1/19/2008 7:45:22 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Port Byron, IL
age: 53
Good luck to you- research for sure! I have to supplement my mom as she does not draw enough to live either and is unable to work. She is in a mobile home now paid for so no payment there but does have lot rent etc. If I could not help her she would have to live with me- God forbid Don't get me wrong I love my mom but to live with me is not a good thing I would have to be her little girl again she already sees me as 16 in her eyes I will never be a grown up.
1/19/2008 7:46:08 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Greenfield, IN
age: 58
We all my need to start playingthe lottery more 
1/19/2008 7:51:45 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
Sorry, Shell,
My folks look at me the same way.
1/19/2008 7:59:04 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
I am looking at turning 65 on my next birthday. I am told that at that point, I can go and earn any amount of money and there will be limit. My question to them was how does that make any sense, would it not be better for me to work, without penality from 62 to 65, being younger and hopefully better able to work and earn, save part of that money so I would have it when I needed it. No one could explain to me. Actually no one even had a answer. But no one asked me what I wanted either, just gave me the information book.
[Edited 1/19/2008 8:00:01 AM]
1/19/2008 8:19:03 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
To me the really sad part is that you work your whole life and then get to retire. To spend the rest of your life the way you thought you were going to be able to. Only to find out that what you thought was going to be there isn't. So you have a couple of choices do the best with what they give you if possible. Or get a part time job to make the extra money you need to just get buy. Was that your American Dream? Sunny
1/19/2008 8:53:34 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
I am drawing widow's SS at 1350 a month...and my 32 yr old son lives with me (he is slightly disabled) and pays me 500 a month rent for food and everything. I also have a room mate that pays 800 a month, but with all that in I still have to pay a house payment and all that goes with, plus my helath insurance of 650 a month---there's the rub.
I am going to downsize to a smaller house with no condo fee. I am moving back to NYS --I know the taxes there are high, but they have the Star program, which last year when I lived there, took 700 off my taxes, leaving me to pay about a 'normal' tax anywhere else.
I would downsize and fast. Depending onhow you want to live, just go for the basics. Until Jan 08 I had an income of 800 a month, so I took a second on the house (which is only MY house) to pull me through the next three months. It got me through to Jan.1, and I got SS right after that.
It's tough.
Be creative. You are probably entitled to food stamps---I got them--- and maybe a supplement heating stripend from your county. There also may be other programs for you. Call the county and they will give you the info. You worked forit, and you deserve it.
1/19/2008 9:02:17 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
Packmother the simple answer to your question is early retirement depletes the general funds. lets say you get $600 in early retirement and work. From your job you pay back into SS $100. So the general fund lost $500. So over a 4 year period the fund lost $240,000 times that by other early retirees. The fund loses millions $ annually.
1/19/2008 9:06:28 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
Food for thought:
There are certain truths that are true no matter how much we may deny them.
In the economic realm, for instance, you cannot legislate the poor into independance by legislating the wealthy out of it.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
Government cannot give to people what it does not first take away from people.
And that which one man receives without working for, another man must work for without receiving.
Kenneth W. Sollitt
Put another way, UNCLE SAM IS SCREWING US!
1/19/2008 9:18:23 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
hodag when it comes to money I trust no one. Everyone is out to line thier own pockets both the government and private sector. i've seen a union screw over its own members. I've seen companies screw over thier employees with their retirement plans. I've seen idiots in the government. But that's life.
1/19/2008 9:42:36 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
I am on my late husbands social security --widows disablity. I have my medicare part d and the others all paid for---I am living fairly good,but it always could be better.
I own my own place,but have bills to pay--and I'm not starving or anything similar to that.
S. Sec. told me I have one more husband left--if he dies I can draw more from him.
that kinda upset me asI don't want him to die--no matter what he did to me.
When I was married--or if I get married again, I can still draw this money and have all of the benefits,too.
I know our gov. sucks--they may work 2 days,but get paid for 5.grrrrrrrrrrr.
Good luck to all--hugssss--Pat.
1/19/2008 9:50:49 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
Thank you. Never even thought about that.
1/19/2008 9:51:39 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
Hodag I have to agree that the govt is screwing us over. But what can we do?
Sure we have elections, but do they really do what they promise?
Our governor when he got in office the very first thing he did was take away benifits for the elderly and disabled. We get a whole $10 a month to eat on in food stamps. I would like to see that fat SOB eat one meal for that.
Insurance is another thing that is screwing us over. They b*tch and moan about how much smoking is costing them. Yet they will not pay for any meds that would help us to quit. Or the obese factor. Don't pay for meds to help that either. They just want to b*tch and moan. But they won't help us. I even checked to see if that free meds to people who can't afford them would help. No because I have part D. Who won't pay for it. But if I give up my part D I would really be hurting because I need my meds for everyday living.     
1/19/2008 9:53:29 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
I thought if you remarried, you were returned to just your part of the ss?
There really is a lot more to know about ALL of this than I do. I really need to do some research, you are all making me wonder.
But thank you, I need to know as much as I can
1/19/2008 10:46:59 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Neenah, WI
age: 61
thinking very serious about a roommate or relocating.. 
1/19/2008 11:11:17 AM |
I had a big awaking yesterday |

Duncan, OK
age: 67
Mikey, living is pretty cheap down here in Okla. My friend moved back here from PA last year cause as she put it "living is cheap". You might be able to go to work for WalMart at min wage if you get in line. You might get 20 hrs a wk. The churches give free food once a mo to the needy. The Duncan Rescue Mission gives free clothes , furniture , etc. We have "low income housing" if you are below poverty level but again you have to get in line. Forget Welfare unless you are an unwed mother with a dozen kids , then you got it made in the shade. No work, just lots of free everything.