1/9/2008 4:11:11 PM |
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Bellingham, WA
age: 26
These are ones I took myself.

1/9/2008 4:14:52 PM |
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Bellingham, WA
age: 26
smoke out at the capitol!
1/9/2008 4:15:14 PM |
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Bellingham, WA
age: 26
does anybody like these?
1/10/2008 11:05:20 AM |
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Ponca City, OK
age: 34
Those are cool, and actualy speak the truth about why the war is really goin on
1/10/2008 5:54:38 PM |
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Houston, TX
age: 46
Does amyobody in those pics hold a job, pay taxes, support a family? They certainly dont look like they do.
1/10/2008 9:54:57 PM |
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Beacon, NY
age: 61
No,I don't like your pictures. They're the same faces I saw forty years ago.The only thing missing is the "commie" flag. Protesting the war is your right!The same right all the servicemen&women who died for that flag of ours that you drag through the mud.The right they gave up their lives to protect for you.If we were fighting for oil,gas would be ten cents a gallon.It's all just politics.And,like the Vietnam war-the more you protest,the longer it goes on and on.Take pictures of all the good we do in the world for a change.Amazing things are happening in Iraq&Afghanistan,Africa.Our soldiers,sailors&airmen are doing agreat job all over the world. Burning our flag and pissing on the graves of our fallen will not make the world a better place.
1/10/2008 10:02:19 PM |
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Paris, IL
age: 35
Sorry, but being military myself, dragging the flag on the ground upside down isn't something you should be proud of.
I agree that we shouldn't be in Iraq, and that the fight there is more about politics and power than finding Bin Laden, but that photo is not going to do anything to move our government to pull out of Iraq. All it does is spit on me, and every other serviceman and -woman out there now, as well as every one of them that gave their lives for that flag.
Not saying everyone should respect the government, but everybody better DAMN well respect our flag.
All I see here is a bunch of spoiled children who never had to fight for anything in their lives, or make sacrifices for that matter.
1/10/2008 10:36:20 PM |
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Ponca City, OK
age: 34
I carry the american flag in my home and it stays UPSIDE DOWN
It stands for how my unfairly my family was treated by the U.S. Govt.
These kids are standing up for what they believe in, and we should NOT put them down for it.
I don't believe in a lot of things ya'll stand for on here, but I don't put you down because of it.
I think ya'lls are rude to the gal that posted these pics, and should be ashamed of yerselves fer being so selfish
[Edited 1/10/2008 10:38:00 PM]
1/10/2008 11:04:46 PM |
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Evanston, WY
age: 50
by posting those pics on the internet you are helping the goverment to identify subversive people.
1/12/2008 4:38:07 PM |
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Bellingham, WA
age: 26
The subversive people they have to worry about are not pictured here they are pictured on my [blocked site] account. But they already have those Im sure.
As for the flag it sounds like you guys are idolizing the flag like its a god or something. If you killed people for a flag, if that's what you truly believe, you should be locked up in an institution, I mean listen to yourselves, really!! I bet you never heard that one before!
1/13/2008 10:02:15 PM |
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Lakewood, OH
age: 40

1/21/2008 1:29:51 AM |
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Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 18
I love how you hold the flag that i fight for up side down and touching the ground really shows what my friends have died for huh
1/21/2008 3:59:58 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
age: 38
I feel for the people that are at war for something we may not even have in 10 to 15 yrs from now. To be truthful I didn't even see the upside down flag until I started reading the critics report. When I looked at the pics, yes it reminded me of the ones I have seen in our history. But most of all it reminds me that these are our new voters, our future and I hope freedom from a goverment that has become so unlike the one that our forefathers wanted.
1/23/2008 9:48:41 AM |
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Ishpeming, MI
age: 48
I love 'em! They show that people are not afraid to stand up to what is right when our government is wrong, which of course is one of the most basic freedoms our fore fathers intended.
1/24/2008 10:21:48 PM |
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Erie, PA
age: 67
YEP, IT IS YOUP RIGHT TO PROTEST, TO INSULT THE GOVERMENT AND CONDEMN THE WAR..I believe that's called a "FREE COUNTRY ", the flag you hold in such disrespect stands for that "FREE COUNTRY". THE CONSTITUTION you so freely use for your bases of doing what ever you want, was written and put together by people who wanted a "FREE COUNTRY".many of them like you stood on the "graves of those BRAVE SOULS who came before them and paid for there freedom". AND THAT GIVES THIS LITTLE OLD LADY THE RIGHT TO TELL YOU: IF YOU WERE BORN HERE..MOVED HERE.. OR JUST COME AND GO..THIS IS MY COUNTRY! I AM PROUD OF IT! THAT IS MY FLAG! RESPECT THEM BOTH! OR LIVE ELSEWHERE! THE PROUD GRANDMOTHER OF A U.S.SOLIDER IN IRAG.