hwh- thats very stupid in other words your saying the entire bible is a made up fairy tale
silencedangel-If they can add the name Adam, they can add anything else
hwh-the bible did not add nothing to it well atleast when i die i know where im going because i believe everything in the bible the bible is true and doesnt lie period they dont have to add anything period again another stupid belief.
silencedangel-Which leads me to believe that the holiest of all books....is lying.
hwh- well you have very little faith in the bible you will see one day that everything in the bible is true i hope im here when jesus returns i hope you are still here too so you can see for yourself he is real and that the bible was true all along and you though it was lying.
6/7/2007 7:41:25 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
You have still not said anything that is not in the bible. Prove something that is not quoted from the bible. If you just quote the bible or ref-raze what is in the bible that is not PROOF.
6/8/2007 4:07:38 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
QOHQ-You have still not said anything that is not in the bible. Prove something that is not quoted from the bible. If you just quote the bible or ref-raze what is in the bible that is not PROOF
hwh-there is no proof i can give you the only solid proof is in the bible and what it says that should be enough proof there and i believe they both existed i believe adam brought sin to the world. i believe everything the holy bible says and my proof and what i believe in goes by what the bible said from the start to finnish.
6/8/2007 4:54:07 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
We are all descendants from Aliens from another planet
Evolution was nothing but Genetically altered monkeys into what we are today , hence...No missing link
Such a leap on the of this magnitude on the evolutionary scale can only be achieved artificially
Read Zecharia Sitchin's books
Like Noah's arc it is actually a much older story copied from a much older book
And i said i would not get involved in Religion...Oh Crap...
Here is a link:
[Edited 6/8/2007 4:55:32 PM]
6/11/2007 8:48:36 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Makes as much sence as anything else Caster.
6/19/2007 7:22:08 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Kissimmee, FL
age: 43
the library is such a wonderful place to sharpen any knowledge...also the hebrew scriptures,if you know someone who can translate them
6/19/2007 2:11:06 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
If I don't except the bible in English why would it be "gods word" in any other language?
6/19/2007 2:44:11 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
QOH-If I don't except the bible in English why would it be "gods word" in any other language?
hwh-because everything in the bible is the word of god, the reason why its in other languages is because its been translated so many times.
6/19/2007 2:45:43 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
I do not believe it is the word of the creater in any language. Understand?
6/19/2007 3:07:57 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
yes maam
6/21/2007 3:29:49 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well actually that is not a bad question the bible does not really say what kind of leaves