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12/30/2006 8:29:01 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 44
actually the word adam and eve were not the first people on earth. in genises chapter one he created man. in the hebrew it says man kind. male and female. then the 7th day he rested. then on the 8th day he created man. translated from the hebrew is Eth ha adom. meaning "the man adam." then eve. etc. thats why there were other people to multiply with. when he kicked. cain out of the garden and he went to the land of .......
1/15/2007 6:40:32 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Wilmington, DE
age: 29
1/15/2007 9:09:10 AM |
Adam and Eve |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
The Story of Adam and Eve is by far one of the most debated stories in the Bible. For one, it goes against all logic (man being created out of nothing... in a single day, and then a woman being created out of a rib).
And as such, there are several different views on the story of creation:
1. Metaphorically: The story of creation was simplified and shortened, to give us an example of how God works.
2. Semi-Literally: This is the way it happened, BUT it didn't neccessarily happen in 7 Solar (24hour) days.
3. Literally: This is the way it happened, AND it happened in 7 Solar (24 hour) days.
4. Hogwash (sorry Hill, just loved that line so much)
Myself, I do believe in the story of creation. I have nothing really to support this belief, other than my faith.
In regards to taking the Bible literally, I do take it literally. My faith uses the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, which is : Scripture, Tradition, Reason, Experience. Of course, the Scripture is viewed to be the authoritive, and none of the other three are equal to it. Therefore we look at what the Bible says, and focus on that first... then the other 3.
My faith also states that while the Bible was written by man, it was inspired by God, and as such is truth.
My biggest concern for people who do not take the entire Bible literally, is what that person decides to take literally, and what they decide not to. Do you accept one parable, but not another. I guess the question is where does the line get drawn.
For example, some Christians believe that the resurrection of Jesus is metaphorical, whereas most Christians argue that his physical resurrection is a vital part of the Bible.
I guess this is a concern of faith... is God able to raise someone from the dead, even though science & experience tells us once they are dead... they are not coming back?
But that is just my take on things, and my views.
Take Care, God Bless,
Mike :o)
[Edited 1/15/2007 9:12:08 AM]
1/15/2007 12:03:24 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Lowry City, MO
age: 47
No offence taken, Mike. 
For a christian, you aint half bad. lol If all christians were like you, well, we wouldnt need you. hahaha
I dont mean that inna bad way either.
I keep thinkin one of these days I will type up alil bout my own ways of thinkin. Just to give y'all a small glimpse of where I come from. I Most normally dont discuss religion nor politics with friends. (Mostly christian friends). Things work out better that way. we're all good people, we just dont believe the same way.
1/15/2007 1:25:44 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 40
Still trying to figure out if Adam & Eve covered themselves with fig leaves or was it poison Ivy 
1/15/2007 3:12:17 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Bemidji, MN
age: 22
Sin - thats just an i-rash-inal question!!!
1/15/2007 5:33:47 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Fort Wayne, IN
age: 40
LOL Sure is 
1/15/2007 11:47:17 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Coldwater, MI
age: 43
One must also understand that the Bible was translated two times into the english language and there were many words and phrases that had no true english definitions......therefore only comming as close as possible.
2/5/2007 8:15:24 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The myth that mankind was once pure in innocence or fell due to awareness of their sexuality is utter nonsense. The myth makes no sense at all, other than in the context of sexual repression. Is Christianity about sexual repression? To a great extent, yes, as control over the sexual practices of the flock gives the religious elite great leverage. The sex drive is constant and strong and when the flock is made to feel guilty about this and tries to buy out from under any impending punishment, this in turn makes the religious elite rich. This is the crux of Catholicism. Anyone who doubts this need only listen to the lectures given school children in Catholic schools and to the anguish poured forth in confessionals. Why was this nonsense about Adam and Eve perpetrated? Early man had some sense that they were genetically engineered having seen their makers and passed this along in myth and legend. Early Christians adopted this legend and changed it to suit their needs. End of story.
2/18/2007 8:15:37 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Cambridge, MA
age: 32
the Holiest of all Book is not necessary lying because there are some truths to it in the form of teachings that we can apply to our lives...the notion that all things were created within 7 days is totally unbelievable...if we each look at our birth we will see that we did not come into being as adults...its not true abut this Adam being formed out of the dust of the earth and Eve out of a ribs...did the people who put the Bible together know of the Ice Age?
2/18/2007 8:21:33 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Cambridge, MA
age: 32
what astounds me is the people that believe in the literal 24hrs. of everything coming into being
2/18/2007 10:22:37 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Erwin, TN
age: 48
Mike, you are pretty good at this keep it up. I agree with you.
I believe in God, in his creations, in Adam and Eve, in the bible, The beginning and the end, Heaven and Hell. I cannot understand how anyone could not believe. Which as in all things, to each his, or her own.
It is up to each person to work out their own soul and salvation. It will be between them and the good Lord in the end.
Does it not say in the bible somewhere believe not and be damned?
Not sure, but I know it is something along those lines.
I believe that if a person really wants to know the truth and are honest in their heart about it then God will revel the truth to them.
Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find,
All I know is that all though my life there has been times of need and troubles that no-one but the Lord could have helped me. So yes I indeed beleive in it all. I might not be able to quote verse and scripture to you but there is a higher power and I hope that one day when my time has come to be judged, I will not hear the words--Sorry I never knew you. As for now I am not a christian, and if I die today I am going to split hell wide open. But I hope that he doesn't withdraw his spirit from man before I get my marbles all in a roll and change my ways.
I don't want to argue or get anyone mad but just wanted to express MO on the matter at hand.
Have a good night
6/6/2007 8:35:29 AM |
Adam and Eve |

age: 62
I am an atheist who has searched for God for many years. Finally, due to the behavior of the 'Good Christians' at work, I sat down and read and studied the Bible. The first errors are found in Chapter 1 of Genesis but this passed me by at first. The world could not have been created as written. The first error I saw was God telling Adam on the day he eats of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, on that very day he will die and then Adam lives for 930 years (the second clue that it is in error). Some say, "Oh, he died spiritually," and I ask where do you get that? Others say a day is as a thousand years in the eyes of the Lord. Sure!
6/6/2007 8:20:00 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
hwh- thats a very stupid statement adam and eve did exist how do you think sin entered the world it entered the world thru one man that man was abam the bible does not have a reason to lie everything from genesis to revelations is true..... the scriptures in the bible are not false everything in the bible is true. MY GOODNESS
6/6/2007 9:27:52 PM |
Adam and Eve |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Hollywood how do you know that? Prove it?