3/13/2010 5:55:59 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |
Aurora, MO
84, joined May. 2009
With a "Black " man of mixed blood lines in the White House & mixed schools all around the country, just how is it afffecting your life style or your family ?
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3/13/2010 7:32:42 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |


Huntington, IN
87, joined Feb. 2009
Fish,I don't think color is a great factor in our lives today but when we were young it was.Not many interracial marriages when I was young,in fact we didn't have any colored in our school or even most of the nearby towns.  
3/13/2010 8:02:46 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |
Aurora, MO
84, joined May. 2009
Thank you Granny for your input , I have mixed feelings about this subject one due to fact my Son married a lady from India & sired a female child whom I love just as much as if she were all white.Yet I have no intention to do so myself.
3/14/2010 8:05:01 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |

Waterford, CA
81, joined Nov. 2008
did you see the opra show about DNA of popular Stars, President Obamma, and others. It was bery interresting. Eye opening as well. It appears that no matter what you think your blood line is .....when checking way back when....we have mixed blood anyway. What difference does it make if the people are good to each other and love is present? I will admit that some skin tones effect me more than others. What would you do?

3/14/2010 9:07:43 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |

Hominy, OK
79, joined Jan. 2010
Old Predjudices are hard to break. If you have been told all your life a certain thing by parents and peers, but it didn't sound right when you heard it, and you had this nagging suspicion that predjudice was wrong, you were right, it is wrong. I have a black grand-daughter, and a black great grandson and I love them dearly, not as if they were white, but as if they are black. In other words I love them for what they are. My grand-daughter sees both sides and she says, "You mean there are people you hate me just because the color of my skin?"
Also my family is part Choctaw Indian and Blackfoot Indian, and there are people that don't like us because we are Indian. Ponder on these facts, and figure it out. Does any of these silly predjudices make sense?
Well I've said my say. Goodnight all. God bless you all and have a wonderful night.     
3/14/2010 10:21:21 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |


Pottstown, PA
77, joined Aug. 2009
Race should definitely not be a factor. What is meaningful are personality, character, honesty and humor. "Yellow, red or black or white -- they are precious in his sight". 
3/14/2010 11:08:18 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |
Aurora, MO
84, joined May. 2009
Thank you ladies , those were all very good responces, true most wood piles when dug into will reveal a shade now & then , but please note none stated as to wether or not they'd date or marry a person of another race.
3/15/2010 1:29:41 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |


Kernersville, NC
77, joined Jun. 2008
I have dated a man of another race, a perfectly nice gentleman, but there was no chemistry between us. As to marrying a person of another race, I have never had to make that decision, so I can't say whether I would or not. A person's race is only a part of who they are and not, IMO, the only thing to consider when contemplating marriage.
3/17/2010 11:53:13 AM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |
Duluth, MN
81, joined Jan. 2010
To each his/her own. What ever turns you on.
3/17/2010 11:57:10 AM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |
Duluth, MN
81, joined Jan. 2010
I don't think color of the skin matters....It's whats inside that counts. I'm too old to change my ways but I am also very broad minded when it comes to others.
3/19/2010 12:01:55 AM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |
Kansas City, MO
80, joined Mar. 2010
It's amazing, the 21st century and the racial card is still present in this democratic christ like country!!!!Why?? When will it be that each person is rated on who he or she is rather than what race are they. wow!!!!!
3/30/2010 1:24:42 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |

Waterford, CA
81, joined Nov. 2008
In the past I had the chance meeting of a wonderful dark skinned man. He was the one with the color line drawn. Not me. And I worked with young men & ladies, of color, who were very color line opinonated. The genteler sex were more open minded about the lines to be crossed or not crossed. Strange isn't it. ?????
4/16/2010 11:41:38 AM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |

Brandywine, WV
77, joined Apr. 2010
I've dated black men. My second marriage was to a Chinese man whom I met while I was teaching in China. I have a black grandchild. I kinda think the Universe is colorblind, but it's nice to see that the human race is becoming a bit more so. Hope it continues.
My fella is BTW related to our President via Edward the Pilgrim (they're both related through the same link to Woodrow Wilson).

4/16/2010 1:11:48 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |

Clarksville, AR
76, joined Apr. 2009
At our age I think it is fine as we now seek different things than when we were young and now we are not child bearing as I think maybe the children in some locations have a hard time fiting in or knowing where they belong""""""and I help to start EEOC""""" but then I was raised in California """"""so maybe locations have a lot to do with that.
4/17/2010 1:30:03 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |


Pottstown, PA
77, joined Aug. 2009
When I was a child, interracial dating was something people whispered about over the "backyard fence." Since that time, we have had several interracial marriages in our family, and they have been accepted without question. BTW, there is nothing cuter than a caucasian/black baby.
4/21/2010 3:27:42 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |
Fredonia, TX
81, joined Sep. 2009
I've thought about this for days. As most of you know, I am a Southern woman, born and raised. My mother was from Ga and held the usual prejudices against black people that would be expected. My father felt very strongly that black men should be treated and paid the same as anyone else on a job, and, indeed, fought for this when I was just a small girl. The big surprise was that he was very critical of folks of the Latin persuasion.
I've seen so many children of mixed race suffer for their parents' love, and seen many mixed race marriagesd end because of pressures from others.
That is not the case now. There doesn't seem to be nearly as much judgment of children of mixed race or anyone, for that matter, of mixed race. I laud those of years past who had enough courage and conviction to pave the way for others around the prejudice.
I cannot answer whether I would be comfortable enough with a man of another race to marry him. I simply have no way of knowing that until faced with it, but I can surely tell you that a gentleman of color (any) with a gentle soul and character would beat out a white man who didn't have those qualities.
I am nearly positive that my great grandmother was a black slave. This does not bother me in the least, but I surely don't share that information with others in the family. I was oncae told by a black co-worker that I was a reverse Oreo. A white person with a black woman's soul. I'm still kinda proud of that.
At this point in my life I do firmly believe that this issue must be decided by the people involved, without judgment, and that all of us should be given our preferences without judgment. It is too persoanl an issue for general discussion of any effectiveness.
I enjoyed thinking on this one and reading other's thoughts.
[Edited 4/21/2010 3:29:22 PM ]
4/21/2010 6:21:03 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |

Waterford, CA
81, joined Nov. 2008
Czctus You do tell it very well. gj
4/24/2010 1:21:39 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |
Aurora, MO
84, joined May. 2009
My humble & sincere thanks to all who responded to this thread , please note that although I stated I wasn't interested in marrying or dating a lady of another ethnic solid background , doesn't mean I hold them any lesser of a fellow human being than my self , I'm not a bigot , nor racist, I only posed the question to read what others thought on the matter. Now as to any of mixed ethnical heritage,perhaps all the better for the gene pool.
4/24/2010 2:06:32 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |


Kernersville, NC
77, joined Jun. 2008
I have bi-racial great-grandchildren and my take is that they have inherited the best qualities of both races. I am tempted when asked to fill in a form indicating race, to write in as one guy did, 'Human'. But sometimes when reading all of the stupid, cruel things people do to each other, I think I would be embarrassed to do that! JMO
5/20/2010 8:08:56 PM |
Your opinions wanted on interracial dating , marriage |

Waterford, CA
81, joined Nov. 2008
I have fantastic mixed blood grand children and even a few great grand ones. I love them all. The white ones stick out lika sore thumb. And no one seems to care. I am intorduced as the light side of the family and we all have a good laugh and hugs all around. I would not trade anyone of them for another. They don't get any better than this. gj