1/8/2008 7:06:30 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Mohawk, NY
age: 64
they have their own beds...good for day time naps, unless I take one...and try as I do I can't fit in theirs....so it is just a reply of nitetime...
it matters not where i sleep...THEY ARE THERE....sometimes I can't even move...more than once, I awoke and thought OMG...I've had a stroke...can't feel this or that body part!!!!
1/8/2008 7:11:48 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
If I had someone to hug ,the TV and pillows would be gone !!!!!!!!!!!
When Buddy , yellow lab slept with me.. Learnt to roll over before opening my eyes, if I open before, a lick in the face would come from buddy..
After I kicked him out of bed, he did the same thing. Come up to the bed and lay his head about a 1" from my face. Waiting for the eyes to open...
Later, Blu
[Edited 1/8/2008 7:17:22 AM]
1/8/2008 7:13:47 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Hebron, IN
age: 53
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, I need someone to cuddle and hold. NO PILLOWS!! I want the real thing!
1/8/2008 7:18:39 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Redding, CA
age: 54
A couple of years after my husband died I replaced the old waterbed with an airbed and that helped the sleeping problem a lot. My bed is pretty crowded these days with the 4 legged snugglers. Two dogs and a cat. Would be nice to sleep with someone with less fur.
1/8/2008 8:08:53 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Mohawk, NY
age: 64
at one time I didn"t want to sleep with man not shaved...things do change....air beds great
[Edited 1/8/2008 8:09:54 AM]
1/8/2008 8:16:50 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Venice, FL
age: 55
Blue..My yellow lab would do the exact same thing...as long as he thought I was asleep, he would wait, and wait, and wait some more. Thanks for the reminder ...it is so nice to remember Rufus..for a long time the mere thought of him reduced me to that choked up feeling.
1/8/2008 8:24:47 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Port Richey, FL
age: 50
blu and lotus -
You have to love them don't you? My guy sticks his nose through the bars on my headboard, at first nudges my face, then goes to the side of the bed and puts his paws up to assure himself that he's woken me up to put him out. This am was 5:00 (which was okay because I had to be up and out by 6)
Better than any alarm clock I've ever had, and he does it with a smile.

1/8/2008 9:19:00 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
Hell No! 
1/8/2008 9:34:18 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Corning, CA
age: 50
bought the x a brand new pillow top mattress
she left less than a year later
haven't slept on it since
that was over 4 yrs ago
kids use it - all of them now again
daughter has her own room, but prefers to sleep on the bed with her brothers
doesn't like being alone - guess it's hereditary?
I use our dog "Baby" (you asked me before didn't ya Rose?)
anyway, she is the best alarm clock I have had in a long time
before Baby - the kids were almost impossible to get up with out a fight
now they awaken with smiles and giggles because I tell Baby to go get them up
we walk in and she goes from one to the other licking their faces!
I sleep on the couch in the front room and wake up all the time to at least one of the kids on the couch with me.
On a side note:
Why is it that a mother will disappoint her kids so damn many times?
I had my children from the day after Christmas until yesterday morning.
Sunday morning I told them that if they wanted to spend Sunday with mom that it was absolutely no problem. I even called her for them - they left 3 messages during the course of the day, starting at 10:30.
Left messages on the home phone and her cell phone - she did not return any of the calls to them.
I took them to school and when I got home there was a message on the machine that said she did not get their messages until they got back at 10 that evening. Talking with my daughter - she said I guess mom had more important things to do huh dad?
The snake she married - and her - have another kid now - and he takes them everywhere - but does it when my kids are not there it seems like?
Oh well, the more she disappoints them ,I guess tha,t what I offer them is far more valuable - total 100% Love - no babysitters, no one else between them and me! AND they KNOW IT!!!!
Ok - enough rant for now
And now for something completely different!
Is a frog’s ass really watertight??

PS - I sleep horribly by myself - miss the snuggling, and comforting peace of having her beside me.
1/8/2008 10:07:02 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Utica, NY
age: 60
blue, went through the same thing after my husband died. Couldn't sleep in "our" bed for 1.5 years. Slept in the chair, on the couch, in the guest bedroom, anywhere, but there.
As far as sleeping alone now. I like sleeping alone. Queen size bed, sprawl all over it! Move around a lot, could hurt somebody or frighten them to death with my (Marge Simpson) hair, come daylight!

1/8/2008 10:11:29 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
Dan, any woman that does not grab you up and thank her lucky stars she found you is an Idiot. YOU are a Good Man, if I wasn't old enough to be your mother , I'd be hopping a plane to the west coast ASAP  
1/8/2008 10:12:41 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Mountain View, MO
age: 56
cottage, i bet you look beautiful,,when you wake up,,    
1/8/2008 10:30:28 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
No. Enuff said. lol
1/8/2008 10:35:03 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Mountain View, MO
age: 56
no, no, no, no, no, i don`t,      
1/8/2008 10:53:18 AM |
Sleeping alone, do you sleep as well |

Homosassa, FL
age: 61
Oh, hell no!! I want human contact.
Pillows are great, but they can't hug you.
Nesting(I do that) is good, hugging is better.