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2/10/2008 4:02:37 PM |
protest pics |

Chicago, IL
age: 57
I thought the photos were great and I may have been at that same protest, with my 17 year old daughter. People who just support their government, right or wrong, don't have a clue as to how this country was formed in the first place. I support the service people, wish they were here or elsewhere other than Iraq where they were sent;too bad they're not taken care of better when they come back maimed physically or mentally; unfortunately, they're NOT protecting our freedom there, as our freedom was never threatened by Iraq, just as it was never threatened by Vietnam. It is threatened by the policies of this administration. I travel internationally often and people in other countries don't understand how the people here could elect the administration in power. (they really didn't elect him in 2000). When a government is corrupt (this one is; do you know where the billions are going?) it needs to be exposed and challenged, and these photos are of people doing just that.
2/10/2008 4:13:53 PM |
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Newark, DE
age: 50
I cannot view the pics and really kinda glad I cannot because i know they would just piss me off.I'm not going to get into the discussion on this thread because people who think going to Iraq was a bad idea have no clue.I will just say a few things.In this day and age,when there really is no 1 real world power,we have all these little shit countries like Iraq,with a crazy madman leader,and I dont care if our govt flew him in JFKs private jet and placed his ass on the throan,standing on his balcony with an AK-47 shotting it in the air and killing innocent people.We as a free people cannont,and should not ever let that happen in this world.We have to stand up and say..no..you cant do that.There is a lot of things bad about this country..and alot of good things.And I believe,just like my dad who served in ww2 and uncles and grandfather..if you dont like it here...GET THE F*CK OUT..or become a politician and change the world.
2/13/2008 12:33:39 AM |
protest pics |

Bellingham, WA
age: 57

Isn’t it interesting how your original question provoked so many angry comments not related to what you had first asked? Isn't this this the 'Pictures' forum?
I liked the pictures.
As for the protesting, our country was born out of dissent and I see no reason to stifle peaceful protests.
My personal view is that we should not have gone to Iraq. We are not fighting for our freedom there; in fact, our freedoms are being stripped from us. I believe (though don’t have current figures) more civilians (as in men, women and children—aka: human beings) are being maimed, killed and otherwise having their lives ransacked than occurred prior to our interventions. And we are allowing our own young men and women to be killed for a senseless cause which we will eventually give up on and then abandon after tens of thousands of our families will have suffered the loss of one or more.
If we can’t or won’t protest using the venerated symbols of our society I submit we may as well go shout down a well for all the response we would garner.
My two-cents-worth isn’t worth much but both pennies belong to me.
Protesting isn’t about not liking it here: it is about exercising freedoms we supposedly still possess in order to effect change in society. And where is it written that it is our responsibility to police the world? Suggested reading: ‘The Ugly American’
[Edited 2/13/2008 12:35:11 AM]
2/16/2008 6:17:34 PM |
protest pics |

Lakewood, OH
age: 40
Quote chimike:
"People who just support their government, right or wrong, don't have a clue as to how this country was formed in the first place."
Amen Brotha.
Quote bocky1019:
"I dont care if our govt flew him in JFKs private jet and placed his ass on the throan,standing on his balcony with an AK-47 shotting it in the air and killing innocent people.....We have to stand up and say..no..you cant do that."
Errr, um? Douche bag? That never happened!
I mean I don't watch TV but never remember ever hearing anything about Sadam going on a random shooting spree from the balcony of the White House before now.
You should go work for BU$H on the "why don't we just make stupid shit up committee" cause some poor dumb ignorant hillbilly f*ck will believe it and run off to stomp in the heads of innocent children and little ole lady's for Britney Spears, The WWF, diet raspberry Snapple, fold up lawn furniture, reality TV, Monster car rallies/truck pulls and rough gay anal escapades out in the corn fields with two goats, a chicken and your "bestest good friend" Jethro and everything else you believe makes America a great place to live.
ACK! I'm gonna vomit!
In America war is just a way of getting braindead morons like yourself to go out and get your balls shot off so some rich fag can get even richer, while the rest of us who know better stay at home and f*ck your wives.
I believe the term is called, Ummm...Errrr. EVOLUTION!
You can look it up later after you get off of dictionary.com looking up all those word I used that are longer than 3 letters.
"I love how you hold the flag that i fight for up side down and touching the ground really shows what my friends have died for huh"
No, apparently your friends died to ensure the financial profitability of Halliberton Energy.
But you are only 18, so I guess you have an excuse to be so stupid.
But do yourself a favor and go and tell your CO that you've changed your mind, go back to whatever crap hole country town you crawled out of, find a nice girl and make babies, grow old and try to think for yourself for a change instead of believing everything you are told to believe.
I always loved that whole "I FOUGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY" line.
It is hilarious, like they are saying "I FOUGHT FOR THE ROMAN EMPIRE!"
It is gonna happen with or without you Skippy, you are just a little ant in a giant pile of shit and whatever happens is gonna happen with our without you, so you might as well take your stupid ass home and try to enjoy your life.

