1/14/2008 5:52:13 PM |
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Corning, CA
age: 50
I was trying to figure out how I felt about the shadow vs. picture debate and this is what I have so far>
I think it’s more like karaoke
With music you:
Without music you:
Sound like crap!
If a picture were to equal the music:
Without a picture/music, you are interpreting something that is completely open. Problem with being completely open, the viewer/singer has to figure out if it’s heartfelt/country, or sympathetic/jazz, or demeaning/rock, or… The viewer/singer now uses his/her own background of memories and experiences to fill in the blanks. What are the chances either of them are going to hit it exactly?
With a picture/music, you now have something to look at/sing to, and relate to on an emotional level. The picture/music is a fixed point, that allows the viewer/singer to relate to this image/music on a more intimate level. This (sometimes) helps the viewer/singer to understand the intentions of the writer/writer with a little more clarity.
Make any sense?
I had to read it 3 or 4 times myself to figure out what I was saying!

1/14/2008 5:55:20 PM |
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Lake City, TN
age: 59
wow Dan.....you amaze me     
Think I'm in love with Dan. Wrong thread.
[Edited 1/14/2008 5:56:00 PM]
1/14/2008 5:56:19 PM |
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Columbia, SC
age: 53
Dan ...... I think you are finally comfortable here. 
Forgive me for not commenting on your thread but I've got a headache and don't want to think THAT much. 
[Edited 1/14/2008 5:56:51 PM]
1/14/2008 5:57:36 PM |
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Springfield, MO
age: 52
Very good Dan! You amaze me with your thoughts.
1/14/2008 5:58:52 PM |
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Oakdale, CA
age: 51
i guess some people do not want their picture shown for privacy, that's what some one wrote today,with me i just dont have a camera anymore, it broke, my sister is coming from san fran next weekend for a visit and she is going to take one for me. i dont care if i show a pic, now my sister dosent like to show hers either but will send one to some one she is interested in. anyway thats my input.
1/14/2008 6:00:04 PM |
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Greensboro, NC
age: 53
But once you post a pic you can no longer be an International Man Of Mystery and it took me years to land this gig.

1/14/2008 6:05:17 PM |
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Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Very, very good Dan. Shall we have a show of hands ladies....rate of pulse now is?
Strat: Mystery man is good. At least to a point. Whadda think ladies?
1/14/2008 6:18:31 PM |
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Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
Finally, someone else gets it You da man Dan 
1/14/2008 7:41:40 PM |
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Greensboro, NC
age: 53
In the week I've been looking around there seems to be a lot of...what's the word...hostility?...to shadow people. Maybe it should become a membership requirement since it seems to create resentment. When my pics are scanned I was thinking of only emailng them anyhow.
1/14/2008 7:46:49 PM |
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Port Byron, IL
age: 53
If I had not had an ID card made I would not have a pic on here either I dont own a digital camera yet but I have an I pod but darn if I can figure out how to put music on it. LOL Just a matter of time on that later.
1/14/2008 7:55:20 PM |
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Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Shadow people have voices and feelings too.
1/14/2008 8:01:46 PM |
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Seven Springs, NC
age: 53
Dan, you never cease to amaze me...but I'm happy the people with no pictures are here as well...then we can make up our own song about them as they post and so what if it's wrong...we all will be if and when we finally meet too. We all have preconceived notions of each other, but we all know as well that you can be married to someone for years and never truly get to know them....so I sound a resounding WELCOME to those without pictures. Make us work for it. 
Dan, I still love ya! You's so deep.....
[Edited 1/14/2008 8:03:10 PM]
1/14/2008 8:21:51 PM |
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Corning, CA
age: 50
dreams - don't say that - I've worked forever to be average and not taken seriously!
it's just that once in awhile
I forget that part,
remember that I'm here
and maybe I ought to try and do something worthwhile - I'm not rich, I'm not famous, - I'm not that smart - (AAAHHHAAA gotcha - I said not THAT smart!) -
people in places like this try so hard to impress
try to be what they think others want them to be
I'm me
I've been bent over more times than I care to admit (I am Extremely sorry for <-that line "LADIES") but it's the most apropos phrase right now.
I have spent years of my life worrying about what my wife wanted - or my boss - or whatever(whomever) - now I only care about my children. I think I'm ready to share - but can only give you my word that when I commit - ....I will be yours
ME - I'm re-learning to have fun.
I'm not perfect, I gots lots oh problems - none of which are anyone elses
Did I mention a buddy of mine gave me 36 new garlic plants and some plants for the pond?!? today!
You have all embarrassed me
and I thank you for that
makes me smile
and that's all I wanted from ANY
of you

1/14/2008 8:26:24 PM |
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Venice, FL
age: 55
Dan...Have to agree with everyone here...and just add, thank goodness you joined this site..and found this group..we are all the better for it
For the shadow people...the path you have chosen is not an easy one, I have been guilty of thinking you are all the same...shame on me but once I started to get the hang of the threads...and was able to pay more attention to a name instead of a face...I noticed mannerisms, thoughts, humor...all different from one another...and I am pretty comfotable with the shadow people now. I have one that I consider a very good friend of mine...and truly hope to see her one day..not so much here..but in real life.
1/14/2008 8:37:30 PM |
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Corning, CA
age: 50
You may now seek inner peice - or any other peice you can grab!!!