1/19/2008 6:48:21 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Inverness, FL
age: 55
mik be sure you get the right info.... theres SSI, reg social sec retirement and social security disabilty, all 3 with vastly diff rule and regulations and eligibility requirements
1/19/2008 6:49:40 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Inverness, FL
age: 55
IF your on SSI you HAVE to convert to reg social security at age 65 anyway
1/19/2008 6:51:56 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Urbana, OH
age: 67
Knowledge is Power.At least 5 years before you think about retiring, go to
www.ssa.gov You can get all kinds of info on the net, you can also sign up for any kind of SS, or go to the SS office. They have racks of booklets, just waiting to be taken. Also, sign up for all of the updates. Right now, most people's full retirement age is 66 1/2. I can't remember for sure, if you retire early, you take a 33% cut. There are different kinds of Social Security. Plain SS, SSD- for disability, and SSI, it took over when they got rid of Old Age Pension. It is for people that don't have enough credits from working, and they become disabled.
Also, you will read on the site that is you qualify for Disability, you will be paid as if you had worked full retirement age. Sign up for it the first day that you can't work. Because they go back and pay you 6 months after you file for it. This is what I get. I won't say what I'm getting, it might seem like I am boasting. I was the head of Saftey for the Union, and I had to know a few rules to help the people.
The next thing you can have is a pension, I do. Also, I didn't go after any of my husband's when we divorced. His was alot better than mine, he worked for Navistar and I worked for Siemens.
Social Security was never meant to support anyone, just help out. I don't think they thought about all of these divorces. It does make a big difference if you live alone.
Hope you all can make this out, and hopes it helps someone. Love to all, Teddy
1/19/2008 6:54:23 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
Mikey you wait until your 65 and retire. You can continue to work after that without penalties and it will also increase your SSI checks. The amount of SSI you recieve is dependant on the state you live and it's cost of living. You move to Missouri or Nevada it will either increase or decease your SSI. Each state offers different services to retirees. MO has cut back on it's Medicare program. I have major issues with Nevada's health care and it's social services for seniors.
1/19/2008 7:04:40 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
Just think folks, Social Security is brought to us by the same kind, loving people that gave us the IRS! THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!
And now they want to run health care!
God help us!
1/19/2008 7:06:13 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Urbana, OH
age: 67
There is so much wrong information on here, that is why so many people get in such a mess. go to www.ssa.gov..... you will see you full retirement age. It has to be as much as mine..66 1/2, because I'm older that you are. And once you apply for Regular Social Security, early retirement, start getting your checks,you cannot go back and change it. Love to all, Teddy
1/19/2008 7:10:18 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
Uncle Sam makes up their own rules and regulations as they see fit, and if we're caught in the cross hairs....tough s*it!
1/19/2008 7:16:30 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
Firefighter and Teddy are right............and do go to the website.
I wouldn't ask a question like that of anyone on here unless they worked for SS. No one really knows all the rules and will unwillingly steer you wrong with a lot of well meaning suggestions. Best you do your own research on the website.
My disability ss is based on what I made when I worked....plus what I get for my retirement from the government. They basically equal half of what my true earnings were. That is on disability. They just passed a new law where you could work and draw disability retirement. However, that has a lot of little stipulations and is a bit confusing. So, best you read up on that from that website.
Did anyone ever stop to think how strange it is that something we all want..... SS .....is so similar to what was feared .....German..... SS......?
1/19/2008 7:18:51 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Donalsonville, GA
age: 58
You have to love our Federal Government. My husband retired from the Ohio State Highway Patrol at age 45 and got a real job to get his 40 quarters in. He chose to start receiving SS benefits at age 62. I tried to convince him to wait but he was insistent because he said that he had received the annual report from SS saying how much he would receive. When I told him that his SS would be offset by his pension, he was sure he would receive the amount they said he would get. This is one time where I wanted to be wrong, but I was right he received less than ONE HALF of the benefit. In the long run, it didn't matter because he died 5 weeks after his 62nd birthday. Social Security reissued the ONE check he was entitled to me 4 months after his death, along with the $255 in death benefits.
1/19/2008 7:21:14 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Bedford, TX
age: 59
The politicians should have to have social security deducted from their large salaries and live on what we have to live on. I lost my husband 4 years ago and will collect his instead of mine. I am saving every penny I can so I don't have to depend on anyone. I have also taken care of someone with cancer until their death and I don't care to do it again. Alone is an adjustment, but someone special in your life is much better!!! Texas is really warm and not too expensive to live....
Have a great day.
1/19/2008 7:25:46 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
Do you folks realize that Congressmen and Senators don't pay into Social Security?
Yet, these same lying bastards tell us what a good deal it is!
1/19/2008 7:28:07 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Urbana, OH
age: 67
Hodag, you are so right, then we have the low income apartments to look forward to, then the nursing home. I just heard they take your life insurance there, and when you die in Ohio, with no insurance, welfare used to bury you. Now the county will cremate you, and they want that last check,$250. from Social Security. I have to check this insurance thing out with my attorney.
1/19/2008 7:28:54 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Waterville, ME
age: 57
With baby boomers starting to retire now benefits are very different. Social Security has an extensive websight to navigate but I like getting my info from them in person. If you were born around my time you need to double check that retirement age. Mine was 66 not 65! They changed the formula some time ago. If you start drawing disability, you can work up to so much. That also is regulated. With disability there's also a suplemental social security that you may be eligible for. There's so many laws and rules and different ways to go with this, so seek counciling with a social security person...
1/19/2008 7:33:37 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
You folks that are left of center will probably get pissed off at me, but I'm going to say it anyway.
The Federal Government WANTS us to be as dependant on them as possible!
The more dependant on them we become, the more power they have over us.
And politics is all about POWER!
1/19/2008 7:42:00 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Kennesaw, GA
age: 60
Mic..seems to me, you've got some info but
not all. I draw a Widow's Benefit, plus his
retirement check (which is not concedered
"earned income") and I can still work &
earn $13,690. & not give up any monies, but
after that I have to give back 1 out 2...
doesn't seem to make any sense to give back
noth'n. So work for a short time @ anything
& when I get to the limit...quit. It's not
like living was - but I do OK.... There must
be a better formula! Go back again, & talk
to someone else. Or check out the on-line