2/22/2008 12:23:09 AM |
protest pics |

Visalia, CA
age: 43
I am a former US MARINE and personally I think that all of this is being directed the wrong way!! People TOO many people are confusing the goverment and the troops sent there to fight. The troops sent there are doing a job that they swore to do, most of them do not like it but they are proud to do it anyway because they were brave enough to stand up when called. The government on the other hand is full of courrpt people who are just in it for profit for them selfs and no one else. You have to ask your self this simple question... "Why would anyone spend $30 million to get elected to a job that only pays $250 thousand a year?" The answer is so simple that many of you will miss it... They plan to steal it back with interest. If you think that there is another reason think again! I personaly support this war but not for the reasons that you would think. Sadam was a very bad leader and killed his own people with out reason by the thousands, I have no beef with the good people of Iraq only with the insurgents that come from other countrys to try to stop a better way of life from being born there. The people of Iraq are just like us all they want is a better life where they can be free. If we pull out before they are ready to take care of them selfs we have opened the door for more war and dictators to move in, and garantee that our brave brothers and sisters died for nothing. I can not let that happen and still sleep at night. I will always support our troops no matter what!!! They are not the ones that set the polices just the workers that are sent to enforce them, just like any cop on the street.
It was Mark Twain that said "You give loyality to your country always and to your government when it deservs it."
Make sure that you are clear on what you are protesting like the government and clear on what you are supporting like our fighting men and women, they are fighting for our right to protest openly and to freely speak out against the government. Many thousands of american fighting men and women have died to protect thoese rights use them well.
By the way did you notice that all of the people in these pics are very young??? I bet most of them have never fought for anything but their cell phones and ipods....

2/22/2008 11:13:42 AM |
protest pics |

Winchester, CA
age: 38
I see a lot of anti-war lip music here, but i see no support for the assertions..
I see no protesters refraining from using petroleum based products....
War for resources??? Show me a war that wasn't for resources... You try running a country without resources and see how long it takes before another country is owning ur ass. If you think Bush is some tyrant, dictator, you don't know shit..
2/22/2008 9:33:13 PM |
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Whitby, ON
age: 30
im not going to talk about the politics of these pics
im more intrested in the quality and choice of subject
i like how no one is posing for these shots i like the one
with the guy talking to the masked girl , like his attention
is drawn to her, oblivious of every thing around him , its like
every thing around him is in slow motion . good shots
id like to see more of your work
2/22/2008 9:36:25 PM |
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Whitby, ON
age: 30
the no more blood for oil 1 youve captured a real sadness in her face
good job
2/23/2008 1:23:37 PM |
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North Little Rock, AR
age: 36
I don't know that the two are as confused anymore. I've heard more people in the last couple years say that they are praying & supporting the soldiers that are there fighting for us than I've ever heard. I support any member of any service no matter who they are, where they came from, or what they are fighting for.
The current president of the United States is a completely different story. I can't support what I find nothing to believe in.
2/23/2008 5:06:08 PM |
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Glasgow, MT
age: 61
Instead of protest pics, I am showing the things that I love and believe in...even the Tet soldier...he may be one of the 54,000+ that never returned. But if he did, Welcome Home.
Car I saw in traffic somewhere near Chicago---The Flag, however you see it...

A 1968 Tet soldier--Viet-NAM----a pencil sketch I did 2 years ago.

Warriors all, they won that night. Hope they still are...

Union Civil War grave....he served---

The Flag again---I did this a few weeks ago...

The American Flag, whatever you think of it---

My son, who served and came back okay....

