1/7/2008 3:43:52 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
Poor Hygiene is soooooooo gross.....ugh.
Shez never thought about the ones that try to separate you and your family.
Good one
1/7/2008 3:52:07 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Hebron, IN
age: 53
It's scarey to know how much we really have in common, and to really see how many of us has suffered at the hands of others, at least with our 50's men we really are treated like ladies.  Thank you so much guys!!!!  Yes with me it was the mental abuse and infidelity also and some of the words are still with me, and they hurt like being stabbed with a knife.
1/7/2008 3:54:41 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
And I promise to take a bath before the meet-up in June.
Later, Blu
1/7/2008 4:04:35 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Galesburg, IL
age: 50
I think it would be interesting to hear the "ex's" side of the story ,too
1/7/2008 4:05:02 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Culpeper, VA
age: 51
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too! take a bath before June that is.
[Edited 1/7/2008 4:05:35 PM]
1/7/2008 4:12:47 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
I know my ex's side. I was mentally abusive. Demanded too much of him along the line of connubial bliss. So, when we divorced.....six years ago.....he married a woman fourteen years older than him. Guess that was okay a few years back....but now he is 68 and she is 82.......yikes My gf asked him how he liked married life. He said great....I don't have anyone begging me to stay in bed with them.....and my wife gets up and cooks me breakfast, lunch and dinner. My gf said......guess that is okay if that is all you want. He just didn't want to perform any more.
1/7/2008 7:10:04 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Venice, FL
age: 55
shez...oh yea. that is a definite dealbreaker. I look at a dealbreaker as ...he is all that you want...but for one thing. If I start listing, all the things that make me not even go into a relationship..bad hygiene, velcro sneakers, dirty baseball hats, missing his front teeth, spits in public, his normal voice can be heard 5 tables away...he has to clean the front seat off of the past weeks garbage in order for me to have a seat...oh boy...are you getting the pictue yet
1/7/2008 7:23:31 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Prescott Valley, AZ
age: 56
Mrsmiles, what is happening in June may I ask??
1/7/2008 7:50:28 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Staten Island, NY
age: 56
I'd say all the addictions (I grew up with alcohol in the home and it made life a constant drama). But, gambling UGGGGGG. My last hubby just couldn't get enough of my money. They look for women who are stable and end up sinking them. (or try) There's no incentive for them to stop. They don't fall down drunk or have a drug overdose. When times get rough, they just dig deeper into your wallet or mortgage payments. They borrow from family and friends thereby creating an environment of embarrassment around your family unit. They're typically con artists also; that's part of their magic.. so they get a lot of leverage from their 'charm'. I always wondered are they thieves or are they gamblers?
I also feel infidelity is a deal breaker, not for the usual reasons of trust, but because it makes me feel like I'm wasting myself on somebody who's not in my game. I value my sensuality and sexuality. If my partner doesn't appreciate who I am. I DON'T WANT HIM. It usually makes me feel like he has NO taste no r class. So why be with a loser? How bad is that??
1/7/2008 9:49:04 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Republic, MO
age: 60
I have had both the mental and physical abuse, and believe me they both drag you down. I was in the hospital and in a shelter for 3 months. It took that long to realize I was okay and they weren't. I will never let anyone verbally or physically abuse me again because I deserve better and so does every other person on this earth.
1/7/2008 10:24:39 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Homosassa, FL
age: 61
You go Drin !!
Deal breakers, two top ones for me are liars & cheaters,
nope wont even think about tolerating that. 
Hey Lotus 
[Edited 1/7/2008 10:26:31 PM]
1/8/2008 4:55:01 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
lotus.... .... trashy auto..... I wasn't going to say it but you are right. I mean there can be "stuff" all over but the trash??? Fast food bags from a week ago? To me that is a sign on his hygiene not up to snuff.
The communication has been mentioned and I agree, there is also the passive aggression, where they don't really talk to you and pull away. This gives me a feeling of abandonmant and it's a way they try to manipulate you.
So some of the deal breaker are actually signs of other things more serious. jmho
1/9/2008 3:19:57 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Rockville, MD
age: 50 online now!
Velcro Sneakers?
Dang...I am gonna have to learn to tie my shoes now!
Let Me Go Qazy On You
1/9/2008 3:25:42 PM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
Lied !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!