2/25/2008 5:40:24 PM |
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Glasgow, MT
age: 61
My son is okay and that's the big deal!!!!
If only there was a singular wordly figure who could rule with a velvet glove and wrap his/her mind around the concept of Peace, and then make the concept action.
2/26/2008 5:06:07 PM |
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Mebane, NC
age: 50
Hi everyone, my best goes out to each and all. It is a free country right?
BUT WHAT IF.....In Dec 1941 and the yrs there after, we as a country ceased to exist?
And that did ALMOST happen ya know. Would any of us be as we are today? I think not. WE WOULD NOT ENJOY THE FREEDOMS WE TAKE FOR GRANITE. Rice patty anyone? You get my drift?
My Dad - ARMY Korean war
My 3 Brothers - Army & Navy
2/29/2008 2:01:02 PM |
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Lakewood, OH
age: 40
BUT WHAT IF.....In Dec 1941 and the yrs there after, we as a country ceased to exist?
Then these dumb ass retarded hillbilly f*cks would be on here saying how we should all be proud to be Japanese or German.
Some people just don't get that boundaries of countries are arbitrary assignments, little dots drawn on a map that have no value or meaning other than what we assign to them. What made America great was an idea and an idea that no longer exists, so all we are left with is just a chunk of dirt that they want to protect by murdering people who pose absolutely no threat to their little chunk of dirt that they are so f*cking proud of.
If this is the best and the brightest then we are DOOMED!!!!
3/1/2008 12:15:27 PM |
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Clarion, PA
age: 49
dbsuma...are you calling me a dumbass retarded hillbilly f*ck??? Surely not! But then again...you are "FREE" to say whatever it is you want in this country, especially in writing. How Brave of you! 
3/1/2008 1:54:35 PM |
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Bothell, WA
age: 69
Two Hawks takes the Talking Stick:
I spent 24 years in The Army. 6 in the Regulars and 18 in the Reserve. I spent three years in Vietnam and I remember seen news broadcasts of those F***ing hippy war protesters
protesting something they knew nothing about. When I came home from Nam one of those bastards walked up to me called me a "baby killer" and SPIT on me. I decked that son of a b*tch!
So yeah! Go ahead...protest! Display our flag upside down. Show your disrespect fot the country and the flag. Just remember one damned thing! THE MILITARY HAS GIVEN YOU THE RIGHT TO DO THAT! THE MILITARY FIGHTS FOR YOUR RIGHTS TO BE ASSHOLES!
Two Hawks waves his middle finger at you and passes the Talking Stick
3/1/2008 1:58:33 PM |
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Livonia, MI
age: 28
you have got my respect and thanks two hawks.
3/1/2008 2:03:56 PM |
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Bothell, WA
age: 69

The Two Hawks salute to war protesters!
3/2/2008 8:47:28 AM |
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Bellingham, WA
age: 57
Two Hawks:
If there was no controversy there would be no place for warmongering. No need for protest. Disparage the protester all you want but aren't you being a bit hypicritical? You support fighting for freedom but get pissed (a technical term for irate) when someone exercises the freedom you fought for.
I'm a veteran though I subsequently came to believe our penchant for war in this country is wrong. Do you recognize that since the Civil War we always send our children to other countries to fight, kill and be killed?
What really ticks me off is that this is supposed to be a thread about photos and we've turned it into an argument thread. I'm surprised the thread owner doesn't object.
3/2/2008 5:56:44 PM |
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Glasgow, MT
age: 61
Lee, well said.
3/3/2008 6:52:42 AM |
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Lexington Park, MD
age: 27
I agree with tsgvinny 200%. GO RED WHITE AND BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!