2/24/2008 3:19:09 AM |
protest pics |

Clarion, PA
age: 49
I don't believe you were wrong for protesting...you absolutely have that right. The pictures did show me that some young people are trying to think for themselves and taking a visible stand.
But...when I saw that flag, written on and degraded as it was, my heart hurt. The flag may be a piece of cloth to you, but it is a very precious symbol to many American people. I am in an elementary school every day. The children still rise, stand straight, put their hand over their hearts and pledge to that flag. What a contradiction to then use it as a tool and disgrace it.
I suppose I am sensitive about this issue, because my father fought in WWII and received the Purple Heart and Bronze Star. He was almost killed by a German soldier standing over him with a bayonette, as he lie wounded. His only recourse was to play dead and for the grace of God, that soldier thought he was and walked away. My brother fought in the Vietnam war. Six went over as friends and he was the only one who returned home.They sent his best friends remains home in a casket that could not be opened because there basically was nothing left to show. I was a 3rd grader during the time my brother was in vietnam. He had no choice because he was drafted at age 19. I remember coming home from school many days and could hear my mother crying in her bedroom. Or coming home, seeing her eyes red and swollen, knowing she had been crying. I didn't understand at that age, but now I realize what she must have been going through.
My son is 20 yrs old, much like the age of those in the pictures. He is now in the US Navy serving his country as a medical corpman. You see, it's not about the protest itself, but more about the tools you used and the offensive use of our great symbol of freedom. Protest all you want...but make sure you are representing with respect of the very men and women who truly fight to give you the freedom to do so. 
[Edited 2/24/2008 3:20:39 AM]
2/24/2008 8:59:35 AM |
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Glasgow, MT
age: 61
You articulated in words what I tried to do with my photos. Thank you!
11 classmates from HS lost to Viet Nam
2 husbands lost mentally and emotionally to Viet Nam
1 brother lost emotionally and as a victim of Agent Orange to Viet Nam
1 life partner lost an ankle and almost a foot to Viet Nam
Many male friends from my younger days lost to alcoholism and drug abuse due to PTSS and other emotional and mental terrors
War creates chaos----Bush actually said that in a speech last year...
War is harmful to people and other living things....John Lennon, I think??
French and Indian War---my 8th great grandfather, Benjamin Pattee
Rev War------my 7th great grandfather----Josiah Page
War of 1812----my 4th great grandfather-----David White
Civil War----my great grandfather----George White
World War 11-----my Father @ Pearl Harbor-----Rees White
Korean War----my cousin, Dave White
Viet Nam-----my brother------Rod White (May 25, 1949-November 1, 2007)
My son, Dave, who served 5 years ago and came back okay!!!

I know we all have a history. This is just my family's.
Defacing the flag only shows an attitude or state of mind.
Doing something about the reason a flag is defaced is the answer.
Demonstrations are physical manifestations of frustration regarding what a group of people believe should happen and they show that with their actions.....but action, sometimes quietly and sometimes politically, actually get results. Albiet, not always the results in the form desired, but results.
Get involved on a level that will actually lead to change, not more destruction.
Demostrations show discomfort and intent...but they are not followed through by the same people seen in the demos....it is the core people who are constantly working behind the scenes that get the results.
Let us stand back, individually and collectively, and review our plans and intent. Then let us move forward or revise our plan.
I honor and respect my flag and my country. I would be a dishonor to the men who followed before me and fought for what they believed if I didn't.
I hate war. Most of us do. For that reason alone, it is enough to stop...think...act with less violence and more solutions.
There are no problems, only solutions. John Lennon, again.
Just my humble opinion.
2/24/2008 6:42:24 PM |
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Aurora, CO
age: 23
It seems to me that most of the people in those pictures are all wanting for one thing: World peace, which is in and of itself a conceptual oxymoron. The world will never be at peace and the prospect of such is completely radical mainly due to the fact that a good portion of the world (if not most) thrives on conflict. I myself am one of these. If there is no conflict there would be no conflict resolution, meaning, relatively, no reason to think at all. I love to think and figure problems out. So, the idea of world peace is scarier to me than world chaos.
All that being said, I do believe in holistic liberty. I'm glad those people have the opportunity to protest. Even though I don't agree with some of the ideas being protested for I still would have liked to have been there simply because it would have been a good form a conflict, which, in my opinion, is what this world is built on.
2/24/2008 8:55:24 PM |
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Surprise, AZ
age: 48
There are so many great posts here so many people have said what I would have said several times over. I did not like the pictures and it really to me would have shown a lot more taste to have done something to honor our men & women who are over in Iraq and the several other countries instead of makeing so many vets and families feel offened by your so called demonstration that accomplished nothing.
2/25/2008 1:37:18 PM |
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Clarion, PA
age: 49
Charmie....So sorry you had to see so much physical and emotional results of war. My heart goes out to you and in spite of your scars, I know you still stand strong. You take care!......"Zea" 