1/31/2008 6:20:07 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Louisville, KY
age: 26
I personally think we all complain of no manners, cheating, craziness....etc due to folks being mostly humanist.
A humanist is one who needs no god, worships not the state, and gives the individual deity.
Even a lot of christians are humanist. Think: when they pray is it to worship and give thanks.........or just say "gimme what I want right now" maybe with a please.
So, when someone is that self serving.....its only a matter of time before they get one over on you.
Seek someone who is humble. Seek someone who is naturally attractive without the bling.
You will find true love. Keep your own ego in check, and find someone else who does too.
1/31/2008 6:26:37 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 41 online now!
hu·man·ist /'hyum?n?st or, often, 'yu-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hyoo-muh-nist or, often, yoo-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity.
2. a person devoted to or versed in the humanities.
3. a student of human nature or affairs.
4. a classical scholar.
5. (sometimes initial capital letter) any one of the scholars of the Renaissance who pursued and disseminated the study and understanding of the cultures of ancient Rome and Greece, and emphasized secular, individualistic, and critical thought.
6. (sometimes initial capital letter) a person who follows a form of scientific or philosophical humanism.
7. of or pertaining to human affairs, nature, welfare, or values.
8. (sometimes initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the humanities or classical scholarship, esp. that of the Renaissance humanists.
9. of or pertaining to philosophical or scientific humanism.
humanists affirm the dignity and worth of all people, based on the ability to determine right and wrong by appeal to universal human qualities—particularly rationality.
Are you sure you're talking about a humanist? Because right now what you typed is basically a good study in bovine scatology.
I would love to date a humanist 
1/31/2008 6:27:07 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Mansfield, TX
age: 46 online now!
Very insightfull, Tommy.......so what do you suggest? I believe in The Creator, yet I don't have to parade myself in church to express my needs & desires. I believe in Man, yet I don't have to parade myself in "bling" to attract him. I believe in myself, yet I don't have to parade in front of a mirror to know that I'm worthy.
1/31/2008 6:29:25 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Louisville, KY
age: 26
Ahh, Bovine Scatology.
It was a hard choice to take that class.
You're correct on the official definition.
Just like most dictionaries wouldn't define a christian as a judgemental, arrogant, selfish, rationalizing hypocrite.......let's be real here.
Ghandi said "I like your christ, but your christians are nothing like him."
Same goes for humanists. They preach humanity and serve the one human they love best: Themselves
1/31/2008 6:31:08 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Moab, UT
age: 25
[Edited 1/31/2008 6:32:02 AM]
1/31/2008 6:32:00 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Louisville, KY
age: 26
Metu, I'm not sure I understand your question?
I try not to parade anywhere, and I don't attend organized religion.
I'm really simple.
[Edited 1/31/2008 6:32:54 AM]
1/31/2008 6:43:54 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44
There are some who would say that the act of writing about religion or faith based topics is God inspired...as the Bible was formed by inspiration from those author's spirit and opinion about multiple topics...regarding life, love, sex
How does that differ from what we do online here?
If you consider this forum the dead sea scrolls...
and each of us authors contributing our own version as the prophets and followers did B.C. on stone - the we are in all essence creating the next Bible.
Which that opinion alone will make my mother roll over and cry, wail and pull at her hair - yet is irrefutably TRUE.
Someone COULD indeed gather what we have written and form a book of references that is passed generation to generation about mores, and accepted sociological prinicples and one day a man could beat or tie up or fist his mate - because the book of such_and_such decreed it to be so, DH 2008....
Something to think about on Thursday...
I get to be the Book of Gone Sailing
Woo hoo! 
1/31/2008 7:26:53 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Louisville, KY
age: 26
Interesting point.
However, I think you either don't understand scripture or haven't studied it.
The "Bible" as its compiled, is twisted. The councils of Nicea and Laodicea have tried to conceal much wisdom.
There's really 4 parts to scripture:
Torah- The first five books of Moses. This was not a guy rambling about religion. This was YHWH appointing a man to give instructions for mankind to the Israelites because the Israelites were to afraid to see Yah's face. This is a once in a lifetime collection. The basis for all jewish, catholic, and protestant religions.
Prophets- These prophets not only "wrote about religion", they prophesied. Like the calling out of Cyrus the Persian by NAME 70 years before he saved Israel......before he was even born.
Or like saying Tyre would be flattened like a rock, never rebuilt, and used as a place for fishermen to dry nets. Guess who destroyed Tyre? Alex the Great. Some of the elite of Tyre escaped to an island a mile out to sea or so. Alexander had his army push the whole city in the ocean to make a bridge to the island. A city with the name Tyre exists today....but its 50 miles away from the original. No one rebuilt the original. Fisherman spread their nets there today in 2008. This is not rambling on a messageboard.
Brit Chadasha--- Called the New testament. These are folks who KNEW the messiah.
I can go on all day. Scripture is hard to understand so people who don't have a servant heart never dig into it.
Heaven is a treasure, and the road to it is ugly to most people
[Edited 1/31/2008 7:27:29 AM]
1/31/2008 7:33:16 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Suffern, NY
age: 21
I enjoy the book of Revelations
1/31/2008 7:36:55 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Suffern, NY
age: 21
my special verse is.God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes,and there shall be no more death,neither sorrow,nor crying,neither shall there be anymore pain,for the formaer things are passed away.
1/31/2008 7:37:35 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Louisville, KY
age: 26
I'm glad you brought that up.
Books like Enoch, Revelations, and Ezekial are visions.........not random religious rambling.
Any kook today could say he had a vision.....Yah tells to distinguish by seeing if the words come true. Enoch's, John's and Ezekial's all have come true.
The 4000 year old book of Enoch even describes the Earth as round and tells that the Earth goes around the sun, not vice versa.
That's modern science for the rest of us
1/31/2008 7:38:01 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Suffern, NY
age: 21
Every day is a gift from God.
1/31/2008 7:57:22 AM |
Do not date a humanist |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 41 online now!
Just like most dictionaries wouldn't define a christian as a judgemental, arrogant, selfish, rationalizing hypocrite.......let's be real here.
Same goes for humanists. They preach humanity and serve the one human they love best: Themselves
Ok let's be real. Why post about your disdain of humanists? (Even though I think you're using the wrong word). I'm guessing you lost an argument with one who identifies as a humanist and now you're up on a soap box asking everyone not to date one.
Google NPD and let us know what you think...
1/31/2008 2:18:36 PM |
Do not date a humanist |

Dallas, TX
age: 35
I was going to post a response, but my eyes have just rolled completely out of my head, and I have to go chase them down.
1/31/2008 3:08:58 PM |
Do not date a humanist |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
hahahahaha@ scarlett!
seriously as u have all heard before, there is good and bad in everyone.