1/6/2008 6:58:53 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Boise, ID
age: 68
Besides theobvious infadelity and abuse whatin a relationship is a "Deal Breaker". What kindof action will cause you to say, "That's it. I'm out of here. It's over". Everyone talks about "unconditional love" but is there such a thing. If there was many of us would not be here. Somewhere a line was crossed and a loving relationship ended.
1/6/2008 7:04:10 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
I'm thinking a number of things could be a deal breaker. For instance, finding out that your sweetie is majorly into drugs and you aren't; finding out they have a big problem with drinking or gambling away all their money and want to gamble away your's too; finding out they are involved in illegal activities that could affect you... the list just might be as endless as the number of people there are on earth.
1/6/2008 7:05:57 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
Morn Good... to me trust is the whole nutshell.. after trust everything else grows.. Trust is a big word that covers a lot a space..  
1/6/2008 7:09:43 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
I'd have to agree with Trust, and D all the above falls into that category. 
1/6/2008 7:13:17 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
when there is a mutual understanding of sharing the emotional, physical and spiritual bonding between both people...many of us are here missing one of the above...possibly because someone in the relationship becomes closed-minded during conversation and there seems to be something starting the ferris wheel in a regressive mode...i've said this many tiimes--a salesman just doesn't ask you to buy but he makes sure he does 5-6 times when he closes--and in a relationship you have to have to ask your partner is she happy...that's the deal breaker
1/6/2008 7:26:41 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Krum, TX
age: 64
Right on Sorprano, I might add ask and HEAR. I know for myself after 24+ years it was not what he said or did, it was the same emotion abuse that I lived with from the beginning. The only thing that changed was that I grew up and said I won’t tolerate this anymore. His response was "I am who I am and I’m not changing". So it was a no brainer.
1/6/2008 7:26:42 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
Good... I've gotta go... thanks for the topic... Will be interesting to check back for more responses.
Too pretty to be inside any longer... going out for some sunshine and to enjoy the warmth!
1/6/2008 7:38:48 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Venice, FL
age: 55
Up to this moment...the real deal breaker for me..has been addiction to alcohol or drugs. The abuse of alcohol ended the three relationships that I had committed to, for what I believed would be life. I know I can't exist in that environment. I have been fortunate in never having to deal with infidelity...but I have seen couples rebound from it..so being the type of person that I am, I don't think it would be a deal breaker for me. As I go down through the list of what each of us considers a deal breaker, I am left with the alcohol/drug abuse as it seems to lead the person into all of the other areas I find deplorable.
1/6/2008 7:43:03 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Bath, PA
age: 67
no communication!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1/6/2008 7:47:16 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Corsicana, TX
age: 56
I agree Deal Breakers can be endless, though I have seen lots of people put up with things such as infidelity, failure to manage money, alcohol etc, abuse over and over again just to "not be alone". So from that I guess a lot of people consider being alone a deal breaker.
1/6/2008 7:52:29 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Once the first lie is spoken...it becomes easier as time goes by. And once that door is open...you let in all the other nasty stuff.
Hi Sug: Hope you feel better soon.
1/6/2008 7:53:39 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
When his moobs are bigger than mine........
1/6/2008 7:54:17 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Bath, PA
age: 67
You are so right on Texaschick...........I put up with most of that for 37 yr. I guess I was assuming we were refering to the next relationship..........good post!!!!!
1/6/2008 8:07:12 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
All of the above things are deal breakers if you can't find a way to work thru them, I stopped drinking in 89, because they said I had a problem with alcohol, my marriage was shakey for a while, she still drank, but I didn't at that time we worked thru it.
1/6/2008 8:10:56 AM |
What is a real "deal breaker" with you? |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
And still don't drink, but if I were to go out that doesn't mean you can't have a drink. It's very simple for me " I can't drink " The End